"In terms of universal reason, this does not....."

"This guy seems to be very much my cup of tea!"

Before Zhongli finished speaking, Hu Tao interrupted.

She stared at Jiang Xun who suddenly appeared without blinking, and seemed to be very curious about how he suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Jiang Xun also likes to play hide-and-seek?"

Hu Tao asked another question that puzzled everyone, but they thought about it and realized that their own hall master seemed to like running around in Wuwangpo in the middle of the night.

So you are playing hide-and-seek, but who is the target?

I believe that no one would be so desperate as to run here in the middle of the night......

" Hmm, it seems very interesting. I wonder what Master Hu thinks."

Jiang Xun thought for a moment, then affirmed.

Recently, the system seems to be preparing for a year-end holiday, and Jiang Xun has not received any tasks from the system for a while.

It seems that he can indeed cultivate a hobby.

I just don't know if his immortal friends are interested.......

"Hehe, I was right about you. I, Hu Tao, will make you my friend. If you have any problems in Liyue, just come to me!"

Hu Tao replied happily. She seemed to be happy to have found a new confidant.

After all, Ying is still in prison in Inazuma, and her friends in Liyue seem to be busy.

Now that she has one more friend to play with, it is really a happy thing for her.

" Then there will be more trouble in the future"

Jiang Xun replied bluntly. This answer seemed unreasonable but it was exactly what Hu Tao wanted.

After all, what he said meant that the other party was really willing to make friends with him.

Looking at the two people in front of him who were singing the same tune, Zhongli was a little overwhelmed.

So, making friends can be so easy?

He thought that although making friends is not difficult, it is not that simple, not to mention that these two people should be meeting for the first time.

" Well, it seems that compared to Jiang Xiaoyou, I still need to learn how to be a Liyue resident"

Zhongli thought that Jiang Xun was completely assimilated into the identity of an ordinary person. After all, he just retired from the throne of the emperor last year and he didn't know much about these things.

" But now is not a good time to talk, why don't we go back and rest first?"

Zhongli interrupted Hu Tao at this time. The opinion he put forward at this time was also the wish of the other employees of Wangsheng Hall.

After all, doing this job is still very mentally destructive, and no one wants to stay in such a gloomy place all the time.

Jiang Xun and Zhongli are the bodies of demons, and Hu Tao also has the eyes of God. Although they can't feel tired, ordinary people are different.

Their bodies can't withstand such destruction.

" Well, it was my fault. Let's go back and rest."

Hu Tao said to everyone a little embarrassedly that she had just ignored the feelings of her employees.

"Hey, let’s go first and have a good chat another day."

Hu Tao smiled and said to Jiang Xun before leaving.

After all, she is the head of the hall and needs to go back with everyone. At least she needs to ensure that the employees can return home safely.

After the main group left, only Jiang Xun and Zhongli were left on the field.

The two stared at each other for a while, and finally Zhongli spoke first.

" I wonder why Jiang Xiaoyou is here?"

Jiang Xun also told the other party what had just happened.

"A rare monster?....."

Zhongli's attention was immediately focused on the monster. For him, the safety of Liyue was still the top priority.

"Yes, I wonder if there is some demon wreckage that has not been cleaned up."

Jiang Xun nodded. He thought this must be a place where a god had fallen but had not been found.

" Well, I will let Yasha investigate this matter. I believe there will be results soon."

Zhongli stroked his chin, as if recalling something

"By the way, Jiang Xiaoyou can find some old friends to chat with when you have time. They seem to want to see you."

Zhongli changed the topic and immediately brought it to Jiang Xun

"See me?"

Jiang Xun didn't react for a moment.

" Yes, I have told you more than once, but I never had the chance to say it."

Jiang Xun was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He had indeed not seen them for a while......

"By the way, Zhongli, do you know Jiang Ruoli?"

Speaking of old friends, Jiang Xun suddenly remembered Jiang Ruoli whom he met at the wooden house that day. She seemed to appear out of thin air, but he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity with her.

This made him curious.

" Ruoli, that girl, what happened?"

Jiang Xun paused, then expressed his doubts

" I always felt that she had a special feeling, and I had some guesses in my mind, so I wanted to ask, what is her true form?"

Jiang Xun said

" Ruoli's true form? Well, it's not something I can't tell you about. She is a special glass lily that I enlightened."

Zhongli thought for a moment and then said

" Special, why do you say that?";

" Because Ruoli is different from other glass lilies, she seems to be artificially created. When Guizhong gave her to me for enlightenment, I found that she already had consciousness before she transformed."

" After its transformation, it showed a strong talent, whether it was learning immortal arts or other things very quickly"

The more Zhongli explained, the more certain Jiang Xun became about his guess.

Combining all the signs, Jiang Ruoli should be the glass lily that he created with alchemy.

Case solved.

From the perspective of biological birth, I am her father (seriously)

Even though Jiang Xun already had a guess in his heart, he still felt different after the real confirmation.

After all, he had never done such a thing, but suddenly he had a cheap daughter, which inevitably made people feel a little dazed.

No wonder he felt familiar with her, it turned out to be like this

" Come to think of it, I haven't seen her for a while."

Zhongli then said

" She's not in Liyue?"

Perhaps because he knew that the other party was an alchemical life he created, Jiang Xun immediately showed his concern for her.

" No, she should be inside the Abyss investigating the unusual movement at the bottom."

"What happened again?"

Jiang Xun realized what Zhongli meant and asked immediately.

"Someone must be planning something in secret, but there is no need to worry too much about this matter"

Zhongli started to ask riddles again, as if he was trying to hide something. Seeing this, Jiang Xun did not continue to ask.

After all, he did not necessarily know less taboos than the other party.

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