"It's still early today, if you have time, you can go out for some fun with me.";

"Thanks for the invitation, I don’t have time, I’m leaving now"

Jiang Xun rejected Zhongli's invitation without a second thought. He knew at first glance that this old man had bad intentions.

Based on Jiang Xun's understanding of him, this guy's invitation was fake, and he was probably looking for someone to pay for it.

Since the young master left, it is estimated that no one would be willing to cover his expenses. God knows if this guy has taken a fancy to something expensive and wants him to pay for it.

" Really? What a pity. Let’s be together another day."

A hint of disappointment flashed across Zhongli's handsome face, as if his little plan had been exposed.

Although this sounded fine, it automatically translated into Jiang Xun's ears: Okay, I'll ask you to pay for it together next time......

Unexpectedly, Morax looked serious and had many little tricks.

Zhongli pretended not to notice the hidden contempt in Jiang Xun's eyes, and then said goodbye.

After all, there is no way to fool this wallet for the time being. If you get it, you can only look for the next target.

It's still early, and there are many wallets, why stick to one?

Zhongli couldn't help but feel such emotion in his heart.

Looking at the smile that appeared on the corner of the other party's mouth when he left, Jiang Xun felt a little sorry for the unlucky guy who was chosen by him.

I don't know which local rich man wants to be exploited by this guy, remember to take me with you next time! The reason why

Jiang Xun refused the other party's request was not only that he didn't want to be a wallet for this guy, but more importantly, he wanted to see Jiang Ruoli.

The mystery that had been trapped in his heart for a long time was finally solved, but he was a little eager to see what he created with his own hands. After knowing the other party's identity, he felt quite relieved like an old father at this time.

However, combined with the other party's reaction last time, Jiang Ruoli should still not remember him now, but her situation is quite special. After all, even if the memory is erased.

The connection between them cannot be eliminated.

Jiang Xun believed that as long as he jumped a few more times in front of it, he would soon be able to recover his memory.

Du Lin, who was far away in the snowy mountains: So love will disappear, right?

Jiang Xun: No, love will transfer.

Jiang Xun did what he said, and he did not delay any longer. The next moment he flew quickly towards the direction of the Layered Rock Abyss. The

Layered Rock Abyss has been closed by the Liyue Seven Stars in recent years, and Jiang Xun did not come here specially.

After all, in addition to the rich minerals, miners and treasure-stealing groups, there are only those monsters left.

In addition, the system has not issued any related tasks, so Jiang Xun naturally has no interest in coming here.

However, today's Layered Rock can be said to be a true interpretation of what layering is, with undulating terrain and layers of steps.

Looking down from above, this entire area looks like a vortex that collapses inward, but the vortex is not surrounded by water, but rich ore.

Although the falling stars from the sky brought rich minerals, they also smashed a big pit.

Jiang Xun concealed his figure and appeared quietly beside the miners who were working.

They seem to be discussing something about the underground mine.

"Alas, I heard that the underground mine is not peaceful, and it seems that some dirty things have appeared."

"Dirty stuff? Real or fake?";

" It should be true. I heard that the mining brother seems to have some mental problems now."

"Alas, fortunately I am not responsible for the mining of the underground mines"

Another person said with some fear, he patted his chest, very glad for his original choice.

The conversation between the two aroused Jiang Xun's interest.

Although I don't know whether what they are talking about is true or false, rumors always have a certain reality.

Although I don't know the specific situation, there must be something wrong with the underground mine.

Jiang Xun decided to go to the underground mine to have a look. Jiang Ruoli was investigating in the layered rock abyss area at this time, combined with the miners' chat content.

Jiang Xun decided to go to the underground mining area to find out.

Maybe he could find something interesting.

Following the mine all the way, Jiang Xun gradually moved towards the central area of the layered rock abyss.

Soon he saw the entrance.

The entrance to the underground mining area was guarded by the Qianyan Army. It would be a lie to say that there was no secret.

Jiang Xun directly ignored the guards at the door and walked in swaggeringly. The fairy magic on his body made his figure disappear from the eyes of the world.

If there is no natural spiritual eye or a third eye like elemental vision, Jiang Xun's figure cannot be detected.

The guard only felt a gust of wind passing by him, and he looked around hastily, but found nothing.

" Oh my god, the underground mine is really so weird, the brothers who are taking over the shift, come quickly!"

Jiang Xun didn't know that his existence was regarded as a dirty thing, and he continued to walk on his own.

As he went deeper, the surrounding environment gradually became dim.

Not only that, Jiang Xun also saw a pile of unknown black mud in one place, which exuded an ominous breath.

" Breath of the Abyss?"

Frowning, Jiang Xun suddenly remembered the source of this breath. It was exactly the same as the power of the abyss he had seen in the ruins before.

There was indeed something hidden here.....

Jiang Xun became more and more certain that anything related to the abyss was mostly taboo.

It was because the member of the Abyss Cult who used the power of the abyss seemed to be related to Kanreya.

Realizing this, Jiang Xun changed his original indifferent attitude. When it came to Kanreya, this was not something that could be solved by waving his hands.

Jiang Xun also understood why Zhongli chose to be a riddle man at the time.

After all, in the war at the time, the Seven Gods could not make this matter public, but as a personal participant, Jiang Xun naturally knew the whole process of the matter.

At the time, he scrapped quite a few super-large mechas with his own hands, and they lasted until the end of the war.

Zhongli could not say it, but he could let others find the truth on their own, which was why he did not stop Jiang Ruoli and Jiang Xun.

" It seems I need to speed up"

Jiang Xun had a feeling that this time it would not be easy. He always felt that something big was going to happen.

The next moment, a powerful perception instantly covered the entire underground mining area.

The entire mining area was imprinted in Jiang Xun's mind like a map. There were some creatures with keen perception who could sense this illusory power. They roared at the void.

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