In the ambulance.

Misaki Itakura pressed her forehead against her clasped hands, praying in her heart that Akikawa Kyusuke would be safe.

"Miss Itakura, do you have water?"


A familiar voice sounded.

Itakura Misaki suddenly raised her head,

Then he saw Kyusuke Akikawa, who was lying on the stretcher with his eyes closed. He didn't know when he had opened his eyes and was looking at him.

Itakura Misaki's heart that had been worrying about it suddenly relaxed.

However, after she saw Akikawa Kousuke's left eye that seemed to be covered in blood and turned red,

I felt a suffocating feeling again.

Misaki Itakura resisted the urge to cry, took out water from her bag, and looked at the first responders from the fire department.

After seeing the other party nod, she unscrewed the cap of the water bottle and handed it to Akikawa Kyusuke.

Maybe it was because he was lying down, or maybe Akikawa Kyusuke was too seriously injured and was a little unconscious.

Misaki Itakura saw Kyusuke Akikawa taking the water bottle and just taking a few sips when he accidentally knocked over the water bottle.

The water bottle tipped over and the water inside spilled on Akikawa Kyousuke's school uniform.


Itakura Misaki screamed and quickly picked up the overturned water bottle.

But Akikawa Kyusuke's British school uniform was still soaked by the water in the mineral water bottle.


Akikawa Kyusuke coughed as if he had choked on water.

The policeman sent by Megure Thirteen to accompany him quickly helped Akikawa Kongsuke up.

An emergency worker asked Akikawa Kūsuke to lean forward.

At the same time, he used his other hand to hold Akikawa Kyousuke's chest.

This posture can help patients who are choking on water to smoothly clear the water that has choked into the airway through coughing.

After a while, Akikawa Kyousuke finally stopped coughing and lay down again.

Itakura Misaki looked at Akikawa Kyusuke who couldn't even hold a water bottle, and couldn't help but said:

"Mr. Akikawa, let me feed you."

"Thank you, Miss Itakura, no need."

Akikawa Kyusuke thanked him softly and then closed his eyes again.

After Akikawa Kyusuke lay down again, the emergency personnel on the ambulance also helped take off Akikawa Kyusuke's shirt.

Electrodes were connected to Kyusuke Akikawa's chest.

Then he wrapped the blood pressure cuff around Akikawa Kyusuke's upper arm.

This is used to monitor Akikawa Kyusuke's heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate in real time.


"In this way, there is a very reasonable explanation for my clothes getting wet."

Akikawa Kousuke, who was lying on the stretcher with his eyes closed and letting the emergency personnel examine him, thought to himself.

It was not an accident that he knocked over the water bottle just now.

That’s because Akikawa Kyusuke noticed that in addition to the first responders and his manager Miss Itakura Misaki,

There was also a criminal police officer who followed him into the ambulance.

In order to prevent the criminal police from finding out that his clothes are wet and becoming suspicious of him.

So Akikawa Kyousuke knocked over the water bottle and wet his clothes while drinking water.

"Although I don't think the police would think of me cleaning the blood stains when they saw my clothes were wet, but there is nothing wrong with being on the safe side."

Akikawa Kyousuke thought in his heart.


I don’t know how much time passed.

Suddenly, a clear mechanical sound sounded in Akikawa Kyousuke's mind.

Immediately, the system prompt also appeared in front of Akikawa Kongsuke's eyes.

[Choose 3, Complete]

[Distribute rewards, physical fitness +5, recovery card x1]

"It seems that Mr. Nishihara received the 'gift' I gave back to him well."

Akikawa Kyousuke thought in his heart, and at the same time felt that his somewhat weak body was under the 5-point physical bonus.

The feeling of powerlessness that had enveloped my whole body was quickly fading away.

The body also burst out with vitality that it had never experienced before.

"My physical fitness should be close to that of a normal person now. I won't be as weak and weak as before."

Akikawa Kyousuke thought in his heart.

Akikawa Kongsuke is still quite satisfied with the improvement of his physical fitness.

As for the recovery card, Akikawa Kyusuke had no intention of using it.

First, if you recover too quickly, you might be suspicious.

