Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1449: Rat Mind

"My companion and I just returned to the third level of the abyss and reported our situation here to Lord Karupa, our patriarch of the Heart Eater tribe."

The Rat Courier was sweating at this time, and he stuttered, "As for the kid caught by the Dark Serpent, I, I really don't know where it is being held. There should be only our special envoy, Aledo. The adults and the patriarch of the snake clan knew ... "

Hearing this, Guan Heng's eyes flickered for a moment, and he thought for a few seconds, and then asked, "What is your special envoy, Aledo, where is your head?"

"Allied ... Lord ... He and he were staying at the residence of the Snake patriarch at that moment, and that place was at the left end of the underground city, and the biggest house was." He trembled and begged: "Uncle, everything I know has been told to you, the others, I, I really don't know."

"Huh, no waste, I think I have dirty hands, and I don't bother to kill you." Speaking of which, Guan Heng twisted his arms around the other side of the electric light and flint, and the boy's eyes suddenly darkened slowly. Fall softly.

Guan Heng searched on these two guys and found two metal tokens engraved with a rat's head, apparently a status symbol of the messenger, and a letterhead, which seemed to be written by the special envoy Alledo to the Patriarch ——Karupa's secret letter, Guan Heng closed up these things and the one-way space teleport scroll, and then turned to the underground city.


After a moment, Guan Heng, who was mixed into the underground city, walked on the street again. I saw that at this moment, there were messy scenes everywhere, and many houses were still floating with dark pillars of smoke. It was the fire that Guan Heng quietly put on. It is now barely extinguished.

At this time, the streets of the underground city were also under martial law. Snake devil patrols were running back and forth everywhere. Those guys muttered in their mouths, saying what happened to the death row prisoners in the underground city prison, and even the patriarch's own son died. There Yunyun.

"Hehehe, this group of guys didn't expect that my" culprit "who robbed the prison and killed the lord of the minority is still here.

Guan Heng heard the serpent warriors and patrols talking on the road, and almost didn't laugh out. At this moment, he had arrived at the home of Shi Zongsu, the patriarch of the snake tribe in the underground city. This is a four-storey luxury house Compared with the humble dwellings of different heights in the rest of the underground city, it is a stark difference.

The next moment, Guan Heng was already standing next to the outer wall here, and suddenly used illusion to transform his appearance into the appearance of the rat-like messenger. Then he slammed up the fence and grabbed his forearm. Looked inside the wall, the location happened to be the backyard area of ​​the mansion, at this time it was empty.

Guan Heng found the opportunity at this moment, turning over and shouting lightly, without any sound. At this moment, Guan Heng secretly murmured: "The guy who questioned just now said that the residence of the special envoy of the heart-rats, Alliedo, should be on the third floor of this mansion, and he would meet this guy first. "


At the same time, on the third floor of the Dark Lord Snake patriarch's mansion, the restless envoy Anriedo sat down in a chair with a quiet face, and this guy had long ago been calm and calm, while Anriedo stood beside him. It was the deputy he brought from the Heart Eater clan, named "Mavos".

Seeing his master was not very happy, Marworth hurriedly compacted and whispered, "Master, you don't have to worry too much, our messenger has been sent out, I believe there will be new instructions from the patriarch soon. Pass it down, in my opinion ... "

"That's enough, it's all salty nonsense!" Anriedo interrupted the deputy, and he said to Mavos: "We are here to encourage the snakes to go to the crazy monkeys. Start a war, and then benefit from the battle between the ape demon and the dark devil snake clan. If you return to the third abyss empty-handed, you will definitely be charged by the patriarch. How can you not worry about me? "

Having said that, Alliedo paused a little, and he continued to say, "If it doesn't work, I must persuade Shi Nusu's **** and let her hand over Adan, the ape-devil tribe, and bring me back. The third layer of the abyss, in this case, the most important chip is our mouse family. "

"However, the ape-devil cub is an important hostage now. I don't think the snake patriarch will easily hand him over." Marvos said in a low voice. The madam patriarch obediently gave us the monkey cubs. "

"Really?" Arriedo was skeptical at the moment, and he glanced at his deputy before saying, "What's the plan? Let's talk first."

"Hey, this is actually very simple." Marbos blinked a pair of small bean-like eyes and murmured in the ears of Eredo: "As long as the envoy, you, promise countless benefits to the patriarch of the snake clan. , And promised to wait until the snakes and the crazy monkeys go to war, we will fully support the rat family, so in this case, the chief Shi Shisu must be willing to donate the monkey cubs for us to take away ... "

"Huh, this is a stupid idea!" Before the end of Marvos, Anriedo interrupted the other with an angry attitude: "The problem is, our patriarch, Lord Carupa, never promised me to make these promises. . "

"It's not bad at all, but you don't say, how can the snakes know that what we promised cannot be fulfilled?"

This remark awakened the dreamer of Aledo. He grabbed the armrest of the chair and sat up, saying, "You mean, let me deceive Shi Yunsu, and make a lot of promises, Then we caught the little cub of the ape demon, and returned to the third layer of the abyss, and then released the news that the snake tribe detained Adan, so the giant ape of the sky will be furious. With his hot temper, he will definitely be with the dark devil The clan fought to the end. "

"Hehehe, it is indeed a special envoy. Even I didn't expect this idea before, you are really amazing." Mavos immediately offered two compliments without losing the opportunity.

"I don't even need you to say that I admire myself very much." At this moment, Alliedo stood up and paced back and forth in the room. Then he said in a deep voice: "Since this countermeasure has been thought out, then Without further ado, I have to rush to find the patriarch of the snake clan, and I must convince her to hand over the cubs of the ape clan. "

"These two guys have a good abacus, but unfortunately I can't let you do it." At this moment, Guan Heng, who overhears outside the door, suddenly called out the soul demon king, he whispered: "Basilisk, you enter through the door first, subdue these two assholes!"

—— [2016.7.16 second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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