Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1317: Furious mode on 2

Chapter 1317 Rage mode is turned on 2

Isn't Jun Mohuang only the strength of the sixth rank of Yuanjun Realm? How could her combat effectiveness be so powerful!

These two people didn't know that the six-stage strength of the Yuanjun realm they saw was that Jun Mohuang could hide his strength.

"Jun, you are so courageous, you dare to beat the disciple of the third peak like this, Ben Shao..."

Chu Tiankuo was frowning, enduring the pain, trying to pull out the golden dagger pierced by his palm.

Unexpectedly, he had just bowed his head for less than two seconds, and the battle was instantly reversed.

The shock in Chu Tiankuo's heart was no less than Yuan Wei and Yao Xuan.

Jun Mohuang didn't answer anything, her figure flashed, and her speed was extremely fast, and she had come to Chu Tiankuo.

Her speed was too fast, and Chu Tiankuo didn't react at all when she was approaching.

"What to pull, this hand, I look upset, so I just chopped it."

Jun Mohuang sneered, and the golden dagger in his hand lifted and dropped, making a perfect arc in the air.


There was a sharp pain in Chu Tiankuo's right wrist, and immediately after that, he saw his palm fly out, throwing a bright red blood line in the air.

"Trash, you... actually dared to cut Ben Shao's hand! Ben Shao... Ben Shao wants to break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

Chu Tiankuo covered the **** severed hand with his left hand, his facial features were twisted, and his eyes were blood-red.

He lifted a palm, and his spiritual energy turned into four white tiger phantoms and roared, waving their claws towards Jun Mohuang.

Chu Tiankuo didn't have time to think about why Jun Mohuang's combat effectiveness was so high. He only knew that he would tear Jun Mohuang to pieces to vent his hatred!

After Chu Tiankuo uttered the need for four white tigers, a strong spiritual energy was brewing in his palm, and he commanded the flying monster to change direction and attack her back.

Jun Mohuang sneered, she saw through Chu Tiankuo's little abacus at a glance.

Don't you just want to play the front and back flanking, she will play with him enough!

She is not only as simple as his hand to chop!

Jun Mohuang raised his small hand, and four phoenix phantoms rushed out and fought against Chu Tiankuo's tiger phantom in the air.

Four phoenix phantoms, one black, one gold, and two white.

The black and gold respectively represent the two elemental powers that Jun Mohuang now masters.

The white color is transformed by the general aura, the combat effectiveness is not as good as the phantom with elemental attributes, and it is still very powerful.

The four phoenix phantoms fought with Chu Tiankuo's four tiger phantoms, and the phoenix phantom of Jun Mohuang had the advantage.

Jun Mohuang did not pause at all, mobilizing the gold element to his right arm, and at the same time crushed fifty jade charms in the Phoenix jade space to increase attack power.

Turned around and swung forcefully towards Chu Tiankuo who tried to sneak attack.

Chu Tiankuo smiled contemptuously.

Humph, he was successfully attacked by Jun Mohuang just now, purely because of her luck.

A trash with only the sixth rank of Yuanjun realm, dare to face him head-on!

His punch can destroy her hand!

court death!

The fists of the two were infinitely close, because the speed and strength were too fast and too big, there was a crackling friction in the air.


The fists of the two collided instantly.

As Chu Tiankuo expected, there was a crackling, and there was a sound of cracking bones.

The bones wrapped in flesh and blood shattered under this powerful attacking power, and there were waves of beautiful sounds, like beads falling on a jade plate.

Chu Tiankuo let out the most tragic scream in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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