Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2925: Ask for reward, ask for praise

Chapter 2925 Seeking reward, seeking praise

The outside world is less than a month, even if it is calculated according to the time of a thousand times the delay space, it is not even a hundred years.

This speed, compared with other people's 20,000 to 30,000 years, is truly an existence against the sky.

In contrast, they are below the sixth stage of the Primordial God Realm to advance to the first stage, and it is nothing to compare with the two.

Jun Mohuang comforted: "What's the hurry, it's only a few days. I haven't entered the realm of God, and there are many adventures behind."

Fortunately, they didn't know that in order to lower the vigilance of the black dragon, she and Di Lingtian deliberately stopped practicing after being promoted ten days ago.

At the same time, in order to confuse the black dragon, Di Lingtian deliberately made the promotion now.

Otherwise, how could she and Di Lingtian stop being promoted so much.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we will definitely work hard!"

Jun Mohuang's encouragement instantly filled the dragon clan, Feng Yunqi and others with fighting spirit.

"Mother, father, they have also been promoted, and they have been promoted to the late third stage of the soul."

Xiao Haitang ran towards Jun Mohuang with two short legs.

A delicate little face was flushed with excitement, beautiful eyes shining brightly.

Looking at Jun Mohuang expectantly, his exquisite little face was full of rewards and compliments.

"My baby is amazing, come on, mother kiss."

Jun Mohuang was not stingy, picked up Xiao Haitang, and kissed her tender cheek several times.

"Huang'er, the husband has also made progress, and he should also be rewarded."

Emperor Lingtian hugged Xiao Haitang, who was in the arms of Emperor Mohuang, and approached with a handsome face.

What Di Lingtian meant was already self-evident.

"Don't make trouble."

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and pushed him away, so many people made him feel embarrassed.

Seeing this situation, other people on the scene had already left the mirror world for the first time, doing the bird and beast dispersal.


When Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian and the others exited the barrier, the hidden black flying boat reappeared, swiftly flying in the direction of God's Domain.

In Xiao Haitang's ring, Luo Chen's soul felt sour when seeing Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang both advance.

Back then, his strength was equal to that of Di Lingtian.

Today, Di Lingtian possesses the strength of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm, and Luo Chen now has only a group of souls left, and has become a slave to a little girl.

Between the two, there is already a gap between heaven and earth.

"This is not a difficult difficulty, and it can strike you like this. Di Lingtian didn't even advance to the first rank, and it's just that. What are you sad about."

Heilong could not help but sneer again and again when he saw Luo Chen's desperate state.

"Why did Senior Black Dragon say this?"

Luo Chen didn't understand why Heilong said that to Emperor Lingtian.

"The Mirror World is that woman's realm space, and it has been nourished by this dragon's large amount of black dragon blood. Those two people have a lot of top-quality cultivation resources in their hands."

"Di Lingtian's own blood is extremely pure, and he is also the body of the legendary gods and demons. With so many absolute advantages, he should be promoted to the early stage of the eighth stage of the Primordial God Realm to be worthy of such superior conditions after nearly a month of hard cultivation. ."

"But he didn't even break through to the eighth level of the Primordial Divine Realm, so this person is really not that good. There is also the Emperor Mo Phoenix, the original is the same, the white blind is the descendant of the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix family."

Heilong's words couldn't hide his charm.

It wanted to plot two people in the undercurrent of Luancheng, and was very cautious.

After seeing the strength of the two retreats and advancement, Black Dragon's caution was completely replaced by confidence.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Cheng Jiao for holding Yi away, looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. Wait for the baby's reward.

(End of this chapter)

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