Chapter 58 It’s over——

"There is no doubt that this case was a premeditated murder."

"Nishihara, you have a strong intention to kill Akikawa, and you also like to kill him."

"You not only broke the deceased Uesugi's tongue when he was still alive, but also broke his jaw after he was dead."

"The weapon you used to strangle Uesugi was a wig you found from the warehouse next door. You tried to destroy the evidence after killing the person."

"The time when you committed the murder was before the start of the second act of the stage play and just after the start of the second act."

"We confirmed that Nishihara you had a motive to attack Akikawa, and we also found the murder weapon used for strangulation in your bag. You had no alibi during this period."

"Excuse me, do you have anything else you want to argue with?"

"Or should I wait until the DNA test results on the wig come out before pleading guilty?"

Megure Thirteen looked at Koichi Nishihara, who had his hands cuffed by Chiba and Nobu, and asked in a deep voice.

"I said it wasn't me!! You got the wrong person from the beginning to the end!!"

Nishihara Hiroshi shouted to Megure Thirteen with a livid face, and was so angry that he almost died suddenly.

According to Nishihara Koichi’s original judgment.

If this is really the worst case scenario, and I, as the real culprit, are caught by detectives and police,

Then he can also use the excuse of improvisation to reduce his culpability.

As Yoko Okino said.

Koichi Nishihara committed two violent incidents when he was a student.

At that time, he was also called to the police station for questioning.

So Koichi Nishihara knows it very well.

On the two points of "temporary intention" and "premeditated", the degree of sentencing will be very different.

The truth is that he killed the lighting engineer Uesugi and wanted to blame him on Akikawa Kyusuke.

But I can describe this matter as——

He just had an accidental conflict with Uesugi, so he accidentally killed someone, but it happened to be seen by Akikawa Kyusuke.

But when he was about to attack Akikawa Kongsuke, he regretted it, so he didn't do anything cruel.

Although the result of killing oneself will not change, the sentencing will be much better than setting the blame for murder.

What's the result now?

The police not only concluded that this was a premeditated murder.

He also said that he had committed a brutal act of torture and murder on the deceased.

If he is convicted with such a result, there is no doubt that the nature will be much worse.

And the most important thing is.

Except that he did kill someone, the rest of the things were not done by him at all! !

A very strong feeling of being wronged came over me.

However, no matter how aggrieved Nishihara Koichi felt, he still knew who had "put the blame" on him.

But he couldn't tell the truth.

Besides, he didn't feel that he had told the truth even if he broke the pot.

The detectives and detectives in front of you will believe you.

That's it.

Koichi Nishihara believes that his only chance to escape guilt is to make the detectives think Akikawa Kyusuke is the real murderer.

And Koichi Nishihara’s confidence is that Akikawa Kyousuke has touched the real murder weapon.

And he was stained with the blood of the dead.

"As long as Qiuchuan is still suspected, then you cannot convict me!"

Nishihara Koichi thought in his heart and shouted again:

"You have to believe me! The real culprit is Qiuchuan!"

"You identified Akikawa as the murderer, but where is your evidence?"

Megure Thirteen was annoyed by Nishihara Koichi and asked in a deep voice.

"I saw Akichuan commit the murder with my own eyes!"

"I saw him fighting Uesugi. His body was covered in Uesugi's blood, and he strangled Uesugi's neck with a rope!"

"It's simply ridiculous! Akikawa was clearly still in his dressing room when the deceased was killed."

"Besides, if you saw Qiuchuan committing the murder from the beginning, why didn't you tell him earlier?"

Mouri Kogoro was also angered by Nishihara Koichi's ridiculous statement.

"Because Qiuchuan is a junior in my company, I originally wanted to hide this matter for him, but I didn't expect that Qiuchuan actually wanted to frame me!"

"Mr. Nishihara, you said you saw Brother Akikawa strangling Mr. Uesugi with a rope. What was the situation at that time?"

Conan walked to Nishihara Koichi and raised his head to ask.

"Akikawa pinned Uesugi underneath him, and then used a rope to tighten Uesugi's neck from above!!"

Koichi Nishihara recalled the scene of Kyusuke Akikawa's murder that he created at the beginning.

I believe that as long as the police can find the real murder weapon and check the blood of the deceased from Akikawa Kousuke's body,

Akikawa Kyusuke will definitely still be suspected as the murderer.

By that time, Akikawa Kyousuke's behavior of framing himself will be self-defeating and increase his suspicion.

Just when Koichi Nishihara desperately wanted to grasp the last flame of hope.

Suddenly he saw the primary school student standing in front of him and gently adjusted his shiny glasses.

"Sorry, Mr. Nishihara is indeed the real murderer."


Nishihara Koichi was stunned and then became furious:

"What do you know, you little brat?!"

"I'll tell you why."

Sera Masumi was also made impatient by Nishihara Koichi.

She said with a cold expression:

"Mr. Nishihara, your lies are full of loopholes."

"Not to mention that Akikawa had a perfect alibi when the victim was killed."

"Secondly, the neck and fingertips of the victim did not have any rope fragments or fibers as Mr. Nishihara said."

"Unless someone had deliberately handled it, how could strangulation with a rope leave no marks?"

"Finally, the strangle marks on the victim's neck are located at a higher position on the neck, and the angle of the strangle marks is vertical."

"This means that the victim was strangled from behind while standing or sitting, not what you said, Mr. Nishihara, that Akikawa was pressed down and strangled upwards!"

"Since you said so, it can only prove one thing."

"That is, you didn't see any crime scene at all, and you are still trying to put the blame on Akikawa!"

Sera Masumi's voice exploded in Nishihara Koichi's mind like a thunderclap again.

In his buzzing brain, there was only this last thought left:

"It's over--"

Sera Masumi walked to Nishihara Koichi with a gloomy face and whispered:

"Your ability to frame someone is extremely poor, Mr. Nishihara."

Sera Masumi's words made Nishihara Koichi's eyes go dark and he collapsed instantly.

Megure Jusan looked at Nishihara Koichi who fainted due to excessive excitement.

He knew that this case had also come to a conclusion.

He ordered the police to take Nishihara Koichi away, and at the same time asked the police to thoroughly search the Imperial Theater.

Look for the chair used as the murder weapon, as well as the protective clothing and motorcycle helmet described by Akikawa Sosuke.

After giving all these instructions, he ignored Maori Kogoro on the side and came to Sera Masumi's side.

A smile appeared on his slightly fat cheeks.

"Thank you for your help this time, sister Sera."

"It's okay. Finding the murderer is what a detective should do."

Sera Masumi glanced coldly at Nishihara Koichi who was carried away like a dead body, and then smiled at Megure Jusan.

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