Next day

" Thank you Mr. Jiang Xun for your help these days. This is your reward."

General Affairs Department

The staff put a heavy bag of Mora in Jiang Xun's hand. He weighed it and found that there were indeed quite a few.

Well, you didn't lie to me.

Jiang Xun nodded with satisfaction.

The inspection work was over, and the satisfactory reward promised by the other party at the beginning, that is, these Mora in front of him, was in line with Jiang Xun's expectations.

These rewards are almost equal to a worker's half-year salary, and Jiang Xun got it in just ten days.

The General Affairs Department is very generous.

Of course, the most important thing is that you can bargain. After all, not everyone has so much reward like him.

Nowadays, there are not many people coming in and out of Liyue. After all, those who want to make money by taking advantage of the Lantern Festival would have come long ago if they had this plan.

After all, the earlier you come, the more stalls you will have. If you come late, you can only leave it to fate, so for those who want to take this opportunity to make a fortune.

The time when Jiang Xun is on duty is the best time for them to report to Yuhengxing.

But since he is no longer responsible for this aspect, this thing is not under Jiang Xun's control.

" Well, who should I go out to play with next?"

Jiang, who was free, began to think about who to go out to play with next.

First of all, Zhongli was ruled out. Jiang Xun couldn't stand that guy's hobbies, such as flower viewing, opera, and bird walking. Jiang was not yet at retirement age.

Naturally, he had no interest in these activities.

" Then ~ come and play with this hall master!"

A gloomy voice suddenly appeared behind Jiang Xun. It seems that the owner of the voice did it on purpose.

"Hmm? It's Master Hu"

Jiang Xun calmly looked at Hu Tao who suddenly had bad intentions. Hu Tao was a little disappointed when he saw that Jiang Xun was not scared at all.

"Hey, why aren't you scared? This trick is obviously very effective!";

" Then, if you want to do it again, I promise I will be scared this time"


" Forget it, forget it. If I knew in advance, I wouldn’t be able to scare people. This is something that I know very well."

Walnut waved his hands and replied in a frustrated tone.

But he soon stood up again.

" But why don't you come and play with me? Don't you consider me your friend?!"

Hu Tao bared his little tiger teeth, crossed his arms (mist), and answered with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Hearing this, Jiang Xun suddenly remembered that the other party had sworn to treat him as a friend in the woods last time.

But Jiang Xun was not a person who was easy to get along with. This was the first time they met. According to interpersonal communication, it would not be good to rashly disturb others if there was nothing to do.

So he didn't take this matter to heart, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to come to his door today.

" Ahem, sorry, Master Hu, this is my negligence"

Jiang Xun knew he was in the wrong and immediately admitted his mistake

" It's okay, it's okay. By the way, you can just call me Hu Tao. You are not my employee. It would be too distant to call you the master."

Hu Tao then reminded her of the issue of addressing.

In her opinion, friends usually address each other by their full names, otherwise they are not considered friends.

"Okay, I understand. Is there anything that Walnut wants to play?";

"Hey, of course. By the way, Jiang Xun, are you afraid of ghosts?"


Jiang Xun was stunned when he heard the other party's words. In Teyvat, ghosts do exist and are not superstition.

But what does Hu Tao mean by that?

" Ghosts? I’m not afraid of that."

Jiang Xun answered casually.

After all, he was not afraid of even the devil, so there was no reason to be afraid of ghosts, which were beings without flesh.

"That's great, then are you interested in going with me to find ghosts?"

Hu Tao's voice suddenly became a little excited when she heard Jiang Xun's answer.


Xun was a little curious about what this girl's train of thought was.

Jiang Xun was very sure that Hu Tao in front of him was not some old monster who had rejuvenated, and there was nothing wrong with her.

But is catching ghosts really something that girls of this age like?

Although Jiang Xun didn't understand the girl's mind, he also knew that it would definitely not be something as hardcore as catching ghosts.

But he suddenly thought of the girl's identity, and it instantly made sense.

" The ghosts you mentioned, are you referring to those souls that are unwilling to leave the border?";

"Hey, so you know this too!"

Hu Tao saw that Jiang Xun saw through her thoughts, and became more determined to take him with her.

" Well, I happen to be free, so I'll go with you."

Jiang Xun nodded in agreement.

As he said, he had just finished his work and couldn't find anything to do for the time being. There was another thing. Jiang Xun became interested in the border, a secret place managed by the Wangsheng Hall for generations.

The border is the place closest to [death], and the soul will never appear again after crossing the border.

But the question is, where does the border lead to, and where do those souls go after crossing the border?

Does the legendary netherworld really exist?

Jiang Xun has always been curious about where the soul goes after the death of a creature.

But it must be a very mysterious place.

It is said that the dead cannot be resurrected. Can it be understood that the mystery of that place is so great that even people with extraordinary means find it difficult to pull the soul out.

Jiang Xun has a guess that the soul went to another world after passing the border.

And this world is rarely mentioned.

Since this is the case, Jiang Xun can't ignore it.

"Hehe, this hall master really didn't make a mistake about you. You and I really get along well!"

Hu Tao was in a much better mood when she saw Jiang Xun agreed.

Usually she went alone to ferry those ghosts with obsessions, although Zhongli would go with her occasionally when he was free.

But most of the time she was alone, but fortunately she found another person who knew her.���

She didn't just do whatever she thought of. She had already thought about all the pros and cons before inviting Jiang Xun.

If Jiang Xun was just an ordinary person, then after the incident, she would use a secret method to make him regard this experience as a one-time event and never mention it again.

But if Jiang Xun has some strange abilities, that would be even better, so that she could try to pull him into the Hall of Rebirth.

Hehe, worthy of me!

Jiang Xun looked at Hu Tao, who was happy for some reason, and there were countless question marks in his head.

What is this girl thinking about?

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