Imperial Overlord

: Seven hundred and eighty-two reflections

"But the marshal... surrender now, maybe we can still make a condition, and if we fight again, we won't have any qualifications to negotiate the conditions." The chief of staff looked at Marshal Voroshilov and persuaded bitterly.

If the German army can successfully take over Leningrad, then this port will still be worth using, and it will also save the German troops.

When this place is in ruins, they will have no bargaining chip to exchange their freedom.

And the German losses have already been done, and the fighting will not stop easily. All the Soviet troops here had only one fate, that is, they were sent to concentration camps by the Germans and worked to death.

The chief of staff shuddered every time he thought about it. He really doesn't want to die for this city, he still has his wife and family.

"Death is not scary, my comrade. What is scary is watching my country perish." Marshal Voroshilov seemed to see the thoughts of his subordinates and said this.

He stood up, walked over to the chief of staff with his hands behind his back, and persuaded: "We are already dead, we are already dead in this ruins, as long as you think about it like this, it will always feel better."

"But we're not dead! We fought for this country, but we don't have to die for this country!" the chief of staff defended bitterly.

"Stalin threatened me with my son and my wife. Such a person is not worth fighting for him." The man with desperate eyes stared at Voroshilov and said.

Marshal Voroshilov sighed and said with a sway: "Then fight for your wife and son. At least you are dead and they can live."

"Can they really live?" The chief of staff immediately asked back: "If the war fails, you and I are the dead that Germany hates to the core. They will find our families and kill them."

When he said this, as if he had caught something, his eyes suddenly turned to Voroshilov: "Then our deaths will be meaningless!"

"If, if Marshal Tukhachevsky was still there, maybe the war would not have been defeated like this." The chief of staff was a little out of control when he mentioned this.

He thought of many old comrades in arms, as well as the young Marshal Tukhachevsky, who was executed by Stalin.

It is not that Marshal Tukhachevsky was the savior of the Soviet Union, but that he died during the Great Purge, with a strong tragic color.

This flush indeed contains many promising and capable military commanders. These people died inexplicably, causing incalculable losses to the Soviet army.

Many people now have a question in their hearts, if Stalin did not launch this flush, would the Soviet Red Army suffer such a tragic defeat.

You must know that in the era when Comrade Lenin was still alive, countless foreign troops intervened, as well as white bandits within Russia, were all defeated by the Red Army commanders and fighters.

But just over a dozen years later, they suffered a series of failures - whether it was a war launched by themselves or by others, they all failed.

At the beginning, they couldn't beat Poland, and they were taught by Poland to be human; then they were abused by the small country of Finland, and suffered heavy losses.

The Soviet-German war broke out. Originally, the Soviet Union concentrated its forces to attack Germany, but it turned into a defensive war...

Defensive battles were also disastrous, losing a great deal of territory and millions of soldiers.

They lost Brest, they lost Minsk, they lost Smolensk, and now Moscow and Leningrad are lost...

The generals left by many factions, even if they don't mention it, sympathize with and support those who died.

Stalin's Great Purge campaign, although on the surface, completed the unification of the Soviet Union's decrees and military orders, but also left the seeds of hatred at the root.

The liquidation of Stalin by Khrushchev, Zhukov and others after the war was actually a counter-offensive of various problems left over from the period of the Great Purge.

"Why mention him? He and the Germans..." Marshal Voroshilov has always stood on the opposite side of Tukhachevsky in terms of position.

Marshal Voroshilov has always been a supporter of the cavalry theory in the previous military theory debate, and he did not look down on more advanced tanks before.

It was only later that the German tanks shook all directions, and he reluctantly accepted the status quo of tanks replacing cavalry.

But he, like Budyonny, did not like Tukhachevsky, the deceased marshal.

No matter why Stalin got rid of Tukhachevsky, or why he started the purge, the pessimistic atmosphere of failure has turned these old accounts out.

"We all know what that ride is..." The chief of staff frowned and said to Marshal Voroshilov: "We all know what do we know? Even if he is still alive, a beaten But the Polish marshal can save the Soviet Union and defeat Germany?" Marshal Voroshilov roared somewhat hysterically.

Looking at his comrades, he lowered his voice and said, "If you don't want to be caught and hanged by those political commissars, don't say anything about that man! I'm here for your own good!"

"Hanging? We are defeated, and Comrade Marshal is defeated. Maybe we still have a chance to save this country!"

"Rescue? Make peace with the Germans? As long as Stalin is still around, we are all traitors, we don't have this power!" Voroshilov argued coldly.

Before he knew it, he had shifted the focus of the debate from the deadly battle to the topic of peace...

No one here is willing to die here willingly, even a hero, a hero who is not afraid of death, is unwilling to die.

"Maybe, he himself is almost finished!" The chief of staff sneered and said in a low voice: "As long as he leaves Moscow, it will be finished." Those people in Ryabinsk, 80% will not let him continue to issue orders !"

"As long as we persist, we may be qualified to negotiate with the Germans." After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the basement headquarters room without waiting for Voroshilov to scold him.

The sound of the cannons was still heard outside, and Voroshilov looked at the back of the chief of staff, not knowing what to say for a while.

Voroshilov didn't know whether Stalin was still in Moscow, but the Germans had attacked Moscow, and he was informed by Moscow.

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