Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1249: Three ant kings

"Uh ?! My trick failed." Yabu, the soul-sucking beast in the air, was so startled that he hadn't waited for his next reaction, and the ant beast rushing at high speed had shot him poison at high speed. thorn.

Poison Needle Ants are veritable fiendish monsters. They look like black ants, but they are comparable in size to calves, and their heads are full of drums.

Whenever the poisonous needle ant beast is furious, the bulge on the head will burst and crack, and a few feet long sharp things like needles and thorns will be ejected from it, and the poisonous substance on it will make the enemy's enemies kill time. The body was stiff, and there was unstoppable black blood in the middle of the needle.

Because Abu, the soul-sucking beast, took the lead in attacking the ants, the ant in the fury raised his head and angered, and began a crazy attack on Abu in the air. Only when the overwhelming sound of blasting sounded, Abu was frightened. "Oh, this is over!"

"Pop-pap!" At a critical juncture, Guan Heng's figure moved, and he flew to Yabu in the air, "Dangdang, papapa!"

The next moment, the dragon's tooth blade in Guan Heng's palm danced through the wind and rain, and he had plucked off 80% or 90% of the poison needles in front of him.

"Drink—Frozen Mantras!" At the same time, Borui's ice-based magic was cast quickly, and a large cold froze on the ground instantly. The stinging poisonous needle ant beast just stepped on the ice surface and immediately slipped. Slipped a lot.

"Bang!" He rushed in front of the iron shield and hit the poisonous needle anteater flying over. The dwarf Weng Li also showed good fighting power at this time, and he shouted: "Just find the poisonous needle anteater. The black ant queen in the swarm can kill the ant colony completely. "

"Patter!" Guan Heng had already landed lightly at this moment. Hearing Weng Li's words, he bent his knees slightly and jumped out suddenly.

"Hurricane smashing!" Alas, Guan Heng landed among the poisonous needle ants and beasts with the sniper smashing of Hurricane of the Serpent King, and flew out those squealing ants in a blink of an eye, but there were only three The relatively large inky ant beast reluctantly lay down and climbed in place.

"These three guys are all black ant kings!" The dwarf Weng Li shouted and waved the iron shield in his palm. The shield wrapped around the wind and drew an arc in midair, exhaled and hit one of the black ants. King's head.

The black ant king faced the iron shield without fear, but banged his head straight forward, "when bang-bang!" Iron shield was struck by the strong head of the ant king for a while.

But at this moment, the dwarf Weng Li had already swooped in, and the wheel axe in his palm fell wildly, "Oh!" Half of the black ant's head was suddenly cut off by the axe blade, and that side was lifted into the air Iron Shield fluttered back and flew back, jamming the black ant's waist unbiasedly.

"You go to death!" Weng Li's eyes flashed a flash of color, and then he swept his axe across the neck of the opponent to chop the ant king's head to the ground!

At the same time, Borui was already facing another Black Ant King. "Yeah!" The black ant king ’s skull and drum pack burst instantly, ejecting dozens of small poisonous needles from the inside. This kind of venomous needles are much smaller than ordinary anteater poisonous needles, but the firing speed is extremely fast. Almost gone and gone.

"Uh, danger!" Borui saw the other menacing, hurriedly retreating for several meters, and all the poisonous echidna fell to the ground, and immediately made the area dark.

"Is there any reason, a black ant is quite arrogant, I'm going to fight back!"

"Bound foot stone demon, catch it." In the low roar of Borui, the ground at the feet of the black ant rushed out a few large hands, and suddenly stabbed the ant king strong.

"Hey!" At this moment, Borui gathered the element of fire in one hand and the element of ice in the other. He suddenly drank and waved forward: "Compound magic, flame ice meteorite!"

"Woohoo--" In mid-air, there were dozens of ice hockey **** with a diameter of several feet in a hurry, and the flames of the ascension were wrapped around them, and they smashed into the immovable Black Ant King on the ground.

The next moment, listening only to the squeaking and screaming of the black ant king, it was swallowed up by the ice hockey and flames in an instant.

"Squeak!" Borui and Weng Li, who had just solved the black ant king in front of themselves, suddenly heard a scream coming from behind them. They looked back, and it turned out that Guan Heng was playing with the black ant king.

It turned out that when Guan Heng slashed the ant beast with hurricanes, many ant beasts flew out of the ground and re-closed to the last ant king. Guan Heng knew that if he did not solve the black ant king, these ants Will entangle enthusiastically.

Therefore, Guan Heng started to attack the black ant king in front of him. At first, the ant king led his subordinates, and brushed at Guan Hengyu to shoot poison needles, but that little trick couldn't stop Guan Heng, and he started the knife. After the fall, Guan Heng chopped several anteaters, and then flew to knock down the black ant king, and the blade of the dragon's tooth swept across, cutting off the black spirit cover and antennae of the black ant king.

Affected by this, the ant king's poisonous needle ejection could not play immediately. I saw it screamed fiercely, and immediately scared the remaining dozen poisonous needle ant beasts to flee and died.

Watching the last black ant king plop through and fell to the ground, Guan Heng turned and walked towards Yabu, who was beside him. He asked, "Little guy, are you all right?"

"Uh, it scared me." Yabu said with a lingering heart: "I forgot that my ossified fog was the most afraid of wind magic, and I almost got into a hedgehog by the other party."

"Okay, come here quickly." Guan Heng waved to Abu, and then asked, "Did you smell the smell of the soul demon stele?"

"Well, it should be in the area north of this palace." Yabu said, shaking his head, "But I feel that the smell of soul demon seems to disappear sometimes, sometimes far, sometimes close, and it seems that there are magical restraints blocking me. Smell. "

At this time, two other people came over, and the dwarf Weng Li heard Yabu's words and immediately told Guan Heng and Borui: "The north side of the huge palace is the direction of the main entrance of the palace, with the skeleton soldiers and the skeleton leader outside. That's where the giant monster sleeps. "

"Hey, our goal isn't the same guy, right?" Borui frowned suddenly. "Boss, maybe that giant monster that looks like a dragon clan is guarding the stone monument of the soul demon."

Hearing this, Guan Heng touched his chin and said, "Well, what you said makes sense, it really seems to follow Brother Weng Li and go to the palace at the end of the palace."

"But before that, there were hundreds of undead skeleton soldiers waiting for us." After choking the wheel axe in his hands, Weng Li suddenly looked at Borui and Guan Heng and asked: "How? Two, Shall we kill them directly or sneak in? "

—— [Second more in 2016.6.6, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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