Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1247: Strange flower on the wall (fifth more outbreak)

"It turned out you were looking for something here." At this time, the dwarf Weng Li also came along, and he said to Guan Heng: "You're right, this deep pit appeared several years ago. I'm afraid everything has fallen to the bottom of the maze. "

"After all, this is already the penultimate layer of the giant maze." Weng Li explained: "If there is something that disappears on this layer, then probably nine or nine are in the huge palace on the lowest floor."

"Is it the huge palace at the end of the maze?" Guan Heng said suddenly: "Brother Weng Li, I remember you said that the nest of that huge monster seems to be there, right?"

"Yes, so I'm not sure if the thing you are looking for fell into the nest of that thing impartially." Weng Li shook his head and asked, "How about it? Would you like to go down to find the giant monster?" What's wrong? "

Guan Heng laughed: "Do you need to say that? It is necessary."

Borui also nodded: "The boss Guan Heng is right, it seems we must go to the end of the maze."

The three men discussed it properly, but at this time, the trace of Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, was missing.

"Yabu, Abu!" Guan Hengyang yelled, "Where are you? This little guy, every time I use you, I don't know where to hide."

"I'm not lazy, you're wrong with me."

At this moment, Yabu fluttered out of the huge soil hole in front of the three people, and then said to Guan Heng: "I originally wanted to fly straight down to see, but there seemed to be an invisible magical restraint blocking me ,really weird."

"Regardless of those, let's take the stairs a little faster." Guan Heng had no time to think about Yabu's words. He waved anxiously to Yabu: "Hurry up and don't delay any more time."

As a result, the three people and the soul-absorbing beast hurried to the front of the stairs leading to the bottom.

Suddenly, the dwarf Weng Li reached out and stopped the two behind him. He said softly, "Did you see the brick wall next to the stairs? The weird and bright flowers growing on it are not plants, but a monster's head. Similar to the petals in the mouth, a sting that paralyzes human nerves suddenly spit out. Be careful, the stairs leading to the end of the maze are not easy to pass. "

Speaking, Weng Li picked up a piece of rubble near his feet and threw it at the strange flowers on the wall.

"Patter!" When the stones hit the petals, the three heard the wind blowing sharply in their ears. "Squeak!" A number of small sharp objects blasted out, and the sound of tearing air was endless. The walls opposite the flowers were nailed with dark spikes.

"See clearly." Guan Heng said at this time: "I noticed that when the spikes in the petals ejected, they spiraled out like spirals, and were shaken straight by the recoil in an instant, so that ’s why Such terrible speed and destructive power. "

"Let's go, I'll come first, Borui, you follow me."

Guan Heng said, taking a step forward, and suddenly gathered the power of Hurricane King of the Serpent King on his palm, chopping out a "Hurricane Hand Knife", "Oh!" The Hurricane Hand Knife traced an arc-shaped trajectory, and suddenly passed the wall The strange flower on the ground immediately chopped it to the ground.

"Oh!" When the strange flower fell to the ground, the beveled cutout was flowing with bright red water, and at the same time, the disconnected place began to regenerate at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"Borui, aim at the bleeding Qihua fracture, fill in a flame spell." Guan Heng commanded, Borui immediately did, the fire ball of the flame spell immediately shot, and suddenly burned the weird strange flower monster. Second net.

"That's it. I used the hurricane knife to cut off the heads of strange flowers and monsters, so that they could not use the petals to shoot spikes."

Guan Heng said at this time: "While they are starting to regenerate, Bory burns them to death with a fire spell."

Borui immediately said, "Okay, just do that."

At this time, the dwarf Weng Li chuckled with his wheel axe and said, "I found it very convenient to explore the maze with your brothers. You didn't have to take my shots, and you were all flat."

"That's not what it says."

Guan Heng walked down the stairs at this time, while cutting off the strange flower corolla in front of him, he continued: "If you don't have the rich maze exploration knowledge of Brother Weng Li, I and Bory may still be on it A few layers go around blindly, so your role is crucial. "

"Haha, brothers Heng Heng said this, my face is almost turning red." At this moment, Weng Lizhen laughed: "I am relying on the experience of escaping from the dead in the palace many times to help everyone a little help That's it. "

"Hoo--" Yabuya in the air suddenly flew to Guan Heng, and he shouted cheerfully: "Guan Heng, Guan Heng, I smell the scent of the soul demon stele, but ..."

Abu said hesitantly again: "It seems that there are other weird smells around the stele, and it seems we have to confirm it before we know what is going on."

"I see ... Yabu, let's get out of the way!" Guan Henggang and the soul-sucking beast spoke for a while, and suddenly felt something rushing out of the crack in the wall on the corner of the front stairs, so he immediately drove Abu to fly away from himself. .

"Hoo-oh!" He said time and time, and when Yabu was flying straight, the things that came out of the cracks in the wall were aimed at Guanheng, a burst of shots, and all the tiny spikes of time. Ben rushed across Guan Heng.

At that moment, Guan Heng clearly saw that this object was a huge corolla that was several times larger than other strange flower monsters. Guan Heng knew that this was the boss of the strange flower monster.

However, in the face of a large number of shots from the west, they could not dodge back then, because Borui and Weng Li were both behind him. If Guan Heng avoided them, those two would suffer.

After a while, Guan Heng did not advance or retreat. When the hundreds of small poison stings in front of him completely became scattered, he yelled and split two knives, and the fierce invisible knife suddenly shocked the poison stings in front of him. The direction is ****, the sword strength is destroyed, and the huge corolla is directly crushed.

At this moment, the remaining poison spurs flew close to the two behind Guan Wangshen, and Borui also reacted between the electric light and flint. The huge corolla wound in front of the bloodstream was a fierce fire spell. Man!

"Boom!" The fiery flames swept through the broken corolla stump on the wall, and the wall was burnt dark, and the huge strange flower monster disappeared.

"Let's go." Guan Heng saw that the obstacles on the front wall had been cleared, and other strange flowers and monsters began to shrink because of the fear of the flame magic, so he hurriedly led the two people behind him and ran down.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.5, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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