Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1248: Stone monster and anteater (first)

"Yabu, fall on my shoulder." Guan Heng commanded as he ran: "Don't be too far away from me. The monsters in this maze are very strange. If you get caught again, you will be in trouble."

"Okay." The soul-sucking animal agreed, flying down on Guan Heng's shoulder.

At this time, Guan Heng asked without looking back: "Weng Li, what are the monsters at the bottom of the maze? Tell me first."

"This ... the bottom-most monsters are clay stone monsters, poisonous needle anteaters, and the army of the undead ..." Weng Ligang said here, and Borui behind him shouted, "What do you say ?! Is there an army?"

"Yeah, the skeleton army of the undead."

At this time, the three had run down the stairs, Weng Li stopped and then said to Guan Heng and Borui: "There are probably hundreds of undead skeleton soldiers. According to legend, it was the evil magician who built this underground maze before. Called by the world, these skeleton soldiers are cruel and bloodthirsty, and their fighting ability is excellent. "

Guan Heng asked, "Brother Weng Li, have you worked with those undead skeleton soldiers? In what areas do they usually operate?"

"The skeleton soldiers are usually stationed outside the palace. I always avoid actions and do n’t do anything with them, because in this dark place where there is no sunlight all year round, even if the skeleton soldiers are smashed, they will recover quickly. , There is no need to waste energy on them. "

Having said that for a moment, Weng Li continued to say, "The huge monster I am looking for is in the dormitory at the end of the huge palace on the ground floor. According to several dives, I found that among the skeleton soldiers stationed outside the palace, there are A giant skeleton at the command level, there seems to be some tacit understanding with that giant monster. "

"There is a tacit understanding between the monster and the skeleton leader?" Guan Heng frowned and asked, "What does that mean?"

"Huge monsters never proactively provoke the skeleton soldiers stationed on the periphery of the palace. To support their huge physical activities, they must often rest and sleep in the palace."

At this time, Weng Li looked at the movements around him, and found that there was nothing abnormal, and then continued to say: "But when a skeleton soldier patrols, he accidentally breaks into the dormitory and disturbs the huge monster, and it will be crushed mercilessly. Broken, the Skull Leader also ignored this incident, so the relationship between the two sides has been in a state of non-interference. "

"That was the case." After listening to Weng Li's introduction, Guan Heng bowed his head thoughtfully, and at this time, a sudden heavy footsteps came from the distance.

He raised his ears and listened, Weng Li immediately whispered: "This is the footsteps of clay stone monsters. This kind of monster is an individual acting alone. We can easily defeat it, but do not disturb the nearby poisonous needle ants. Those guys are all in groups, and there are dozens or hundreds at a time, which is very difficult to deal with. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng and Borui nodded again and again to understand that, a few seconds later, a huge figure standing several meters tall suddenly strode beside the stairs.

This thing is thick and black, and it is all black. The whole body is made of wet mud and clay structure. There is no mouth or nose on the head. There are only two black holes in the cave. It seems to be a pair of eyes with pale yellow and green light.

"Hands on!" With a yell of the dwarf Weng Li, he rushed down into a shadow in the air, slamming the clay stone monster's head, this attack is the soul-absorbing beast Yabu.

Shiguai didn't have a mouth, but he gave a dull roar under the pain: "Why ..." Before the clay stone monster roared completely, Borui's figure suddenly appeared in the oblique stab, he waved the wand of the dragon magic Growling: "Flame ice cone."

"Oh!" A few feet of ice cone appeared instantly, and the core of the flame flashing on it suddenly nailed to the head of the clay stone monster.

"Crack, click!" A thick layer of ice instantly covered the stone monster's head, making it unable to make any sound. Then, the core of the flame in the ice block flickered and burned, burning the clay stone monster's head into flames. Ashes.

"Good job, Borui." Guan Heng laughed beside him. "You're very sharp."

"Tongtong!" At this moment, the headless corpse of the clay stone monster suddenly fell to the ground, and a group of souls floated out of the stone monster's body.

"This is ... the soul group of monsters." Guan Heng thought to himself: "The monsters in the maze are generally not very intelligent. The soul stones of such monsters don't know what it is useful for, leave them first."

Thinking about it, Guan Heng shot lightningly, turning the clay stone monster's soul into a soul stone, and holding the soul stone in his hand. Guan Heng searched the information in the soul stone a little. He found that the clay stone monster has no IQ, but possesses a natural skill that is stronger than the monsters in other soils.

The so-called magic soil shaping is to gather the soil elements around the body to accelerate the regeneration and solidification of the soil monsters, which is a good little trick.

"Borui, don't you have a trick of" foot-binding stone demon "?" Guan Heng said to Borui: "If you want to increase the magic power, you can refine this soul stone with your own magic power. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng threw the clay stone monster stone to Borui: "This thing is the last source of power of the soil-based monsters, and it will be of great benefit to your soil-based magic."

"Thank you, Boss." Borui grinned and put away the soul stone, he said, "There will be such good things next time, remember to leave it to my brother."

"Well, don't be too greedy ..." Guan Heng was a little accustomed to Borui's greedy and cheap appearance, and just about to rebuke, he heard Abu in midair suddenly shout: "Guan Heng, there are a lot of monsters in the left front. Come on, I'll intercept it first. "

Speaking, without waiting for Guan Heng to answer, the soul-sucking beast had flapped his huge ears and greeted him, seeing the momentum of Yabu, Guan Heng's heart moved: "Yabu, the courage has been very small before, But after constantly absorbing the spirit body of the soul demon, it seemed to become brave, I wonder if it was my illusion. "

"These are poisonous needle anteaters." At this time, Dwarf Weng Li said with sweat on his forehead: "Attention, the sound of our attack on the clay stone monster just now must have alarmed these guys. The anteaters are irritable and easily provoked. what."

"Boom! Huh!" At this moment, Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, aimed at the poisonous needle ant beast in mid-air, and suddenly spit out a thick mist of bones. The fog swept away, and it was necessary to see the poisonous needle ant beast. Completely shrouded!

"Oh!" When it was time and time, the entire group of seven or eight ant beasts screamed suddenly, and the whole body began to bloom with a yellow light. Borui shouted at the sight: "Oh, it's the wind. The magic elements of these, these ants and beasts ... "

Before Borui finished speaking this sentence, a strong wind raged around the poisonous needle ant beast group. This wind not only produced a strong barrier, but also scattered the bone fog that swept through.

—— [The first change in 2016.6.6, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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