While they were chatting, they arrived at the quarry. A foreman came to greet them.

"Hey, are these two the masters you mentioned?"

Old Dai looked at Jiang Xun and the other man behind Ying and asked. His doubts could be heard from his tone.

" Of course, Zhongli is the most knowledgeable person I have ever met. There is nothing in the world that he doesn't know!"

Paimon said proudly. If you don't know, you might think this knowledgeable person is talking about her.

" So this is the famous Mr. Zhongli?! I have long admired you." Upon hearing the identity of the newcomer, the foreman Lao Dai hurriedly flattered him.

Zhongli's identity was still well-known in Liyue Harbor. Even if he was not known for his wide knowledge, his identity as a guest official of the Hall of Rebirth was enough to make people look up to him.

After all, to be a guest official in such a place, it was really unacceptable if he didn't have some outstanding qualities. In the words of the people, it was four words:

He was tough!

" It's just an empty name, not worth mentioning"

Zhongli answered modestly, his voice calm, obviously he had encountered this situation many times.

" Come, let me introduce you to this, this is Kunjun, he is....."

Then Old Dai began to introduce Kunjun, and his tone showed his optimism for this young man named Kunjun......

" Um, who is this guy?"

Old Dai suddenly noticed that there was an equally handsome young man standing next to Zhong Li, and he began to guess Jiang Xun's identity.

"He.....We found him.....bodyguard"

Paimon wanted to explain, but halfway through he realized that he had no idea whether Jiang Xun knew anything about stones, so he just said he was a bodyguard.

"Hiss, you guys are really thoughtful. This investigation may really be dangerous."

Lao Dai thought about it and found that he had indeed overlooked this aspect.

After all, the person behind the scenes could kidnap several strong workers quietly, and he and others might really be in danger if they were not careful.

"However, can this guy show us his skills? I have to be responsible for the safety of my brothers."

Old Dai's tone became serious.

Jiang Xun glanced at him, then took out a rock elemental god's eye from behind. The elemental power inside shone brightly under the sunlight, brighter than ordinary gems.

" Then rely on this little....Thank you for your care, brother. I will definitely reward you handsomely later!"

Old Dai smiled and bowed to Jiang Xun. It must be said that it is not easy for this man to be a foreman. He is really good at dealing with people.

Jiang Xun saw that his identity as a bodyguard had been confirmed, and he had no intention of speaking out to defend himself. He nodded, acknowledging this identity.

During the investigation, Jiang Xun, as a bodyguard, naturally slacked off. As for Paimeng, do you expect her to solve the case?

" Jiang Xun, you have the Eye of God. Do immortals also need the Eye of God?";

"You mean this thing?"

Jiang Xun raised the Eye of God and waved it in front of Paimeng. The light of the rock element was still bright.

"It's just a glass ball. I'll give it to you if you want it."

Jiang Xun explained casually, without any guilt for counterfeiting the Eye of God. After all, the real wholesaler was right next to him. If he counterfeited it in front of him, would it be considered counterfeiting?

He had as many of these artificial gadgets as he wanted. Don't ask, it was just the inventory that hadn't been sold in time before.

"Everyone, I found a clue!"

Kunjun shouted at this time to attract everyone's attention, and then he showed everyone his special ability - peeping....Check the memory of the stone.

Although everyone was stunned, what was even more shocking was that Zhongli actually agreed with the other party's statement and publicly stated that the stone also had memories.

Old Dai was shocked for a hundred years.

However, no matter how confused he was about what the two experts said, he just listened silently and did not express his doubts.

Fortunately, these two people did not lie. This world is also a world where elemental forces exist. This seemingly absurd thing does exist.

Then several people followed the memory of the stone all the way, and finally found the bodies of several missing workers in a place similar to a canyon.

"Look, there they are!"

The flying Paimon saw several workers lying on the ground at a glance, went up to check, and finally found that they were just fainted from exhaustion.

Lao Dai said at this time that there were still several workers who had not been found. After weighing the pros and cons, Zhongli asked Lao Dai and others to take these unconscious workers back first and leave the rest to them.

Continuing to move forward, what caught the eye was a unique tree. The tree was huge, and the branches were stained with crystal color. From a distance, it looked like a huge crystal tree.

Zhongli stopped in front of the big tree, his eyes became a little trance, as if he was lost in memories.

"There's a hole here!"

Paimon's voice pulled Zhongli back from his memories. He already had the answer in his heart for what might happen next.

Jiang Xun walked towards the cave entrance silently. Ever since he saw the huge crystal tree, he also understood the reason for all this.

Thinking of this, his eyes glanced at Kunjun imperceptibly. He didn't know when he stopped talking, and the whole person suddenly seemed to have changed into a different person.

Jiang Xun could feel a heavy breath from him. Although it was slight, the feeling was not wrong.

Unlike Zhongli who was burdened with the weight of years, this one was more like the weight of mountains, as if the person standing in front of him was not a person, but a towering mountain.

" What have you two discovered?;

"That's right, the last time Ying and I came here to look for a treasure chest, there was nothing here, but now there's suddenly a tunnel, there must be something wrong no matter how you look at it!";

" As expected of Paimeng, he remembers the treasure chests and food so clearly!"

Jiang Xun praised, but these words seemed to have a different meaning when they reached Paimeng's ears.

"Hey, what do you mean? Are you trying to say that Paimeng only thinks about eating and playing?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xun did not continue to reply, but just gave her a smile and let her guess it herself.

The group ignored the two people's bickering and walked straight to the cave entrance.

The moment they stepped into the cave entrance, a chilly feeling instantly covered their bodies, but this low temperature was directly ignored by Jiang Xun and the other two.

Only Ying and Paimeng shivered subconsciously.

They kept walking forward, and suddenly heard the sound of shovels waving in the front.

Listening to the battle, there were quite a few people

" It seems that the remaining workers are here, huh? And the culprit has been found"

Jiang Xun's voice kept echoing in the narrow cave entrance, and naturally reached the ears of the petite figure in front.

She turned around suddenly, and a ferocious expression appeared on her face. The only light shining on her face added a bit of horror out of thin air.

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