Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1318: Furious mode on 3

Chapter 1318 Rage Mode is on 3

He obviously guessed the beginning but not the end.

Yes, it was not Jun Mohuang who was beaten to a comminuted fracture and his arm was scrapped, but Chu Tiankuo himself!

Chu Tiankuo endured the severe pain and quickly checked the injury of his lower left arm with his broken right hand.

His left arm fell weakly and hung from it like a soft noodle.

As long as there is a gust of wind, it will dance with the wind.

He couldn't figure out why the sixth-order Jun Mohuang of the Yuanjun realm would hurt him like this, but she herself was not hurt at all.

How did Chu Tiankuo know that Jun Mohuang's strength is indeed only the first level of the Yuanzun state, but she is the second level of the body tempering state.

In terms of physical strength, Chu Tiankuo of Yuanzun Stage 4 was not as good as her.

What's more, she also mastered the power of the gold element. Each time she used fifty jade charms that increased her attack power by 2%, directly doubling her attack power.

In this case, it is not impossible to beat his hand with one punch with all his strength.

" Mohuang, you are so bold! Do you know who this young master is!"

Chu Tiankuo's eyes were red, and he couldn't figure it out, and he didn't bother to think about it.

He only knows that he must kill Jun Mohuang this time!

When Chu Tiankuo thought, he would summon his spiritual power.

"I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing."

Jun Mohuang smiled coldly and smashed the fifty jade charms in the Phoenix Jade space again.

A punch to Chu Tian's broad chest.

The speed of Jun Mohuang's attack was so fast that Chu Tiankuo hadn't had time to summon the spirit power, her fist had already hit his chest hard.

The hand speed practiced by the pincers in the water is vividly displayed at this moment.

With a few crisp sounds, the breastbone on Chu Tian's broad chest was broken again.

" stop..."

Chu Tiankuo suddenly stepped back a few meters, spraying out a few big mouthfuls of blood before he could gain a foothold in the flying monster.

He could perceive that if Jun Mohuang punched again, it would definitely break his internal organs.

In Chu Tiankuo's eyes, the color of anger faded, revealing the color of fear and fear for the first time.

Jun Mohuang didn't want to pay any attention to his intentions, she kept moving, flashing forward, crushing fifty jade charms that increased attack power again, and hit Chu Tiankuo's chin with a punch.


Chu Tiankuo spewed a big mouthful of blood again, and there were more than a dozen teeth spurting out with the blood.

After Jun Mohuang's third vigorous blow, he finally couldn't maintain his standing, and was directly brought to the sky by this force.

In the process of going to heaven, Chu Tiankuo felt that his brain was severely hammered by a giant hammer, his brain shook, his eyes turned black and gold stars appeared, and his ears seemed to be buzzing with thousands of bees. sound.

After Chu Tiankuo flew several tens of meters into the sky, his body fell again like a parabola.

Seeing all this, his flying monster was already trembling with fear and was about to flee.

Jun Mohuang kicked to the side of the flying beast, and the flying beast actually kicked her to a specific position in the air.

With the muffled sound of physical impact, Chu Tiankuo directly fell on the flying monster.

Jun Mohuang was waiting for this moment!

She smashed all the remaining fifty jade charms that increase attack power in the Phoenix Jade Space, squeezed her small hand into a fist, and violently hit the place where the sea of ​​anger was.

Feeling the huge crisis, Chu Tian's broad and vague consciousness finally became sober.

He saw Jun Mohuang's fist hitting his Qi Sea, his eyes were filled with panic and fear.

Three chapters first, and two more chapters.

Today, according to the old rules, four chapters, five chapters, make up the chapter owed yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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