The second thing is that the injury he suffered this time, in Akikawa Kongsuke's opinion, is actually not very serious.

With my current constitution, as long as I receive normal treatment, I should be able to recover quickly.

Akikawa Kyusuke closed his eyes and rethought today's events in his mind.

Nishihara Koichi tried to put the blame on himself.

And corresponding cover-ups were made in terms of motives, murder weapons, and alibi.

Koichi Nishihara chose someone who had nothing to do with him just to conceal his motive of framing him.

So Akikawa Kosuke made his injuries look "severe enough" so that the police and detectives could notice that the murderer had a motive for committing the crime against him.

Koichi Nishihara put the rope as the murder weapon into his hand, just to make this irrefutable evidence the most powerful proof that he was the murderer.

So Akikawa Kosuke created a completely different murder weapon by changing the evidence at the scene and gave it to Nishihara Koichi.

Koichi Nishihara deliberately chose to kill the deceased after knocking himself unconscious.

In addition to allowing the audience to provide an alibi for him, it was also to prevent him from providing an alibi when the murderer was killed.

In this case, Akikawa Kosuke led the detectives to misjudge the time of the deceased's murder by changing the temperature of the room.

When Akikawa Kyousuke woke up in the room, he found that he had been unconscious for 22 minutes.

Under the ambient temperature at that time, it would only take half an hour for the body to appear stained.

So Akikawa Kyousuke turned off the central air conditioner in the room.

In this way, the temperature in the room will cool down quickly.

The purpose of this step is not to slow down the formation of cadaver spots and rigor mortis.

It was to allow detectives and police officers to misjudge the real time of the deceased's death due to changes in ambient temperature.

If the temperature in the room at that time had been maintained, the detectives would have determined that the deceased was killed in the third act after the body spots appeared on the body.

In this case, he would have no alibi.

So I turned off the central air conditioner, which lowered the temperature in the room.

In this way, corpse spots are also formed.

The ambient temperature at that time would take an hour or more.

Detectives will naturally judge from the body spots that the deceased has been dead for a long time.

As for his act of breaking the deceased's jaw, he simply did not want Koichi Nishihara to use the excuse of "improvisation" to reduce his guilt.

Akikawa Kyusuke was not worried that the detective would suspect him at all.

Because with his own physical condition, how could he break the jaw of a normal adult male so cleanly?

Kyusuke Akikawa understands Japanese criminal law.

In Japan, homicide is a very broad crime.

The sentencing range ranges from a two-year suspended sentence to the death penalty.

The most important criteria for determining the level of sentencing are whether the offender has the intention to kill and the offender's attitude of admitting guilt.

As long as he is convicted of murder, he will be sentenced to at least five years in prison.

And what he let the police and detectives see was Nishihara Koichi's crime.

It is much more serious than simple murder.

"Murder, attempted homicide, cruelty to the deceased and mutilation of the body."

"Taking all the crimes into consideration, Koichi Nishihara will undoubtedly be convicted of an 'extreme crime'."

"In this case, the criminal will basically be sentenced to life or more without the chance of parole."

"As for whether he can be sentenced to death, it will depend on his guilty plea."

If the criminal pleads guilty in a good manner, it will be difficult for him to be sentenced to death if he only kills one person.

The other way around.

If a criminal only kills one person, he can still be sentenced to death if he pleads guilty with a bad attitude.

The so-called bad attitude of pleading guilty means refusing to admit it in the face of irrefutable evidence.

Whether they are pretending to have amnesia or making things up, there are cases where prisoners have been sentenced to death for this.

Therefore, after being caught, Nishihara Koichi will face two choices.

First, he refused to admit the crime he had committed, and was eventually judged to have refused to cooperate and had a bad attitude when confessing.

Second, admitting to something he has not done and ultimately being sentenced as an extreme crime.

"No matter which one Mr. Saihara chooses, his life will be over."

Akikawa Kyousuke thought in his heart and resisted the urge to raise the corners of his mouth.

I would like to trouble all readers who have read this to scroll this chapter to the end and jump out of the interface after reading this chapter. Thank you all readers!

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