Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 854: Drug Wolf Conspiracy (Third)

Some knowledgeable and superior masters have studied the orc warriors' combat skills and transformed them into a group of warriors who do not use magic or sword skills to fight, relying only on tyrannical power and heavy weapon combat skills. They use The technique to exercise physical fitness is called refining.

The human warrior, Bodek, is the one who first practiced refining and combat skills to the extreme. His strength and combat skills are not inferior to those of the orcs.

For over ten years, Bodek has dominated the Ashton Warrior Blood Fighting Contest hosted by Dorenguth, the core territory of the Orc race, overwhelming numerous famous soldiers. His best weapon is the giant axe. The Giant Axe Set is one of the very few enchanted sets that have been blessed by the Beast God's brother Pinus.

Berserk's Great Axe Enchanting Enchantment Set has only two parts: the handle of the axe, the blade of the axe, the axe handle is more than six feet, and one end has thorns, which can be used as a stick weapon alone. The double-edged axe can be put on the arm to serve as a shield, also known as a double-edged axe shield.

When the axe head and the axe are connected together, it is the true form of Berdike's axe. It has only one enchanting effect-charging.

As the name implies, once the "charge" effect is activated, every time the user shakes an axe, part of the attack power is stored in the axe, and it bursts out at the appropriate time, hurting the enemy with fierce momentum. !!

At this point, Guan Heng's arm was swept away, and the double-edged axe shield on the arm was wrapped in strong wind, and slammed into Celeron's sabre. "Dangji! Huh—" The sword flew at that time. Go out, "Slap!" Deeply stuck in the gap in the wall above!

"Oh, click!" The axe handle and the axe quickly connected, and the cold mang flashed in Guan Heng's eyes: "Since I learned the orc royal Caesar's giant axe combat skills, I have not used an axe weapon, you kid luck Yes, it became the first person to see! "

"Eh!" The time and the axe flickered in time, and the wind and waves were engulfed, and they were divided into six directions to sweep all parts of the body and up and down the ground, and everything seemed to be still, and it was even too late. The tragic screamed, the whole person had been broken by the axe wind like powder, and then flew away without a trace!

"Woohoo!" The double-edged giant axe twirled around Guan Heng's hand, and then carried it on his shoulder: "Huh, it's so cheap to die, it's cheap for you!"

"Woohoo whine—" A sound of ghosts rang, although even the belt bone was smashed by the blade, but the ghost ghost of Celeron unexpectedly condensed and formed in place.

Guan Heng sneered slightly, reaching out to swallow the beast, and exhaling the ghost into the strange space: "Let me see you guys organized by poison wolf, do you have any information for me!"

After searching for the memory of Celeron, Guan Heng's eyebrows frowned slightly: "It turned out that the note I found in the pure gold family crest is a list."

The drug wolf organization not only acts in the East County of Kauru Kingdom, but also has the ambition of rebelling against itself. This list is the list of the private soldiers that the drug wolf bought from the East County lord and aristocracy.

The East County of the Kauru Kingdom, although it is vast and sparsely populated, is rarely said to have been closed by hundreds of noble lords. These lords have many personal soldiers who care for their homes, protect property, collect taxes, and personal soldiers. The number, ranging from dozens to hundreds, to as many as a thousand people, these people are a fighting force that must not be underestimated.

After many years of intimidation and lure by the poisonous wolf organization, they have led many soldiers of the lord's subordinates to secretly go out of their way. Only after a certain period of time, these guys will immediately raise flags and rebel, kill the lord, take their property, and let The drug wolf became bigger in one fell swoop and became a major problem for the East County of Kauru Kingdom.

"It's no wonder that these two guys are desperate and want to win this list in the home emblem, which is related to the lives of thousands of people." Guan Heng slightly shook his head: "Unfortunately, it fell into my hands, I have to Think about what to do. "

"Furthermore, Celeron's memory also mentioned that the joints of the poison wolf organization will come back here to get the list." Guan Heng secretly said, "Would I like to see what this guy is?"

"The secret code associated with the connector person, only the balding Sorgh knew it, so ask him." Guan Heng thought of this, his body flickered, and suddenly disappeared in place, and went directly to the baldness of the bald man.

A moment later, on the quiet street of Digun City, a man ran forward desperately, sweating and looking scared from time to time, for fear of being chased by the other party!

"Hey, don't patronize the back ..." Guan Hengyu suddenly appeared not far from the bald Soga, he put a double-edged axe on the ground with a pestle, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Tired? meeting?"

"You ... you demon, don't come over!" Seeing Guan Heng in front of him, Sophia looked like a mouse when he saw the cat. He was frightened and couldn't help but step back: "Don't, don't ..."

As he stammered, Sorga waved his left hand, which could not tick the blood. No, it could not be called a "hand". When Guan Heng found him just now, Sorga tried to resist, but Guan Heng's hand The giant axe froze gently, and the boy flew half of his wrist directly to the house on the street.

Frightened and severe pain led to confusion, Sorga forgot to yell out, and scared him to turn around and run. Who knows, but a few hundred meters away, Guan Heng had already circled in front of him.

"Is it painful?" Guan Heng asked with a bit of indifference: "If it is painful, think of the wealthy merchants who were killed by you. He is a good man, and often takes out his own money to help the poor people because of him. The house you live in is bigger and suitable for your foothold. You kill the rich merchants. "

"And the civilians who were looted and killed by you in East County ..." Guan Heng continued, "I discovered in Celyan's memory that it was only in the hands of you that there were at least dozens."

"We're just following the orders of the leader, please ... don't, don't kill me." Sorga felt her feet weak, and plunged to sit on the ground. He exclaimed: "I don't want to die, don't want to die."

"Well, when those ordinary people are lost in the hands of you dog robbers, it must be something like" don't want to die. "Guan Heng carried a huge axe and squinted at Soga, then asked softly:" Let's say, how can we connect with the person coming tomorrow in secret, isn't he coming to get the list? "

"This, this ..." Suga had a quibble of intentions, but when she saw Guan Heng's eyes showing arrogant murderousness, she was so scared that she almost urinated her pants. There was really no way. He kept busy meeting places, secret words, and discs.

—— [The third change of 2016.2.24, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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