Imperial Overlord

: Seven hundred and eighty-one wait for me to die

Compared to far away Moscow, the fighting in Leningrad was very crisp. After the Germans were ready to attack, they began their own attack.

What Voroshilov feared the most, finally happened. Before winter arrives, Germany seems to want to take the city named after Lenin.

The Soviets were startled at the start of the battle, because what they saw was the SS Foreign Legion in SS uniforms, not regular Wehrmacht soldiers.

These Estonians in SS uniforms had a strong attack momentum from the beginning, and they advanced a full 10 kilometers before stopping the attack.

The Soviet soldiers guarding the front line were dumbfounded, they had never seen such a deadly play.

The Estonian 15th Panzergrenadier Division lost 20 tanks during the attack, killed a full 700 men, and destroyed a regiment before stopping the attack.

The 19th SS Division next door was similar, and at the cost of 400 men, they kept flanking the 15th Panzergrenadier Division, covering the division's advance.

The two divisions, along with the 20th Waffen SS Division behind them as a reserve, formed a spearhead that ripped apart the outer lines of Leningrad in a day.

But don't write about such losses, 1,100 people were killed in one day, not a small loss for the Axis powers.

If there are such huge losses every day, the accumulation is definitely an unbearable burden!

1,000 people per day, then a loss of 30,000 people a month. Add up to 360,000 a year!

This is only the loss of a local battlefield. Looking at the entire war, the loss may be tripled or even quadrupled!

A loss of 1 million a year almost means that troops with a size of more than 5 million are injured.

Losing one-fifth of the troops is unbearable, whether in terms of structural damage to the troops or the replacement of old and new.

Before this battle, the average daily loss of Germany was only about 1,000 people. This was the entire Eastern Front, not a local battlefield...

The Soviet troops around Leningrad suffered equally heavy losses, and they really didn't know why the German troops were fighting so hard all of a sudden.

As the saying goes, it's not that the Raptors can't beat Jiang, and the immediate reaction of the Soviet army after being beaten was that thousands of people surrendered.

They didn't have much ammo to begin with, and most of the soldiers were just numbers used to scare people.

There are actually very few soldiers who can really fight, probably only about 150,000, but the proportion is still much higher than that of Moscow.

However, most of the 150,000 troops were concentrated in the inner circle by Voroshilov, that is, near the city, and the troops placed on the periphery were actually second-rate goods.

In this way, once the position was breached, the number of soldiers who surrendered would be difficult to control. On the first day of the German attack, more than 10,000 Soviet troops surrendered.

Most of the Soviet soldiers who surrendered were Russian soldiers, so the SS troops that accepted these surrendering soldiers reported that they had encountered a mutiny of prisoners, and about 300 prisoners died in the mutiny.

After this somewhat surprising incident, the Estonian troops were ordered to learn to rectify, and they were required not to arbitrarily fault Soviet prisoners of war who had surrendered.

After all, these prisoners of war are now the wealth of German businessmen. With these prisoners of war, minerals in Hungary, Austria, and the Czech Republic have been developed at a high speed.

Especially Austria, because of the existence of tungsten ore, has become the largest tungsten metal production base in Germany. Nearly 500 tons of metal tungsten can be produced here every year for German weapons.

The tungsten ore was mined by the coolies in the POW camps. Usually they were Polish or Soviet prisoners of war.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is blood on every piece of tungsten ore mined in Germany. The reality is worse, people are dying here every day.

Therefore, every labor force is actually precious to Germany and cannot be wasted.

After all, Germany is a country with a population of only 80 million. It cannot rely on these populations to complete the war for world hegemony.

The next day the German attack was even more rapid, with the main German force from the south advancing northwards and into the city fringe of Leningrad.

Street fighting kicked off, but on this day more Soviet defenders surrendered, reaching an unprecedented 30,000.

The Soviet soldiers stationed on the periphery quickly surrendered their weapons because they had no intention of resisting.

"We can't go on like this... If we go on like this, within 15 days, we will lose Leningrad." Voroshilov said depressedly to his chief of staff.

"The Germans will destroy this place and turn it into and then we will all be buried together!" He pointed to the map, which was densely marked with the German artillery shelling area.

"You are too optimistic, Comrade Marshal..." The Chief of Staff was obviously more pessimistic. He rubbed a copy of Lenin's Inquiry with his hand and said, "If the intensity of the battle continues, our ammunition will run out in about seven days. ."

"If we don't have replenishment, we can't afford to consume it. The tanks are running out of fuel, and the cannons are running out of shells..." The chief of staff said painfully: "The loss of our troops is even more appalling."

In order to stop the German attack, the Soviet Union actually paid a heavy price, with tens of thousands of casualties every day, and even more if civilians were counted.

"I appointed 4 new regiments yesterday...5 of our divisions were routed and 2 lost contact." The chief of staff was heartbroken when he mentioned the loss.

Some people have longevity, or they will surrender.] The team lost its organizational structure, and the position was occupied by the German army.

The periphery of Leningrad is now in chaos. The Soviet Voroshilov group, with 400,000 troops, now has only 340,000 people left.

The German army surpassed in strength, because after calculating losses and supplements, there were still about 350,000 German troops besieging Stalingrad.

"The only way to be decent now is to surrender while Leningrad is still useful..." The chief of staff glanced at Marshal Voroshilov and made a very taboo suggestion.

Voroshilov was stunned after hearing this suggestion, then glanced at the chief of staff who had been working with him for a month, and sighed.

This breath is full of helplessness, and there are some inexplicable resentments: "I can't surrender, the Soviet Union has not yet surrendered the marshal... You can, but you have to wait until after my death."

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