Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2924: Of course we have to come for real

Chapter 2924 Of course we have to come true

The Celestial Continent is not like the True God Continent. As long as someone dies and envelops the Divine Realm enchantment, it will consume the Divine Soul as energy.

Di Yize was dead. At that time, the two only saw his corpse, but his soul was completely gone.

Even the two even saw the bodies of other runes.

Unlike the Protoss, at that time, in the meteorite, Emperor Mohuang wiped out the blood evil heart, and the souls of the Protoss came to thank him in person.

However, because their souls have been polluted and corroded by the Heart of Blood Fiend for a long time, they are no longer willing to stay in the world, so they choose to dissipate on their own when they are freed.

Di Yize, and the whole clan of runes, think about it carefully, and it is indeed doubtful.

"Maybe he has a problem. I will talk about Di Yize's matter after the matter of God's Domain is resolved."

Di Lingtian's attitude towards Di Yize was the same as before, and he was reluctant to talk more unless it was necessary.

"Then let's not talk about this for now. Ling Tian, ​​let's continue to practice. Luancheng turbulent flow, since there is this kind of existence, I want to see what the **** is going on with those two people."

Regarding the issue of Emperor Yize, Jun Mohuang has always been obedient to Emperor Ling Tian.

She was lucky to have a good father, but Di Lingtian did not.


Di Lingtian understood her understanding and couldn't help holding it in her arms.

"When you advance to the early stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen Realm, remember to stop."

"Ling Tian, ​​I know, lure the enemy to go deeper, that black dragon is not easy to deceive, of course we have to come true."

Jun Mohuang smiled slyly, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Only by pretending to be weaker can the black dragon be overwhelmed and better understand the purpose of the black dragon.

"Not only that, Huang'er, I will give you a big gift when that happens."

Di Lingtian's slender fingers combed Jun Mohuang's long black and smooth hair, and the slight uncomfortable mood was wiped out because of hearing Di Yize.

"Ling Tian's gift, I am looking forward to it."

Jun Mohuang's eyes were slightly raised, and he was completely interested.

The big gift that Di Lingtian said was a great advantage.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty days passed quickly.

The black huge boat that has been in the invisible state suddenly sent strong energy fluctuations, and the coercion gushing out like a tide directly revealed the invisible black huge boat.

In the mirror world, Feng Yunqi and the others, who had just awakened from a state of retreat cultivation, had not had time to leave the 800-fold delay space, they noticed that the entire mirror world was shaking.

"Wow, it must be the boss and the emperor who just left the customs. With this fluctuation, the boss and the emperor must have been successfully promoted!"

"Go, let's hurry up and watch, and by the way, let Her Majesty the Queen see the effectiveness of our recent training."

Everyone felt the volatility, and not only did they not see any panic, they were overjoyed.

Immediately there was an 800-fold delay space and rushed to a thousand-fold delay space.

They had only come out of the space of eight hundred delays, and they had already seen Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian.

As they expected, the two had their own gains.

Jun Mohuang was promoted to the early stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm, and Emperor Lingtian was promoted to the latter stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm.

"Wow, boss, the emperor is so powerful."

"Hey, in comparison, we have only been promoted to the third level of the Primordial God Realm, and we are going to drag the queen back again."

After the Yuanshen realm was promoted to the sixth stage, the time spent in different periods in each stage suddenly had to be calculated in tens of thousands of years.

The degree of difficulty is hundreds of times more difficult to advance to the first rank than their level of strength.

In this retreat, although the two did not fully advance to the first level, their progress has been called sky-defying.

(End of this chapter)

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