Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 806: New plan (fifth more outbreak)

When Zagu was seriously ill, his long-time close friend, the famous great appraiser and combat mage Chakahn came to visit. He listened to the old friend Zagu's unfulfilled wishes, because of the deep friendship between the two parties, so Chaka En decided to go to the Grand Canyon of Warcraft immediately to find the trace of the forge worm.

"Well ... Zagou's notes are finished here." Guan Heng closed the book and thought to himself, "Coupled with the message from Chakahn on the tombstone, he can come to a general conclusion that he was in the Grand Canyon of Warcraft The surviving founder bug was found, but when he returned, Master Zaku had already died. "

"It's really frightening to leave two dead friends since then." Guan Heng shook his head slightly and glanced at the gypsum hexahedron in his hand. He muttered to himself: "Forge smith ... forget it, don't open it now It ’s cast because I do n’t know what the consequences will be. ”

"By the way, King Kauru also has a favorite research on insect-shaped Warcraft-Baron Plant!" Thinking of this, Guan Heng suddenly flashed in front of him: "Take the caster insect back at that time, and he and Pu Long researched, and I can see some clues. "

"Now, it's time to go back and find the old man with Heinz!"

Guan Heng put the gypsum hexahedron into the space ring and picked up the wooden tool box. He was silent for a while in front of the tombstone and murmured in his mouth: "Master Zaku, your things and Mr. Chakahn leave them I took all the things, and the master rest assured that I will make good use of these precious things. "

After a moment, at the entrance of the mausoleum. Heinz, the white-bearded old man, probed his brain behind the tree, and at this time Guan Heng walked out.

"Hey, boy, did you find the tools of Master Zaku?"

"Oh, do you need to say that? Here you are!" Guan Heng said and handed the wooden box to Heinz.

"The stupid guy really has two brushes, and they work well." Heinz took the wooden box with a smile, and then asked, "Did you not embarrass those pink-nosed baboons?"

"No, except for laying down the leader boxing baboon, I have no difficulty." Guan Heng then said, "Let's go, let's go back to the town."

Heinz couldn't wait to say, "Wait, I'll check the tools in this wooden box first."

"You're really troublesome," Guan Heng said with a frown. "Isn't it the same to go back to the Rogue Guild and check again?"

"Well, my husband just wants to see if you have swallowed my things." Heinz said with a sloppy pout. "Look at your boy, the thief, you can't guarantee that you won't hold the sheep."

"Go to you, smelly old man, these tatters are rare only for you." Guan Heng whispered, "Do you think everyone is the same as the greedy you?"

Heinz pretended not to hear Guan Heng. He opened the wooden box with his hands, carefully checked it, and finally said with satisfaction: "It is really the best casting tool of Master Zaku. I think These babies have been thinking for many years. "

"So, dear Mr. Old Minister, should we go back?" Guan Heng said, holding his shoulders, "if it is too late. Shani, they are anxious."

"Okay, let's go back to town." Heinz slowly put the wooden tool box into the space ring, and then said to Guan Heng, "Well, boy, the old man has a letter, and I will repair it for you Fees will definitely be discounted. "

"Okay, that's it." Guan Heng replied absently, thinking about another thing in his mind.

After searching the memory of the ghost-faced samurai, Guan Heng knew that he had a secret foothold nearby. Most of the ghost-faced samurai left some of his stuff in the secret cave, mainly a few scrolls and a few magic crystals for communication. The magic crystals used for communication were used by Fado to contact his associates.

Thinking of this, Guan Hong suddenly came up with a bold plan, he decided to pretend to be a ghost warrior to contact those associates, by the way to get some news and clues of the magic domain alliance.

"Well, I think about it, if Heinz could help me fix the avatar mask right away, maybe I could dress up as a warrior with ghost face armor." Guan Heng secretly murmured: "It depends on Heinz's repair method is not sharp enough, And my luck. "

In this way, Guan Heng and Heinz returned to the town of Garcia along the woods in the suburbs.

A few minutes later, in the room of the Thieves' Guild Branch, Heinz reprimanded Shani fiercely: "You dead girl said bad things about me in front of outsiders. If you want to repair something in the future, I will definitely not Shot. "

"Well, Grandpa Heinz, I won't dare next time." Xia Ni is now screaming and screaming at the old man with white beard. Her heart can't help complaining: "Boss really does, treat me All the secrets he had secretly told him had fallen out, and now Grandpa Heinz asked me to settle accounts again. "

"Okay, old Heinz, look at our letter from all the way to you, so don't embarrass Shani." Guan Heng said beside his shoulders, "We told you just now. Do you understand me? "

"Isn't it some **** who didn't know where to come out? Would you like to come to the Thieves Guild to tie my ticket here? What did my old man fear?

Heinz said, "I ’m not bragging with your two little dolls. I think that year, I was also a strong person who had n’t met opponents in the war, so the thieves' guild branch is as solid as gold soup. How much do they come? People, whatever they want, I can call back. "

Guan Heng and Shani looked at him with a contemptuous glance and said softly, "Bragging."

"Uh, however, my old man is now a bit older and somewhat weak." Heinz said a little awkwardly: "So, since you are so eager to stay and help, my old man is not in a position to stop it, so be it, You all stay. "

After listening to Heinz's words, Guan Heng whispered to Shani: "Look, this old man has spoken for a long time, and he didn't want us to help."

"Okay, isn't this the purpose of our visit?" Shani said with both hands: Grandpa Heinz must have seen your skill so much, and wanted you to stay and be a free bodyguard. "

"Then he has to help me fix this avatar mask." Guan Heng said, "I have a plan now, and want to smooth out the bad guys who think of him."

"What plan?" Shani asked, blinking.

"This plan must be implemented by an incarnation mask, and now see when the old man helped me fix things." Guan Heng said with a touch of his chin. "In addition, while he helped me repair the mask, I I'm going out of town to get some things from the secret hiding place of the ghost-faced samurai. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.14, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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