Veins throbbing on the little girl's face, black air permeating her body, she looked like a demon crawling out of hell.

She didn't say anything, just waved her hand, and the workers who were digging the tunnel stopped.

The next moment, she raised her hoe and ran towards the group of people. Seeing this, Zhongli frowned.

It was easy for him to deal with these people, but the difficulty was that he couldn't hurt these workers.

Ying, who was standing by, also raised his sword, ready to parry at any time.

" Cut!"

Jiang Xun gave an order, and his fingers drew a line in the air, as if he was cutting something.

As a result, the next moment, the workers who were originally aggressive suddenly became weak in the legs like puppets that had lost their strings, and they lay directly on the ground.

Being young is good, just fall asleep.

The little girl felt that her connection with these workers was inexplicably cut off, and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

But at this moment, she obviously lost the ability to think calmly, and she rushed into the sealed door that had been dug through.

The next second, the sealed door that was originally flashing with countless runes shattered.

An extremely strong suction came from inside.

Except for Jiang Xun and Zhongli, the three people could not resist this suction, and each of them was trying to resist it.


Jiang Xun spoke again, and the three of them immediately felt as if their bodies were glued to the ground. No matter how strong the suction force of the cave entrance was, they could not move at all.

" What a magical power"

Kunjun sighed at this time.

Ying and Paimeng also nodded, and then looked at Jiang Xun as if they had discovered a new world. They also wanted this ability to do what they said!

With this ability, who would not be busy doing commissions for others? Mora has too much to spend, okay!

"Morax, long time no see. I didn't expect to meet you in this situation."

" Yes, long time no see, Ruo Tuo"

Zhongli sighed, and he obviously recognized the Ruotu Dragon King hiding in Kunjun.

" Um, what are you talking about? I am a little confused..."

Paimon was confused by the confusing conversation between the two, and his brain started to burn again

" Hehe, now is not the time to chat, stop"me" first"

" Reasonable"

As they spoke, the two walked towards the dark sealed door.

The other three followed closely behind.

After passing through the sealed door, they came to a huge space with countless huge sealed pillars in front of them.

And sealed in the pillars was a huge figure.

When the figure saw Zhongli, it instantly became manic, and the chains that imprisoned its four legs began to break inch by inch, until it finally turned into pure elemental power and disappeared into the air.

"Moracus, how dare you come here?";

" Why should I not dare, Ruta"

Zhongli's voice remained calm, not affected at all by the aura of the huge figure in front of him.

" In that case, let's settle the score here!"

As if Zhongli's indifferent tone angered him, the Ruotu Dragon King moved his huge body and rushed towards the few people.

Every step he took was like a dragon turning over, shaking the earth, and the pressure of the prehistoric beast became stronger and stronger.

Zhongli felt mixed emotions when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that the good friends who had protected Liyue together in the past would now fight each other again.

Even though the Ruotu Dragon King in front of him was not the real Ruotu Dragon King

" If you can't do it, I'll do it"

Jiang Xun patted Zhongli on the shoulder and waited for his next words.

Hearing this, Zhongli shook his head.

" No need, the cause I created with him in the past, the result naturally cannot fall on others"

" Zhongli, let us help you too. You have helped us a lot, and this is our way of repaying you."

" Morax, I can also help you".....

"Then I'll trouble you."

Jiang Xun:???

Okay, okay, you're all isolating me, right?

Morax, you rejected me not because of who the fruit was for, right?

Jiang Xun felt isolated and felt a little uncomfortable....

During the battle, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked. The Dragon King Ruotu was able to draw different elements from the earth veins and use them. This ability is similar to Jiang Xun's alchemy.

The only difference is that the former is an instinctive absorption, which is innate, while the latter requires conscious call.

The number that can be called depends on the strength of the user.

Jiang Xun had already taken Du Lin away from the battlefield a long time ago, holding some melon seeds in his hand, watching and cracking them.

The whole battle process seemed dangerous, but Jiang Xun could see that Zhongli didn't use his real skills at all.

Otherwise, how could he fight Morax for so long with just this incarnation of power in front of him?

The decisive and murderous god of war in the past eventually changed and became hesitant.

Fortunately, the battle did not last too long, and in the end, the incarnation of the Dragon King Ruotu was fixed to the ground by Zhongli's rock spear.

Even though he was covered with scars, his eyes were still full of hatred for the person in front of him.

"Hehe, is this what God considers?";

" Destroy what you don't need, and ravage the wilderness with the butcher!"

The words filled with grief and indignation resounded throughout the underground space, and anyone could hear the monstrous anger contained in them.

" You are wrong, Ruota"

Before Zhongli could answer, Kunjun stepped forward and interrupted him.

"Who are you?";

" I am you, Lord Rādhāraṇa"

As he spoke, a white light flashed on Kunjun's body, and the evil Ruotu felt the same aura from him as his own.

"What! How is it possible?";

" Nothing is impossible. I am you, and I understand your anger. It’s just that what happened back then was not Morax’s fault. It was the wear and tear that gave rise to our hatred."

Kunjun's words left the huge figure lying on the ground speechless.���

As the evil incarnation of the Dragon King Rodrak, his essence will not change, that is the source of hatred, Morax......

" The only solution now is to destroy him"

Shannian Ruotu said to everyone.

Jiang, who had already returned to the battlefield, was delighted when he heard this. It was a perfect match, my friend.

Unexpectedly, before he could say anything, Zhongli said first:"Then I'll leave it to you."

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking. Jiang Xun looked at him with a strange expression, and suddenly he seemed to understand something in his heart.

Is this the reason why you took the lead in isolating me, Morax! However,

Jiang Xun did not have to eat the incarnation of the Ruota Dragon King. The benefits it brought could not make Jiang Xun have a qualitative leap. At most, it was icing on the cake. He immediately retreated and continued to crack his own melon seeds. After a while, this incarnation was dealt with by the kind-hearted Ruota, but this seemed to have consumed a lot of his strength, and it seemed to be about to disappear.

" Is your incarnation going to disappear too?";

"Yes, after all, it has existed for quite a long time, and it is time to leave!";

"However, I feel relieved to see that Liyue is now prosperous......By the way, please help me send Kunjun back. This time I am the one who presented his love."

After saying this last sentence, Shannian Ruotu turned into a ball of light and went underground.

Thus, the underground battle that had just been so passionate came to an end.

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