Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 848: Dive Into The Mansion

Pippen is rich, so vaunted, so he will host such big events as gambling conventions in the city, that is, he invites everyone to play with him, but these are not important. The purpose of Guan Heng's coming tonight is to Win the ancestral pure gold family crest of their family as Grey.

"In addition, I didn't expect this Jacques to use people." Guan Heng smiled suddenly: "He commissioned me to investigate other things with Pippen."

On the territory of the East County of Kauru Kingdom, there is often an active force. This organization is notorious for hiring killers and looting ordinary people. It is known as the "drug wolf".

The outside world has always been rumored that the coyote organization and some local aristocrats in the East County have colluded. Because of the aristocratic reports and secret protection of the nobles, the army of the Kalulu Kingdom has been unable to destroy them. However, these are just rumors. There has been no official evidence.

Therefore, some people handed over the task of investigating the inside of the "poison wolf" to the intelligence organization of the Black Feather Raven, and this time, the target of the Black Feather Rogue investigation has been faintly pointed to a lord in East County, that is, Pippen. father.

In the past few days when Pippen arrived in Digun City, the Black Ravens kept secretly monitoring him, but in this small place, no master can sneak into Pippen's side for an in-depth investigation.

But the appearance of Guan Heng gave Jacques, the head of the Black Feather Ravens, an opportunity. Jacques asked Guan Heng to conduct a survey of Pippen and the people around him at this gambling conference, anyway. No need to take too much risk, so Guan Heng agreed very easily.

At this moment, the gate of the mansion was full of attendants, and they started to welcome the guests who participated in the gambling conference. They were all excited and gearing up, preparing to kill the Quartet tonight and have a good time.

In the alley, Guan Heng turned to use the enchanting effect of the avatar mask instantly, and turned into the appearance of Gerry. In this way, he swaggered and held the invitation letter, and mixed it into the mansion where the gambling convention was held without any doubt.

After entering the door, I saw dozens of tables in the hall, which dazzled all kinds of gamblers. Here, whether it is playing cards, dice, or guessing the number of stalls, everything is available. Waiters with drinks and food in hand Flowing through the crowd.

The gamblers one after another seemed to kill the red-eyed soldiers on the battlefield, all flung to the front of their favorite tables, and began to gamble.

Guan Heng found a corner where no one was, and took off the avatar mask and carried it into his arms. Because the time limit for the mask to be disguised was only fifteen minutes, he should use it when facing Pippen, anyway. The scene in the gambling hall was very chaotic, and no one paid attention to the horizontal faces.

At the front desk, he changed a lot of stacks of chips. In front of a few tables of playing cards and dice, Guan Heng casually pressed two or three bets, and gradually felt a little impatient. Thinking of the purpose of the trip, he stopped by one. Waiter with tray in hand.

"Hey, I ask you." Guan Heng deliberately pretended to be waitress and said to the waiter, "Where is my good friend, Pippen? Why can't I see this boy now? Came here late to gamble with him. "

"It turned out that the young master was Pippen's friend." Seeing Guan Heng's extraordinary manner, his expression was even more arrogant, and the waiter immediately said with a smile on his face: "You may not know when you first arrived, and the downstairs are just ordinary Gamblers and VIPs of Pippen are entertaining in ten separate rooms on the second floor. "

"As soon as you go up to the second floor, there will be an attendant immediately leading you to an available private room. In addition, the Pippen son is still a bit vulgar in the city." The waiter then said to Guan Heng: "So he has ordered us in advance. , Said that it is not until 9 pm before coming to the gambling convention. "

"That's it, Lao Tzu understands." Guan Heng sneered, picking up a glass of wine in the tray, drinking it with a raised neck, and threw a few gold coins to the waiter: "The reward for your kid ,go away!"

"Yes, yes, thank you, Master." The waiter took the gold coin and his mouth was crooked, he said in a hurry: "I wish you master gambling tonight, kill the Quartet, Jinshan Yinshan wins."

After speaking, the waiter turned his head and ran away, afraid that Guan Heng would **** the gold coins back again. Guan Heng felt angry and laughed: "I really see the money open, your kid is really good to pass."

Looking at the wall clock on the wall of the hall, it was 8:30, Guan Heng knew that it was time for Pippen to arrive. He turned his eyes, remembering what Jacques said to himself, and decided to sneak into the gambler. The son's room was explored again.

This mansion originally belonged to the residence of a wealthy businessman in Digun City, but according to the information of the Black Feather Raven, half a month ago, the wealthy businessman suddenly disappeared for no reason, and the Pippen son paid a modest price from the wealthy merchant's widow. Bought a mansion there, and since then, it has become his residence in Digun.

Before coming here, Guan Heng had seen the floor plan of the mansion Jacques handed to him. He knew it was a private room for entertaining VIPs. The third floor was where the friendly and housekeeper lived. The fourth floor was where the Pippen son lived. An extremely spacious living room.

"Well, it seems that turning from the outer wall to the fourth-floor rooftop should be an ideal shortcut, because if you take the stairs, you will be shocked by the friendly and servants." Gao's outer wall murmured: "Climb up now ..."

"Rustic ..." At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly heard the sound of a whisper in the garden grass behind him. He frowned slightly, and quickly ducked into the dark corner. , A voice of a man whispered.

"Why are you here now?" The male voice said with a little blame. "I have waited for you for more than an hour."

"Sorry, dear." A young woman's voice echoed. "The kitchen is really busy now, so I can come out and meet you now."

"Forget it, don't blame you." The man's voice softened: "It took me too much effort to get in from the back door of the mansion and put in a handyman carrying things, just to meet you, We have less time together recently and I miss you very much. "

"My dear, I miss you too." The young cook suddenly cried and whispered in a low voice: "You had been a deputy director in this mansion because I talked about you all the time Inquiry, they kicked you out. "

—— [Second more of 2016.2.23, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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