Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1486: Royal Night Demon Race

"Huh!" At this time, Xuexue suddenly jumped in the air and finally fell to the ground, but at this moment, an angry roar came from the direction of the bald monster bird: "Who is it?" ? How dare to attack my 'Arrow Demon Crow', abominable, I want to kill you !!! "

The next moment, a dark cloud-like dashing shadow suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain, and Guan Heng looked closely, only to find that the other party was a bald old man of the Demon race. This man was dressed in a dark feather, and looked at it from a distance. Thought it was a bald monster bird ten times larger.

The old man of the Demon Clan is extremely fast and incredibly fast, and in an instant he has soared to the opposite cliff, only a few meters away from Guan Heng and the Snow Beast. The old demon of the Demon Clan screamed at Guan Heng with a sigh of exhaustion. Road: "Unknown junior, destroy me love birds, kill-"

Speaking of delays, at that time, the old man of the demons fluttered his feathers, and hundreds of bald strange birds flew out from under his armpits, attacking directly across the cliff.

Seeing the evil bird rushing towards his own side, Guan Heng, who was eager to rush to the deep valley, suddenly became furious: "Snow the snow beast, what you learned, really don't know any good old things!"

Having said that, Guan Heng suddenly pulled out the dragon's tooth blade on his back, and then slammed a slash in the air: "The thunderous dragon's breath cuts!"

With a cry, the powerful sword swept away, and at the same time, Wu Xueshou also yelled: "Ice Crystal Cannon--"

The thick frozen freezing atmosphere of the bucket matched the thunderbolt, and aimed at the group of strange birds, heading up and froze the birds in half each time, so that the bald strange birds fell in horror. Before it disappeared, it was once again bombarded with the old demons!

"Eh ?! Danger, retreat—" The old demons saw the three-in-one offensive of Binghuo Thunder attacking himself, and his head suddenly flew back more than ten meters. The knife and frosty breath slammed in the next second. On the cliff, half of the place was burned into scorched earth, and the other half was frozen into ice.

Just when the old man with balding demons thought he was out of danger, he unexpectedly smelled a smelt smell. He looked down, and suddenly yelled: "I rub it! My aunt is burning!"

After a long time, the smoke billowed, and the old man of the Demons became a sea of ​​fire, burning him howl, forced by helplessness, he had to roll down the hillside down to extinguish the flames on his body, and stand as the old man with a bad head When they got up to look for enemies, Guan Heng had long gone on riding the snow beast and disappeared.

The bald old man looked at the scorched corpse of the strange birds on the ground, and shouted angrily, "Well, no matter who you are? I swear this revenge !!"

"Oh, ha, Guan Heng's move just made beautiful." At this moment, Ting Si laughed: "The ice crystal cannon offensive of Xun Snow Beast is just right, you are so good."

"Hey, these are trivial things," said Wu Xueshou, galloping. "Tingsi, sit still, I will speed up right away, and in a few minutes, we will reach the hidden valley."


A moment later, in the middle of the first layer of the abyss, a deep and secluded valley. "Here it is, this is it." At this moment, Xue Xueshou had brought it to Taniguchi, and he said loudly, "How? Guan Heng, is it concealed enough here?"

"Well, it's really good." Guan Heng looked at the environment here, nodding his head slightly, and then said to the brothers and sisters Seraki: "You and Xu Xuebei, oh, and 'it' stay here waiting Well, until I come back. "

"Pop!" Speaking of this, Guan Heng released Yabu from the newly obtained golden magic pet's tube, and the other party fell on top of Xun Xueshou's head and said, "Hey, Guan Heng, how long are you going this time?" "

"Hmm ..." Guan Heng groaned for a moment and said, "Rest assured, I won't be back for a long time. Before then, you should pay more attention to your safety."

After repeatedly urging him, Guan Heng left a lot of magic explosion spar in his body, let Seraki and Tingsi take defense, and finally he turned and left.

Regarding the geography of the first layer of the abyss, although Guan Heng was not very familiar with it, when he left the lord's mansion of Trumpet Magic Ridge, Malone, Fang Fei, and Ai Fa who had been here had inquired about it. He knew that Paine's second brother, The first floor of the abyss lord's reckless capital is called "Ghost Flame Stone Sea", where a castle stands.

The sea of ​​ghost flames is located in the valley just out of Guan Heng and heading northwest, and there are also hundreds of miles away.

Guan Heng then flew into the air with the dragon flying technique, and then summoned the multi-headed basilisk to accelerate for himself, and in a blink of an eye, he has been advancing towards the other side for several minutes.

"Well, at this speed, hundreds of miles away, it will be here in a few minutes." Guan Heng is now moving lightly, so it seems extraordinarily easy, but at this moment, he passed a lush area in a sudden. Over the woods, I heard screams screaming from the woods, one after another, and the sound was endless.

"What's going on? Is someone fighting in the forest ?!" At this moment, Guan Heng was anxious to hurry. He didn't want to stay long and wanted to go around, but Guan Heng didn't find anything, but he had "troubles" and automatically came to the door. Already.

"Huh-huh-" Two empty figures suddenly flew out of the woods, and stood in front of Guan Heng with impartiality.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng's eyebrows tightened suddenly. He looked at the two guys in front of him, and saw that they were all in common: the sharp-billed monkey gill, no face or two, the eye socket was deep, but his eyes were full of thieves. The guy was able to fly in the air because of a pair of thin bone-wrapped wings and membrane-covered wings on his back, and now he was shaking.

"Hey hey-'Yu Ye Ye Mo Zu' is here to work." One of the ugly flying Demon people grinned badly: "Boy, there is no way forward, if you want to pass, you can only put Life is left. "

After listening to the other person's words, Guan Heng, who had a blue band on his forehead, snorted, "I haven't heard of any Yutian or Yudi, now we're in a hurry and get out of here!"

"Is there such a reason, dare to offend the Yutianye Devil and kill—" Another flying devil heard the words of Heng Heng full of disdain, and suddenly rushed over with irritation. "Beep", his fingers popped up with ten fingers. A few inches of long, lacquered black hair shone with dazzling light claws, and "screamed" to the closed noodle door.

"Miscellaneous things, find death !!" Guan Heng's hot temper broke out at this time, his fists suddenly touched: "Dark Breath of Darkness!" For a while, a dark dragon's breath power was wrapped on his fists, and Guan Heng's head was slightly biased. After dodging the opponent's capture, a fist hit the hearts of the flying demons.

—— [2016.7.23 fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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