At this moment, Soga pleaded with Guan Heng: "Master, I'll tell you everything, and you'll spare my life. I'm just a bark dog. It's not worth dirtying your hands."

"Hey, okay." Guan Heng asked everything Sophia knew, and sneered slowly: "If you can spare you, as long as you can do one thing, I will let you go!"

"What is it? Uncle, don't hesitate to speak." Soga is now sweating all over his body, and the wound of the broken wrist is extremely painful, making this kid incoherent: "I only live, just live."

"It's not difficult for you to survive," Guan Heng said to Suga at this time. "As long as you can resurrect any good person who was killed by you in the past, and beg for you, Lao Tzu will spare you!"

"Ahhhh! You play with me!" Soga now knows that the other party has no intention of letting go of himself. He hasn't had time to shout a second sound. The horizontal axe rushes across, and Soga's head breaks away from his neck. Flying in the air!

"Huh, huh!" Two fireballs were thrown out by Guan Heng shaking hands, one burned the remains of Sorgha, and the other turned the flying heads into flying ashes.

"Bad guy, one day it will end like this." Guan Heng murmured to himself, put the giant axe into the space ring, turned and disappeared into the night.


After a moment, Guan Heng and his group stayed at the hotel.

"Well, Meilu, I'm back." Guan Heng whispered at the door of the room. "Good news."

The door opened with a creak. It was Mei Lu's dad, Gray, who stood at the door and said with a surprised expression: "Mr. Guan Heng, you are back, this is great!"

"Meilu, wake up quickly." Gray quickly hurried to Meilu who was snoring at the desk, reached out and shook her: "The benefactor is back, you wake up."

"Uh huh ?!" Mei Lu rubbed her eyes, opened her eyes to see Guan Heng, the latter smiled, reached out and took out the pure gold family crest and handed it to her: "Oh, this is your baby, now it belongs to the original owner Now. "

"Guan Heng, thank you." Mei Huyan's eyes were red and she didn't know what to say, but Guan Heng waved her hand. "In fact, it's just a hand, and I have to tell you one thing about your father and daughter."

Guan Heng went through the matter of taking the home emblem, and told the father and daughter of Gerui and Meilu again.

Then, Guan Heng said: "Meilu, now this pure gold family crest has been taken back. I suggest you and your dad return to the capital of the city as soon as possible, because this city of Digun is about to become a place of right and wrong, all forces are here Gathering, for Mr. Gray's safety, you'd better set off tomorrow. "

"I see, Dad, what do you mean?" Meilu turned to ask Gray at this moment: "Is there anything you haven't solved in this place?"

"No, to be honest, I don't want to stay in Dagon City for an extra minute." Grey sighed and said, "The family emblem is back in my hands. I feel I need to be a human again, Meilu. Let's go back to the capital. "

Mei Lu slightly asked her head, and then asked again, "Guan Heng, what about you, don't you return to Wangdu? I remember you said that you wanted to visit my teacher, Mr. Yali, Dean of the Mowu Academy."

"I want to wait here until the trade fair is over and then go back." Guan Heng laughed holding his shoulders: "Because I have to accompany Prang and Hordley to buy something, I expect to return to the king to find you in a few days."

In this way, there was no speech overnight. In the early morning of the next day, Gray and Meilu had breakfast with everyone, bid farewell to the crowd, and left Digun City on two fast horses, heading straight for the capital.

At the entrance of the hotel, Guan Heng asked Prang: "What about Hodley? Why didn't you see him come out for breakfast?"

"Hey, Hodley drank too much with an old friend at Command House yesterday." Prang pouted and said, "The two soldiers carried him to the door and left. I and Hyde worked hard. Throw Hodley into the second-floor room. "

"Hey, don't worry about him first." Guan Heng asked Hyde: "When will the trade fair be held?"

"Well, I asked some familiar merchants yesterday. According to them, this trade fair may not officially start tomorrow morning, because there are many nobles from various countries coming to participate, and they have to arrive in Di in the past two days. Gongcheng. "

Fatty Hyde said that he paused, and then said, "However, many trade fair merchants have already put out ordinary goods for sale. If you and Baron Prand have anything you want to buy, you can go to the commercial street to see."

"I don't need to, there will be something in a while." Guan Heng said: "You take Prong to go to the shopping street."

"Why let the fat man take me?" Prang shouted displeasedly. "I'm not a kid, I'm going to shop by myself."

"Yes, yes, you really are not a child." Guan Heng said with a bitter smile: "But you are a nerd, what if you are deceived by someone else and bought a fake for a large price? Or let the fat follow you a little bit."

Prang tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally let out a smile: "You're right, well, in order to avoid being fooled, I decided to go with the fat man."

After the three had agreed on the schedule, they ignored Hudley, who had slept on the second floor without a hangover, and then left the hotel.

Guan Heng first went to the black and white crow's contact base—shoe and hat shop. After seeing the person in charge, Jacques, Guan Heng said what he had investigated last night.

After listening, Jacques slowly nodded: "It turned out that, it seems that 'Poison Wolf' has penetrated into the sphere of influence of various noble lords in East County. The information you bring back is really important."

"There is also this." Guan Heng shook the small iron pipe in his hand: "Inside is the list of poisonous wolf organizations in the East County Lords and Private Soldiers, presumably also very important information."

"Yes, Elder Guan Heng." Jacques said seriously: "About letting you investigate the son of Pippen, the task assigned by the Black Feather Raven, you have successfully completed, so your elder promotion points can already rise A hundred o'clock. "

With regard to the Black Feather Raven, the visiting elders are divided into levels. The lowest level is the Elder Iron Star, followed by the three star levels of copper, silver, and gold. Each star level can get the Black Feather Raven. Different levels of human and material resources support.

When the elders were promoted, Guan Heng knew everything when he killed Ilmas and read his ghost memory, so he was not surprised at this time.

"However, with regard to this list of internal traitors committed by the drug wolves in East County, it was originally your extra gain." Jacques said, "This list is not within the scope of my assigned mission, so I decided to represent Black Feather Ravens and report to Guan. Elder Heng acquired this list. I wonder what do you want? "

—— [Fourth more on February 24, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for Tibetan mastiff | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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