"You are Xiaoxue's grandfather... Then I'll call you Grandpa Qian from now on."

Wang Zhao said.


Qian Daoliu snorted lightly, not recognizing the title, but also not refuting it.

Then, his expression suddenly became serious. Although he was looking at Wang Zhao, Wang Zhao could clearly feel that Qian Daoliu was not looking at him.

But looking at...


"It turns out I was right last time. My friend, can you come out and have a chat?"

Qian Daoliu's eyes were deep at the moment.

Last time, when Electrolux woke up for the first time and explained his origins to Wang Zhao, the divine aura that was inadvertently emitted was felt by Qian Daoliu.

It was just that at that time, the divine aura came and went quickly. Qian Daoliu could not help but think it was an illusion. In addition, he secretly observed Wang Zhao for a while and did not see any problems with him, so the doubts in his heart gradually gradually disappeared. dissipate.

However, to this day, Wang Zhao still exudes that divine aura that makes him extremely sensitive and familiar as a servant of God.

He immediately couldn't sit still.

However, after getting close to Wang Zhao, Qian Daoliu suddenly realized that Wang Zhao was not the inheritor of a certain god as he imagined, but was actually the remnant soul of a powerful man who was at least as demi-god as him. It resides in Wang Zhao's sea of ​​consciousness and is deeply bound to Wang Zhao.

In Qian Daoliu's opinion, the aura of this mysterious strong man was very strange. It seemed as warm and genial as him, but also seemed a little lonely.

Of course this is not important.

What's important is whether this mysterious strong man has good intentions or malice towards Wang Zhao, and whether he has any bad intentions... Well, it's not that Qian Daoliu cares much about Wang Zhao, a brat, but he is just afraid that if Wang Zhao Something happened that would make my precious granddaughter sad.

As soon as Qian Daoliu finished speaking, a gray shadow appeared behind Wang Zhao.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards this little guy."

Electrolux said calmly.

"who are you?"

Seeing that he appeared with a special necromantic aura, Qian Daoliu instinctively revealed the majesty of an angel, as if he wanted to judge Electrolux, an "other" who was also a monk of light.

"About who I am..."

Electrolux's eyes wandered.

"I actually don't remember much about it myself. I just vaguely remember that someone called me the Scourge of the Undead, or the Holy Law God of the Undead."


Qian Daoliu's pupils shrank.

In the past hundred years, the appearance of Electrolux was definitely the second thing that made him lose his temper besides Qianxun's death.


Time flies.

The slightly tentative conversation between Qian Daoliu and Electrolux ended, and the topic immediately turned back to Wang Zhao.


After hearing what Wang Zhao had originally discussed with Electrolux, Qian Daoliu paused, and a jade box appeared in his hand. Inside the jade box was a red-gold pill bead.

"This is it. It turns out that it can condense soul rings."

"That's right."

Wang Zhao nodded.

"This Yanghua Dragon Bird inner elixir is very suitable for Xiaoxue's future soul ring in terms of attributes and energy. Even if it cannot make her god-level martial soul a step further, it will definitely make her go further on the road to becoming a god. Smooth.”

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu shook his head even though he was moved for a moment.

His voice softened a bit.

"Boy Wang Zhao, haven't you always been puzzled that I clearly have the conditions to allow Xue'er to transcend levels and absorb soul rings, but yet I always let her only absorb the ordinary optimal proportion of soul rings?"

"Because it's not necessary."

"From the moment Xueer awakened her martial spirit, her most important thing was not to rush to practice, but to hone her own character, because she was bound to become a god."

"As for the amount of soul ring energy and even ordinary soul skills, even one hundred thousand year soul skills, let alone my level, are nothing special anymore, especially for gods."

"So on the journey of cultivation, Xue'er only needs to go step by step. Moreover, her soul ring configuration was discovered by generations of angels. Their quality is the best in the world. How much worse than this so-called alien beast's inner elixir? The only thing that interests me at most is the fairy grass you mentioned before."

With that said, Qian Daoliu casually threw the jade box containing the Yanghua Dragon Bird inner elixir to Wang Zhao.

"If you need this thing, take it. It will just gather dust if you leave it here anyway."

"If that girl Xue'er knew, she would definitely let you accept it."


Wang Zhao hesitated for a moment, but finally accepted it.

Immediately, Qian Daoliuben took the initiative to propose that he protect the law and let Wang Zhao absorb the Yinhua Dragon Bird inner elixir on the spot with the help of Electrolux, so that he could broaden his horizons.

Naturally, Wang Zhao and Electrolux would not refuse.

After Wang Zhao released the handsome platinum dragon, he sat cross-legged on the spot, leaving only the Yinhua Dragon Bird inner elixir in his hand. He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, a wisp of gray was faintly scattered.

This was not because Electrolux possessed him directly, but because he briefly blessed Wang Zhao with his special power, preventing Wang Zhao from being instantly overwhelmed by the violent energy of the Yinhua Dragon Bird inner elixir.

Because it was necessary to condense the soul ring, in order to avoid accidents, Wang Zhao still had to take this inner elixir himself.

After swallowing the dark blue Yinhua Dragon Bird inner elixir, Wang Zhao's body surface was covered with a layer of faint light visible to the naked eye. The extremely terrifying cold air burst out instantly, and the ground was quickly covered with a layer of ice.

Wang Zhao did not hesitate and immediately activated the energy conduction method, covering the dragon body of Jin Lin with his palm, and the man and the beast digested this super-large Yin-cold light energy together.

However, under the premise that a normal soul master can only absorb the energy of a two-thousand-year soul ring, even with the special nature of Jin Lin, and the fact that this special inner elixir has been smoothed over the years and has long lost the soul shock backlash of a normal ten-thousand-year soul ring, facing this extremely pure, high-quality energy that is close to a thirty-thousand-year soul ring and is rare in the world, it is still difficult to bear.

Therefore, Alex took action.

Wang Zhao's eyes instantly turned into a deep and simple gray, but the gray contained an unconcealable purity. He slightly retracted the palm that touched Jin Lin and sat cross-legged again. The energy conduction method did not interrupt for some reason. A gray hexagram array was vaguely outlined on the ground, making the Yin Hua Longque inner elixir energy, which was originally running slowly, suddenly smoother.

"The bridge between light and the dead is life, and life is the most essential energy."

"Little guy, your energy conduction method is still too superficial. Look carefully, this is the energy conduction that traces back to the source."

The magnificent voice of Alex sounded in Wang Zhao's mind. Wang Zhao naturally would not miss this rare teaching. He nodded and watched carefully.

After a while, the dark blue energy flowed faster and faster, and finally it was like being sucked into a whirlpool in the abyss, and was absorbed by Wang Zhao and Jin Lin, whose bodies were covered with gray light gauze.

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