In Douluo, the female pope used me as a substitute for her first love

Chapter 83 Yin Hua Long Que Inner Pill and Yang Hua Long Que Inner Pill

That year, Wang Zhao was nine years old.

Coincidentally, the day he broke through level 30 happened to be the day he met Bibi Dong.

After thinking about it, Bibi Dong also felt a little surprised, so she thought about giving Wang Zhao some commemorative gifts.

But after thinking about it, I felt that instead of looking for her randomly, it would be better to let Wang Zhao, a very discerning brat, choose by himself.

So, she led Wang Zhao into the treasure house of Wuhun Palace.

There are a lot of good things in it, such as rare soul tools, or rare skills, and even soul bones. Wang Zhao even saw a few secret books of the Haotian Sect in it.

Of course, Wang Zhao did not need the Haotian Sect secret book, because Bibi Dong had already given him a copy for study.

As for "treasures of the blood river" such as soul bones, it is naturally inconvenient for Wang Zhao to take them. Whether they are suitable for use and whether they should be seen or not has to be decided separately. The key is that he, the nominal holy son, has not yet given it to the Spirit Hall. What contributions has he made? If he takes the soul bone, will the elders be convinced?

Finally, Wang Zhao originally wanted to take a few special soul tools back for research, but he suddenly discovered something unexpected.

It was a pill, sealed in a dusty jade box that could isolate the breath but was placed in an inconspicuous corner.

Next to the shelf holding the jade box, there is a piece of paper recording the origin information of the elixir -

Three hundred years ago, when a cardinal went to the Wild Gold Plains to perform a mission, he was accidentally attacked by two unknown special spirit beasts. They both looked like dragons and sparrows. One of them had a cold breath, and when it soared, it was like the clear sky. Moon; one has a fiery breath, which is quite similar to the Golden Crow in mythology.

The cardinal immediately started a battle with these two special soul beasts, and only killed them both after a fierce battle.

The strange thing is that no soul rings appeared after the death of these two soul beasts. Out of curiosity, the cardinal went up to touch the corpses and found no soul bones. He only dug out two extraordinary crystal pills from their respective bellies. beads......

Later, the cardinal handed over the two pill beads to the Wuhun Palace. After some research by the Wuhun Palace to no avail, they were included in the treasury. The pill that exuded a fiery aura was noticed by a certain pope. He went up and put it away, leaving only the Danzhu with a cold breath that no one cared about, and over time it was forgotten in the corner.

After learning this, Wang Zhao's first reaction was to recall the ten-headed blazing sun snake killed by Tang San in the original Douluo novel.

That is not some native spirit beast, but one from another world...

Strange beasts from ancient times!

Because it has not been assimilated by the Douluo rules, of course this kind of strange beast will not produce soul rings, and Wang Zhao is very suspicious that the two "soul beasts" that the cardinal encountered were probably the same as the ten-headed blazing sun. A snake-like ancient beast!

Wang Zhao was naturally very interested in this, and immediately asked for the pill bead from his wealthy sister Dong'er. Then as soon as he returned to the house, he excitedly went to the library and spent half a month there. time.

During this half-month, he really immersed himself in the sea of ​​books. Even when Xiaoxue, Hu Liena and some other little girls came to him, he ignored them.

With such concentration, Wang Zhao finally found the obscure information about the two strange beasts in an extremely ancient book.

After excluding the miscellaneous conjectures of the ancients, Wang Zhao concluded that -

The two strange beasts always walked together and were once regarded as symbols of moonlight and sunlight. Because their appearance resembled a dragon and a bird, they were named Yinhua Dragonque and Yanghua Dragonque respectively.

Among them, the Yinhua Dragon Bird has a gloomy and cold nature, and wherever it passes, it always emits an icy-cold light; while the Yanghua Dragon Bird has a very fiery nature, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the place it passes by in the previous sentence is thousands of miles away. Just when the two beasts walk together, they can always give the world a bright and gentle light. Therefore, the two of them were also described by the ancients as "the evil of a single shadow, the auspiciousness of two dwellings."

Afterwards, Wang Zhao judged from the origin records in the treasure house that the masters of the two inner elixirs had a strength that was converted into soul beasts during their lifetime, which was about 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. Therefore, even if he had the intention to let the golden scales digest the yin in his hand, The Hualongque inner elixir allows it to directly condense its own soul ring like Ma Hongjun in the original work. However, given the current situation of Jinlin, it seems that it cannot withstand such high-quality energy from ancient beasts.

You know, no matter how confident Wang Zhao is, his previous maximum expectation for the third soul ring was only a little over ten thousand years.

Faced with the Yinhua Dragon Bird inner elixir, which has an energy cultivation equivalent to 20,000 to 30,000 years. Although its attribute is light, it has cold characteristics such as ice (water) that is close to the extreme. It can also be said to be a soul ring. Wang Zhao admits that Not sure about absorption yet.

Therefore, he originally planned to save this inner elixir until he needed the fourth soul ring, but at this moment, Yi Lao felt the special light energy of the Yinhua Dragon Bird inner elixir, and it instantly became like "light" wake.

After Wang Zhao gave him a general explanation of the Douluo Soul Master system, as well as the details of the inner elixir, Electrolux sighed with emotion, and then suddenly said with a hint of regret:

"If you have another so-called Yanghua Dragon Bird inner elixir in your hand, I can help you initially integrate the energy of the Yinhua Dragon Bird inner elixir. When you reach level 40 in the future, you can absorb the Yanghua Dragon Bird inner elixir. It can achieve the fusion of water and fire, the complementation of yin and yang, and endless benefits. This is a rare and great opportunity..."

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

When Wang Zhao heard this, although he knew that the other inner elixir was probably in Qian Daoliu's hand, he didn't say anything.

Because in his opinion, Qian Renxue is a six-winged angel with three divine spirits: sacred, light and fire. Yanghua Longque's inner elixir is also very suitable for her, so he should wait to tell her about the inner elixir and let her absorb it.

As for himself, it would be fine to wait a year or two before using Yinhua Longque's inner elixir as the fourth spirit ring, and he also has other options for the third spirit ring.

But at this time, a golden light suddenly flashed beside Wang Zhao, and then Qian Daoliu's figure appeared like "light".

"Old... old gentleman?"

Wang Zhao said subconsciously, and soon changed his words.

"Great worshiper."


Hearing this, Qian Daoliu glanced at Wang Zhao dangerously.

"Why, you haven't seen me, your old chess friend, for more than a year. Are you alienated?"

"You usually have a lot of fun with Xue'er, but you never thought of her grandfather?"


Wang Zhao smiled awkwardly.

It turned out that Qian Daoliu had not appeared since he left him the "Angel Meditation Method" last time. He thought it would take a long time before he would see this old otaku again.

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