Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1487: Testament relic (fifth more outbreak)

"Bang!" How mighty the power of Dragon's Breath was, and he suddenly blasted the blood hole in the mouth of the sea bowl from the chest of the so-called Demon Clan. This guy suddenly slammed the onion and fell to the ground.

"Ah, this is it ?!" The Yutianye Devil who first spoke, only then realized that he had run into a stubble. Seeing his companion was dying, he hurriedly took out a golden whistle and put it on his lips, and Heng had already Fluttered to his side between the electric light and flint: "Jumble, dare to offend me for no reason ?! Go to death!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" The voice didn't fall. The guy hit his head, shoulders, neck throat and heart at the same time, and his body was beaten suddenly and instantly!

"Either don't do it, as long as you do it, you won't stay in trouble!" This has always been Guan Heng's principle of shots. Of course, at this moment, it is no exception. For a while, Guan Wang looks like electricity and rushes to the woods below. He wants to save the rest. All the Yutian Ye Mo people killed, so as not to be harassed by the other party when they hurried.

At this time, several other Yutian Ye Mozus who heard the whistle took off towards the place where their companions were killed, but came face to face with Guan Heng. Seeing these guys, Guan Heng's eyes flashed a faint flicker, and the dragon's tooth blade on his shoulder suddenly emerged from the sheath, and after a while, he turned into electricity, exhaling across the other side: "Dragon's Breath!"

"Boom--" Between the flashes of light, several good heads were flying away from their necks and flying in midair. The next moment, all the headless corpses fluttered and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Guan Heng had already fallen into the woods.

"Here ... there was a fierce battle." Guan Heng scanned the scene in the forest at this time, and found that there were dozens of corpses lying on his back, all of which were ordinary demons, with different grades. Are they all women? !!

These Mozu women were killed with sword wounds in their bodies, but none of the Yutianye Mozus can be seen to attack and kill the Yutianye Mozus. When Guan Heng just arrived, there were still people screaming, explaining the other party. The hands-on time has not passed for a few minutes.

"Why did the Yutian Ye Mo clan attack these women? It's baffling. Seeing that they are well-groomed, their luggage is not missing, and it doesn't seem to be robbed."

At this moment, although Guan Heng felt somewhat inexplicable, it was important to go to the ghost flame stone sea to do the business, so he decided not to bother with these things and was ready to leave. But at this moment, a figure slowly crawling out of the dead body suddenly raised his hand and shouted, "Please, please wait ..."

"Huh? And live!" Guan Heng saw that the Demon woman's face was covered with blood, and hurriedly ran to check it. As a result, Guan Heng suddenly stopped because the person was too seriously injured, especially It was several wounds at the vital point, and still murmured blood.

"Hey, what do you want to say?"

Guan Heng saw that the other party was already angry with her, so she wanted to ask the woman's last words. This person pulled open her placket from the inside and pulled out a small rectangular box. Her lips trembled a few times and finally fine He said like a mosquito: "Please bring this ... 'Heart of the Devil' back to the castle of Ghost Flame Stone Sea ... to ... hmm!"

The woman hadn't finished her last words, and finally burst out of blood, her head tilted, and she died in despair. Guan Heng was holding a small box at this time, he thought with a bit of confusion: "Heart of a strong demon? What the **** is this?"

But the woman in front of her had lost her breath, and Guan Heng couldn't help it even if he wanted to ask a question clearly.

"Well, hurrying and hurrying, there is no time to bury these people." Shaking his head slowly, Guan Heng thought secretly: "I hold this kind of strong demon heart first, and inquire about its usefulness when it arrives at the ghost flame stone sea, Then decide the ownership and stay of the thing. "

At this moment, Guan Heng had already walked a distance, but found that the bad wind behind his head was not good, and it was someone who used a long-range attack to sneak attack.

Speaking slowly, then, when Heng Heng's "唰" disappeared in place, the other side's iron spear with a strong wind breaking through the air rushed up and banged into the position where Guan Heng was just now.

"Abominable, you didn't get stabbed ?!" The guy who shot the attack was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he didn't expect that at this moment he was bullied behind himself.

"Dare to sneak in me, but this is at the cost of death!" Guan Heng's words suddenly sounded behind him, suddenly scaring this guy soaring into the sky, he screamed in a voice: "You--"

"唰! 唰 ——" I saw the cold light flashing, and the dragon's tooth blade in Guan Hengzhang had lightly removed one arm of the other.

"Ehhhhh!" Sudden pain hit all over the body. The sneak attack was impossible, but the flying demons who lost their arms opened their wings and fled.

But Guan Heng suddenly kicked in the air without a trace, and suddenly the other party rolled over, and finally slammed into a tree.

Guan Heng immediately fell in front of the other side, and Dragon Fang suddenly reached the other side's throat. He said: "It seems that you are also a Yutian Ye Mozu, let's say, what do these dead Mozu women have with you? Resentment? Why kill them? "

"Uh ..." Although the wound on the broken arm made this guy faint a little, but he gritted his teeth and said, "You don't want to get anything useful from my mouth ..."

"That's good, I won't ask." Guan Heng just waved the Dragon's Tooth Blade and then retracted the knife and sheath. Then a line of blood suddenly appeared between the necks of the Night Demon tribe, and then the big red mist sprayed quickly. come out.

"Well, I don't bother to inquire if you have any grudges!" At this moment, Guan Heng was trying to kick the opponent's corpse, but he did not expect that the ghost's black gas suddenly gathered on the kid's head.

Guan Heng was instantly overjoyed: "Hehe, the dead bodies of the ground, only you idiot brought to your door can gather ghosts, this is an accidental harvest."

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng immediately turned it into a soul stone with the eyes of devouring evil spirits, grabbed it in his hands, and began to search for this unlucky memory.

It turns out that the Yutian Ye Mozu is a weird Mozu tribe at the end of the sea of ​​ghost flames. They have always been at odds with the first-tier abyss' lord, the reckless. After angering each other several times, the whole tribe suffered a large-scale Annihilation.

The anger of the reckless city was extraordinary. After several years of resistance, the Yutian Ye Mo almost reached the point where the casualties were exhausted. In desperation, the remaining Night Demon forces fled hurriedly, led by the patriarch Piper Recluse reached the end of the sea of ​​ghost flames, where the terrain was dangerous and lost, and even the reckless were afraid to enter easily, so the Yutian Ye Mozu survived by chance.

However, the hatred of the compatriots being killed has always been buried in the hearts of Patriarch Piper and the remaining Night Demon people. As long as there is an opportunity, the people of the Royal Night Devil will fall in love and fall within the sphere of savage capital. The sneak attack was harassed everywhere, assassination of the reckless subordinates, robbing of their heavy items, and the recklessness was annoying.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.23, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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