Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1448: Turn back again (first)

"Uh, the envoy said that it makes sense. The ape-devil family has the most affection for blood, and the split-day giant ape is no exception." Shi Minsu calmed down a bit at this time, she said: "Let's go and hurry up and detain me The place!"


At this moment, Guan Heng had been carrying the Ape Demon woman Io out of the city gate of the Underground City. When he ran to the outskirts of the barren countryside, he suddenly heard a noise and roar with the sound of beasts. Guan Heng's There was a rush of joy on his face.

"It's the roar of Xunxue Beast, great, this guy is here!" Guan Heng thought of this, speeding up on his toes, and several vertical drops have reached the place where Xunxue roared.

In the next second, the scene that appeared before Guan Heng's eyes was ... Xun Xuebei was tortured a group of patrolling snake demon warriors. I saw this blue scale beast shaking his body and knocking a few guys, letting them spit. The blood fell down and flew out far away, and then he would spit out a series of rapid freezing breath, and completely frozen the enemy in front of him into an ice dumpling. In a word, the snow beast was playing happily at this time.

My heart couldn't help but be secretly funny, Guan Heng gently placed Iao on the ground, and then yelled, "Hey, stop playing, and quickly kill them."

"Hahaha, Guanheng, why are you here now?" Hearing each other's shouts, Xue Xuebei laughed first, and then madly exaggerated: "Small sisters, try this trick!"

"Bang!" Speaking slowly and quickly, a pair of foreskins of Xun Xueshou suddenly stepped on the ground, listening only to a loud bang, the ground cracked and subsided, and Xun Xueshou roared: "Snow storm scattered flying scale!!"

"噗-嗤嗤嗤!" In an instant, the blue scales of the snow monster's entire body instantly wrapped in the cold air, and these frosty scales suddenly swept over the bodies of all snake demon warriors, suddenly they or Skulls are cut off, or the waist is cut off on the spot!

"嗖-Papa!" The most surprising thing is that those flying blue scales made a roundabout in the air, and the puppet fell back on the snow beast again.

"Wow, this trick is super powerful." Guan Heng couldn't help but sigh. "I have never seen you do it before."

"Oh, it's just a little trick that I don't like to use usually. It's nothing great." After receiving the compliment, Wu Xueshou first shook his head proudly, and then asked, "How about, shall we retreat now?"

"No, take Mrs. Io to find Gang Kui and Seraki first." Guan Heng said these words to Wu Xuebei, and then said to Io: "Madam, please withdraw to safety first I will be responsible for rescuing Adam, Dan. "

"But, Mr. Guan Heng, I ..." Iao hesitated and just wanted to persist, but Guan Heng waved and said, "Madam, please believe in my ability. Now that I can rescue you from prison, naturally You can also rescue the order son, you must hurry away so that I can start the rescue without worry. "

"I see. The safety of my son Adan, please ask Mr. Guan Heng." After a little hesitation for two seconds, Iao knew that his stay would not help him except to drag the other side, so Yi In desperation, Austria stepped on the snow beast.

"Hey, Xun Xueshou, after you sent Mrs. Io to Gang Kui, remember to come back to pick me up." Guan Heng said at this moment: "After you return here, just stay there and stay there." I'll bring the child over to meet you soon. "

"I understand, I'll see you later." After finishing the sentence, Wu Xuebei hurried forward, and suddenly jumped into the shadows with his own space vertical leap.

"Well, the adults have saved, now is the time to save the children." Guan Heng walked towards the Underground City at this time, thinking, "The question is where to find the place where Adan was imprisoned ..."

"DaDa Da--" At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps in the distance, and there was a rush of conversation between the two people.

One of the guys ran ahead, and he turned back from time to time to urge his companions: "Hey, move faster, but we are going to report to the patriarch by the order of the special envoy of Allendo. This is an important event, but we can't delay it."

"I know, don't urge me. Who would have thought that there would be a riot in the underground city prison at this time?"

Another said, "I heard that an important female hostage of the Ape Demon Catch that the Snake Clan had caught before was gone, so the Special Envoy let us secretly go back and report that there were changes in the plan. The clan alliance may have to be put on hold. According to the envoy's intention, I am afraid that it is best to keep the soldiers alone. "

"Hey, these things are nothing more than wild guesses. Knowing too many secret things is not good for you or me." The man said earlier said: "We are only responsible for quietly returning to the third Abyss to pass the message, don't think about it, don't ask too much, this is the way to keep your life safe. "

"By the way, did you bring the one-way space-scrolling scroll back to the third abyss?" The second man suddenly slowed down at this time, he whispered, "That ’s why Alliedot is for Our baby, we have to rely on it to return to the third level of the abyss. "

"Relax, you see, here it is." After saying this, the guy took something out of his arms and smiled in front of his companion, "Isn't that the thing?"

But at this moment, the hand in the oblique thorn suddenly reached out and grabbed this one-way space moving scroll. At the same time, a voice chuckled: "This thing is good, it's a good thing, I wanted!"

"Ah? You are ..." The two rat envoys, Alledo, sent back to the news agent, and when they saw Guan Yoo in front of him, they were shocked to fight the cold war, but they hadn't waited for their next move. Guan The horizontal shot was like a flash of electricity, and the swift and inexorable slap of the palm fell on one's neck. The boy even had no time to scream, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Pop!" Speaking late, fast, Guan Heng quickly grabbed another's collar after knocking down one, and he sneered sneerly: "If you don't want to die, just ask me the question honestly Real answer. "

"Yes, yes, uncle, if you have any questions, the younger must tell the truth." The boy glanced at his companion who was lying on the ground and didn't know his life, almost scared his pants: "Just ask me to spare my life, I It's a messy errand, not worth a fart ... "

"Shut up!" Before waiting for the boy to finish the accusation, Guan Heng had coldly interrupted him: "I only ask you a few things. Where are you and the boy who fell to the ground?" Where was the kid Adan, who was captured by the Ape Demon, detained? Say! "

—— [2016.7.16 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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