Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 807: Caveman Orc (first)

"Boss, be careful." Shani said, "Like you said, I've been a little uneasy lately. I always feel that the town general has set off a big storm.

"You know, you and the golden-eyed finch and Dingchun, all stay in the thieves' guild branch, protect the old man of Heinz, at least, let him be safe before fixing my mask." Guan Heng said jokingly: "Then I will go now."

After a short while, the town of Gaxia was more than fifty kilometers south of a cave.

Guan Heng turned over for a long time in the hiding place of the ghost-faced samurai, and found only a few short-range space transfer scrolls, as well as four or five magic crystals for communication.

"This ghost-faced samurai Fado is really a poor ghost." While rummaging in the cave, Guan Heng complained: "I just harvest something like this, shouldn't I let me come here for nothing?"

Just when Guan Heng thought he would never find anything useful, a magic communication crystal in his hand suddenly made a "squeak, slap ... slap" sound.

"Well, now someone actually contacted Fudo, the ghost-faced samurai?" Guan Heng whispered secretly, "Maybe I can hear any useful information."

Guan Heng has used this method of communication magic crystal from Fado's memory. As long as he slowly inputs his mental strength, he can talk to the opposite party or communicate in text. The other party sent a paragraph Textual information, so Guan Heng read them carefully.

There are only a few words on the communication crystal. The above said: Dear guest, what you asked us to investigate is now eyebrows. The hexagonal metal fragment is at the border of the Principality of Demarch, facing south. One hundred and twenty kilometers of the Inzekate Plateau.

A group of cave dwellers live there, although I don't know why? But many years ago, the ancestors of cave dwellers picked up the piece of metal and accidentally discovered that it had some powers, so they enshrined it as a gift from God.

Now that you paid for us to look for this hexagonal metal fragment for you, then we will tell you the specific location and coordinates now. Now that the transaction is completed, I hope you can patronize our intelligence organization again, Black Feather Raven Will serve you again.

"The Black Feather Raven ..." Guan Heng thought to himself: "I seem to have heard of this organization, it seems to be an intelligence alliance with forces all over the Ashton continent."

"But it seems that my luck is really good, since I can get another clue of the magic disk fragment here." Guan Heng smiled and said to himself: "Then go to the cave orc's place to see and say Maybe I can get that piece back. "

Running out of the cave, Guan Heng took out the metal cylinder and released the flying winged dragon. "Hi, man, we are going to make a long trip!" Guan Hong said with a smile: "Target, Yinze Kate Plateau."

"Woohoo!" Flywing Poison Dragon roared, slamming Guan Heng's wings and spreading his wings, and quickly flew into the air.

Half an hour later, Yinze Kate Plateau.

This is a semi-hilly plain with no trace. It is easy to find a cave dwelling, because there are very few outsiders.

The so-called burrowing orcs are a branch of the orcs. They are timid by nature and are often discriminated and enslaved by other orcs. Therefore, they can only live in simple caves. The burrowing orcs are tall and powerful, but they dare not Defend the three orc royals.

Because many cave dwelling orcs who can't stand the squeeze can't live in the orc's native land, so many years ago, they have migrated to the edge of the human race's territory, and the tribes are widely distributed.

In the eyes of the lion, wolf and tiger orc royal family, the cave dwelling orc is nothing more than a cheaper slave than the mouse and leopard, the few in the same race.

For thousands of years, there were many cave dwellers who could not stand the oppression of the three royal families. They moved to the edge of the territorial territory. They dug the ground for caves and survived there. This is why there are many tribes today.

As for the Aboriginal peoples in the Terran Territory, there is no objection to the expatriates because these cavemen orcs are timid and do not pose a threat to the human race. In the past, some people even looted these cavemen orcs as slaves and even tried to train them into personal soldiers .

However, because the cavemen were low in intelligence, had a very poor perception, and had a large appetite, they let those peoples give up the idea of ​​continuing them as slaves, so that the cavemen orcs survived near their territory.

Cave cave orcs, who can barely maintain their food and clothing, have a special hobby, that is, worship of totems and gods, and they have reached a point of insanity. They use blood, even the lives of their own people, to worship their worshipped things. Extremely stupid and religious.

For a long time, cavemen orcs thought that these things of worship would bring good luck to themselves. As long as they are consecrated seriously, they will one day be rewarded.

Near a water source, Guan Heng found the traces of cave dwelling orcs, two cave dwelling orcs who were born short, carrying big sticks and drawing water by the water.

One cave dweller said, "The patriarch told us to keep our secrets, but sooner or later the lord of that tribe knew that we had a treasure in our hands. What can we do?"

Another orc replied, "This Terran Lord has been crushing us for many years. He has soldiers and powerful forces in his hand. Even if he is taken away by him, what can we do?"

"But that piece of metal is a gift from our people who has been enshrined for many years. I'm a bit reluctant," said the orc who spoke first.

"If I say, it's more important to keep my own life. I heard that the people in the north because of their resistance to the lord of the tribe and the less tributes they handed in, it wasn't long before they were destroyed." Another caveman orc said with some horror "There are so many old and young women in our tribe. Defying that lord of that tribe is no doubt seeking death."

The orc went on to say: "Only the patriarch's foolish worm will feel that keeping God's gift is a meaningful thing. We just want to save our lives."

"Hey, hey, how can you talk wildly about the patriarch's decision behind her, she is the patriarch."

"Patriarch? She is just a yellow-haired girl. If she is not the blood of the former patriarch, who would allow this woman to be our patriarch ?!"

Some complaining cave dwellers said: "Anyway, she is a stupid woman. Instead of following her and vainly rebelling against the human lord, I would rather flee this place now than it would be better to wait for death slowly."

—— [2016.2.15 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for push to hide ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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