"The Goddess Splits the View....."

When Jiang Xun heard this name, a scene suddenly appeared in his mind of a muscular fairy slicing the entire house in half with one palm. Do people in Liyue like this form of art now? It's so unique!

"Um, is there any problem?"

Yun Jin saw a strange expression on Jiang Xun's face and asked with some confusion

" No, no, that's fine, but what kind of immortal deeds do you want to know about?"

Jiang Xun shook his head and then asked

" Well, I don’t know, because I never thought I would have a chance to find out."

Yun Jin was a little anxious. After all, the opportunity was right in front of him, but he didn't know where to start.

He was anxious and wasted the other person's time.

" Since you want to sing about the feeling of immortals, let me talk about the immortals themselves."

Jiang Xun saw that the other party did not know the specific direction, so he decided to help her again.

He cleared his throat, then looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, looking unfathomable.

"In my opinion, immortals are similar to mortals. They also have their own joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness, and things that interest them. Sometimes they will do something on a whim."

" The biggest difference between them and mortals is that they have long lifespans and powerful strength that mortals do not have."......

Yun Jin was somewhat shocked by what Jiang Xun had just said, because what he said was different from what most storytellers in Liyue Harbor said. In the storytellers' mouths, the words and actions of the Liyue immortals, including the Emperor of Rock, all had their own deep meanings.

They didn't understand because they didn't fully understand the meaning behind them, but in Jiang Xun's mouth, the actions of the immortals were almost the same as those of mortals.

This easily made people feel that Jiang Xun was a disrespectful person, daring to talk about the immortals behind their backs?!

However, Yun Jin was different from ordinary people after all. If he were an ordinary Liyue resident, he would probably leave angrily at this time.

But Yun Jin asked:"But, if that's the case, why are the immortals not willing to show up in front of mortals?";....

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Xun replied

" I think everyone has their own reasons for this problem"

"Some immortals may be tired of the trivialities of the mortal world, some may simply like quietness, and some....Maybe because I want to fish."

Jiang Xun's last example was meaningful.

Fortunately, Yun Jin didn't know who Jiang Xun was referring to.

Yun Jin, who had grown up under the influence of various fairy stories, naturally couldn't imagine that these reasons would be the reason why the fairies no longer appeared in Liyue Harbor.

"Haha, Mr. Yun, don't worry too much. I just made a summary based on what I saw and heard."

" What the final truth is is up to you to judge. Although I cannot accurately describe an immortal, if you want to sing the feeling of an immortal, you might as well feel it from the perspective of an immortal."

Jiang Xun saw that the other party was in doubt, so he immediately explained.

Although he said what he had seen with his own eyes, it was not appropriate for the Liyue people who had never seen an immortal.

"The perspective of an immortal?"

Yun Jin gradually accepted Jiang Xun's explanation, but she was a little confused by his last sentence about bringing in the perspective of an immortal.

Why do mortals seek immortals? Isn't it to learn immortal methods and be omnipotent like immortals?

If one can easily bring in the perspective of an immortal and experience the feeling of becoming an immortal, then even if it is only a hundred years, one should be satisfied.

Jiang Xun nodded.

" Some things can only be fully understood after you have experienced them yourself. As for how to experience them, Mr. Yun, don’t worry. When the time comes, you will naturally know."

Jiang Xun imitated Zhongli and pretended to be a riddle teller. Yun Jin on the opposite side was confused and didn't know what Jiang Xun meant.

Even so, being a riddle teller is really cool. No wonder there are so many such professions. It feels so good not to waste words explaining it!

" Well, it’s getting late, and I have things to do, so let’s say goodbye."

Jiang Xun then looked at the sky and decided not to stay here any longer, so he said goodbye to the other party.

"Wait, Mr. Jiang Xun"


" Any other questions?

Jiang Xun saw the other party calling him and turned around to ask in confusion.

Then he found a few tickets handed over by Yun Jin.

" Although I don't quite understand what Mr. Jiang Xun just said, I will try my best to understand. However, I can't let you work in vain. These tickets are my small respect."

Miss Yun Jin said it very seriously, fearing that Jiang Xun would not accept it.

In this regard, Jiang Xun naturally had no reason to refuse. He wanted to repay her. He just treated her to a special meal of Xian Tiao Qiang and helped her solve her doubts. These tickets were her repayment.

Although Yun Jin's tickets were also precious, they were still incomparable to the value of what Jiang Xun had just given.

But it doesn't matter, as long as I'm happy.

Jiang Xun smiled and took the tickets from the other party without any hesitation.

"Okay, I'll take it. I hope Mr. Yun can gain something from it."

Jiang Xun put away the tickets and left without looking back.

After Jiang Xun left, Yun Jin started her practice again.

Although the conversation with Jiang Xun just now did not fundamentally solve the problem, it still made her feel something.

Taking this opportunity, she wanted to improve her singing method.

However, since Jiang Xun had said it, he would not break his promise. He said that he would let the other party feel the perspective of the immortal, and he would naturally do it.

At night, Yun Jin found herself in a place full of immortal air in her dream.

As she turned her eyes, countless magical images came into her eyes. When she waved her hand, the sky and the earth changed color. In the blink of an eye,���The figure disappeared, all of which were the methods of immortals.

What surprised him most was that he seemed to be able to do this too.......

Jiang Xun held the teacup and calculated the time. He knew that the other party should have fallen asleep, and everything in the dream was a fairy experience he gave her.

It was a fairy experience card. I believe that with this, she should be able to get what she wants.

""Little friend Jiang, are you thinking of something happy?"

Zhongli asked curiously when he saw his old friend laughing for no reason.

Jiang Xun smiled when he heard it, then took out the tickets that Yun Jin sent him and said proudly:"I was wondering, what should I do with so many tickets?!"


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