Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 847: Impostor (first)

"I don't know." Grey shook his head and said, "This rich man is very gambling, and often has some wonderful ideas. Who knows what's wrong with him, he comes to amuse me again."

"Squeak." At this time Guan Heng had opened the door, and the guy outside the door brought in a servant-like person.

After seeing Gerry, the attendant ignored the attitude of the others and walked in front of him in three steps and two steps, saying, "Mr. Gerry, my son Pippen, I ’m going to host the whole city tonight in Chengdong Mansion. The gambling convention that everyone can participate in, the boy asked me to bring you a sentence. He said that today is your last chance to win back the pure gold family crest. "

Speaking of which, the attendant took out something and gently placed it on the table: "This is an invitation letter from the son, remember, only you can participate."

"Good luck, Mr. Gray." After saying this, Pippen's servants saluted and turned away.

"Uh, this, maybe it's my only chance to get the home emblem, I ..." Seeing this invitation, there seemed to be a touch of excitement in Gray's eyes, but he glanced at his daughter Meilu , Suddenly gave birth to a feeling of weakness.

Gray could not help but sigh deeply: "Forget it, I really do not have the ability to win back the family crest. This is just an excuse for the pippen kidding me, let me give up."

Guan Heng then picked up the invitation and said to Mei Lu and Grey: "Leave here first, I don't want to hear Violet Mary's order."

After a while, three people walked on the street. Guan Heng suddenly waved the invitation to Meilu and said, "Let ’s look at it like this. I might as well go to a grand gambling convention for your dad. Even if I ca n’t win the family crest by gambling, You can also redeem it with money. "

Meilu hasn't said anything yet, but Gray is awkwardly embarrassed: "Mr. Guan Heng, how sorry for you to pay for my debt. I am very grateful. This gambling conference is too dangerous, black and white People are mixed with each other. I'm afraid that you will be in danger. Besides, the invitation has stated that only me can participate. You ... "

After looking at the unusually few pedestrians passing by, Guan Heng tickled his father and daughter, Ge Rui and Mei Lu, "Come with me."

So three people turned into a nearby back alley, Meilu asked curiously at this time: "Guan Heng, what are you taking us here for?"

"Let you see a little trick." As he said, Guan Heng took out his avatar mask and put it on his face. Instantly, Mei Lu stood in front of two identical "Gree".

One of them suddenly laughed and said, "How about? Meilu, I am like this, can you go to the gambling convention for your dad?"

"Oh my god, even the sound is exactly the same ?!" Mei Lu was surprised when she saw this scene, her eyes were straight: "Guan Heng, how did you do that?"

"Hey!" Guan Heng took off the mask, and turned into his original appearance, he smiled lightly: "Thanks to the help of this incarnation mask, so I put forward the idea of ​​going to the gambling convention for Mr. Gray, Do you think it's okay? "

"Mr. Guan Heng, I always think that this matter is too dangerous for you." Gray saw that Guan Heng was so enthusiastic to help himself, and said in a bit sad: "I, I can't bear to let you do this for me adventure."

"Guan Heng, I don't want you to go," Mei Lu said, frowning frowningly. "That solid gold family crest is just a dead thing. In case of it, what happens to you is really not worth it."

Although the father and daughter repeatedly discouraged him, Guan Heng said with a relaxed expression: "Meilu, don't forget, I can also ask the black feather crow to help, so that you do n’t need to say anything about security. Worry for me, rest assured, once I get your piece of pure gold family crest, I will immediately get away. "

Seeing that her dissuasion was ineffective, Meilu could not help but look helpless. She looked at her father and said, "Well, Guan Heng, you must be careful, we will always be waiting for you at the hotel."

"I see." Guan Heng slightly slightly said, "Go back first, I'll go to the Black Feather Raven and ask the pippen's whereabouts."

After a moment, bid farewell to Guan Heng, the father and daughter of Gerry and Meilu, and once again came to the black feather crow intelligence base, which looks like a cloakroom.

"Hi, Jacques." Guanheng entered the door and greeted Jacques, the middle-aged boss and the person in charge of the Digong stronghold: "Are you looking for someone to draw the pattern of the pattern of cloth?"

"Ah, Elder Guan Heng," laughed Jacques, a middle-aged man. "I just finished drawing. I'm planning to send my man to your hotel."

"Well, I found my place so soon." Guan Heng said with a slight smile. "It's a well-known intelligence organization on the Ashton continent, and you are very capable."

"My elder brother, don't praise it anymore, it will make people blush." ​​Jacques faced this young elder, and his subordinates did not have the fear and trembling of their bosses, because Guan Heng was easy to approach, and Jacques and He talked easily.

"Well, this is your thing." Jacques handed the rag of that magic robe to Guan Heng, and said, "It won't be long before looking for the reward notices from Master Maz and the owner of this magic robe, and it will be everywhere. Please be assured that the Black Feather Crow's intelligence base will be released. "

"By the way, Jacques, I have one more thing to ask you to come here." Guan Heng gathered up the rags and whispered to Jacques. "There is a wealthy man named Pippen who has been so swaggering in Diagon City recently. Should you know him? "

"He ?! I know." Jacques nodded. "The younger brother named Pippen was so gambling. Although he hadn't come to the city for a few days, he had already heard about him in the city."

"I want to know the details of this guy," Guan Heng said, holding his shoulders. "I also want to ask him about the grand gambling conference tonight."

"Originally, you want to investigate this Pippen?" Jacques heard the words, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes: "That's right, you listen to me say it in detail. In addition, I still have something to ask Elder Guanheng."


After nightfall, near the huge mansion in the east of the city, Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and leaned against the wall of an old alley, thinking carefully about what Jacques had just said to him.

This rich man named Pippen was originally the youngest son of a lord in the East County of Kaulu Kingdom. He was bred and nurtured from an early age. He loved to eat, drink, and play. He especially loved gambling. He is rich and naturally won. Affordable.

This time, Pippen came to Diagon City with a lot of money. He wanted to bid for something eye-catching at the magic weapon fair. In addition to these things, it was a word-play!

—— [2016.2.23 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for a push ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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