Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1450: Breaking the enemy's nest alone (third)

"Observe, master." The multi-headed Basilisk promised, and suddenly entered the room, only to hear the sound of the wind rising sharply, followed by two thuds, and the multi-headed Basilisk immediately said in Guan Heng's mind: "Master "I've done it. Come in."

When Guan Heng quietly pushed in the door, he found that the multi-headed basilisk had subdued two Heart Eater clan people, of which Marvos had passed out and fainted in the mouth, while Alliedo was taken by the multi-headed basilisk. The giant tail was entangled tightly, and the unstoppable trembling trembled. Under the deterrence of the Basilisk, the boy did not even dare to speak.

"Hehehe, it's been a long time, Mr. Envoy's special envoy." Guan Heng sneered sneered at this moment: "I want to know where the kid caught by the Dark Serpent Clan now, I believe you can tell me the exact location Right? "

"I, I don't know ..." Arriedo's sophistical words hadn't finished, "Slap!" Guan Heng slapped his fat face: "This is not the answer I want!"

"Uh ?! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh") under the pain, Aledor wanted to shout, but the multi-headed Basilisk is faster. It has restrained Aledor's throat with his own power in the light and flint, Let him just open his mouth for a long time, but could not say a word.

"Look, if the next sentence isn't the correct answer I want to know, there will be fewer ears and noses on your face." Guan Heng said at this time, staring at Andredo with cold sweat on his face. There is no interest in slaughtering rats, but the people who anger me have always had no good end, Basilisk, let him talk! "

"Uh-huh ... keke ..." The next second, Alledo resumed his ability to speak. He started with a severe panting and coughing, and then said in a hurry: "Forgive me, I said, I said, that ape Adan, a demon child, is secretly detained in the bedroom of the patriarch of the snake clan, but I don't know exactly where it is. "

"The patriarch's bedroom?" Upon hearing this, Guan Heng's eyes flickered, and he sternly asked, "Hey, is it true what you said?"

"It's true, it's true." At this time, Aledo was tightly wrapped around the waist by the Basilisk, and was almost breathless. He gasped and said, "I've seen and seen the Snake patriarch Shi Yuan Sue came out of the bedroom with her child in it! "

"Hey, you didn't even have the courage to lie to me." Guan Heng then commanded: "Basilisk, you go directly into this guy's body to control him, we go."

At this moment, Guan Heng, who turned into a rat messenger, and Allied, who was controlled by the soul demon king, walked on the aisle on the third floor of the mansion, as if Allied was moving forward with his men. Located on the top floor outside the patriarch's bedroom room door.

There were two guards guarding them. They saw Anriedo and Guan Heng coming over, and just wanted to ask the other party what was happening, but they did not expect Guan An and Basilisk-controlled "Anliedo" to take the shot without hesitation. The two unlucky snake-devil guards immediately died on the spot.

"Dangdang!" Guanheng kicked the door open, and strode in with "Alliedo". At this moment, Shi Susu, the surprised snake patriarch, screamed in exclaimation: "Allied, what do you want to do?"

"Just do this!" Guan Heng laughed a long time ago, and Longya Blade had already emerged from the scabbard, and then a swift and extremely fierce thunder-fire dragon slashed: "Oh!"

"Is there any reason to dare to attack me somehow !!" Shi Yingsu, as the patriarch of the Dark Devil Snake Race, of course, also had two brushes. I saw her in a black robe suddenly shocked, and the monstrous black gas snake shadow violently ran behind her Come out: "Dark Devil Snake, Fission Kill-"

"Hoo-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh being the time, the dark serpent shadow separated its four heads, and when the fangs roared, it was worthy to block Guan Heng's thunderous fire!

"Well, it's quick to respond, but how can a little trick like you stop my Dragon Breath Slam? Stop dreaming!" Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and the fierce thunderbolt smashed the four black gas snakes. Skull shattered, and Guan Heng laughed, "Basilisk, these dark substances are good. Swallow it."

"Thank you master for your reward." The multi-headed Basilisk was overjoyed, and immediately sucked with its big mouth, and immediately swallowed all the scattered black gas snake fragments.

"Ah ?! You are not an entourage of Aledo, and even the patriarchs of the Heart Eater clan do not have such arrogant strength as you." Seeing his own trick instantly broken, Shi Su Su was frightened in shock: "You Who is it? "

"On your rotten snake ... not worth asking Master Ben's name." As soon as Guan Heng said this, his figure had already moved to the side of Shi Yingsu, and then he slaped a slap fan on the other's face: " Snapped!"

"Oops!" Shi Yingsu screamed, and suddenly fell to the ground. The multi-headed basilisk saw the opportunity and immediately got out of the body of Anleto. He hurriedly flew over and quickly drew this dark devil snake family. Matriarch tangled.

"Well ... let me see, where can this place hide people ..." At this moment, Guan Heng didn't even look at Shi Shisu who had been captured, and he had begun to look for Adan, a kid of the ape demon family. The place.

"Yes, this place is weird." Without much effort, Guan Heng found a unique place.

Behind the veil of the big bed, there is a hidden secret door. Although most people can't find it, Guan Henghao has also cooperated with the demigod thief Luta. Such a small mechanism can certainly not hide his eyes.

"Bang!" Guan Heng, who strode past, banged a punch on the narrow dark door, "click, wow—wow!" As the dark door burst, a dozen small poisons were shot. The nail flew straight to close the cross-section door.

"Huh, the eagle worm trick." Speaking slowly, then quickly, Guan Hengyan suddenly sighed forward, slamming those poisonous nails back and forth, and Dangdang nailed all into the wall.

"My mother! This person is too great!" Seeing that the organs he laid were not half useful, Shi Su Su was startled and startled.

At the same time, the long-headed Basilisk had already re-entered into Aledo's body, first tied the snake patriarch to a chair, and then stood with a sword in his hand.

Behind the secret door was a small secret room, and there was a small, trembling figure in the corner, looking like a child of the Ape Demon, Guan Heng shouted at him: "Adan ?!"

"Uh?" The ape demon child looked up to Guan Heng stupidly, the latter said: "Let's go, I'll take you home now." After hearing this, the ape demon child Adan struggled Standing up and rushing to Guan Heng: "Save me, I'm looking for mom."

With Adan on his back, Guan Heng then said to the Basilisk who controlled Alleto's body: "Watch this Matriarch here, and I will give you instructions when appropriate."

—— [2016.7.16 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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