After the underground trip, Jiang Xun and Zhongli took Kunjun back to Liyue Harbor.

After he came back, he was a little confused and his memory was a little fuzzy. He had no impression of what happened underground, which saved them the effort of erasing his memory.

Fortunately, there was no problem.

However, it is worth mentioning that after being possessed by Shannian Ruotu, Kunjun not only did not have any other problems, but also felt that his strength had increased a lot, and his mind was clearer than usual.

For a while, he even felt that he should be favored by a certain god, and he had received the Eye of God in those days.

However, the two people who knew about it did not express any opinions.

They thought that this should be a gift left by Shannian Ruotu for the other party, which was a compensation for occupying the other party's body during this period of time.

Jiang Xun naturally received the reward from Lao Dai afterwards.

The heavy Mora was in hand. Just by weighing it, he could feel that the other party had no crooked thoughts about the reward. Although Jiang Xun did not care about the amount of the reward, since the other party was willing to give so much, he certainly had no reason to refuse.

With this Mora, Jiang Xun took Du Lin out for a delicious meal.

This little guy had not spoken just now, probably because he was afraid of Zhongli's existence. Even though Jiang Xun had told him that Zhongli would not do anything to him, he still did not completely let go. It was not because he did not trust Jiang Xun, but these things were just instinctive.

After satisfying his appetite, Jiang Xun then bought some New Year's goods. After all, the Lantern Festival was coming soon. If these things were not bought now, they would be a loss when the price went up.

As an ordinary citizen of Liyue, Jiang Xun naturally did not have the financial resources of Tianquan Star, which was as rich as a country............

After many days, the festive atmosphere in Liyue became stronger day by day.

Everyone in Liyue was welcoming this annual festival.

The streets of Liyue, which should have been quiet early in the evening in the past, were still filled with gongs and drums. People were coming and going on the streets, including the elderly and children on this day.

Unfortunately, most of Jiang Xun's old friends did not participate in this Lantern Festival. The reasons they gave were similar. Either they did not like the hustle and bustle or they had duties to attend.

Gui Zhong and He Wulia, who were most likely to attend, happened to leave Liyue, apparently to Xumi next door.

As for Ruoli, the girl was still in seclusion because she was ambushed by the Abyss Cult in the Layered Abyss last time. Zhongli said that she seemed to be thinking about some new tricks, but he didn't know what they were.

Jiang Xun also understood why these immortals did not participate. The Lantern Festival was a big festival for mortals, and there might only be a few dozen times in a lifetime, but for the immortals, this festival was just a day of slight commemorative significance. They did not take it seriously......

"It seems that only the three of us will be together for this Lantern Festival."

Jiang Xun said to Qiqi and Du Lin in her arms at night.

As for Diekarapian, she returned to Mondstadt some time ago. As for her purpose, she did not tell him. She only heard her mumbling something before she left,"My treasure","Jiang Xun was confused by the words"keeping a mistress".....

""Brother, do you still remember the promise you made?"

Qiqi said this for no reason, which made Jiang Xun fall into deep thought. He had a good memory and could even tell every detail of so many things over the years. The only question was, which promise did Qiqi mention?

Jiang Xun remembered that he had said a lot of unrealistic things to coax Qiqi, who was still a child. He seemed to have said both the stars and the moon. He just didn't know which promise Qiqi was referring to?

Seeing Jiang Xun's somewhat embarrassed expression, Qiqi became a little disappointed.

"You didn't forget, did you?"

"Of course I didn't forget,......This star or moon is a little difficult. Give me a few days to refine it.....Ahem, pick one and bring it back."

Qiqi felt a little disappointed when she heard that. The expectation that she had been waiting for for hundreds of years was once again in vain.

She subconsciously increased the strength of her hands and became a little excited.

Du Lin: 6

"You still forgot....."

Qiqi's tone was a little aggrieved. She didn't expect that the thing she had been looking forward to for so many years seemed not so important to the other party.

Suddenly, a force pulled her forward. She looked up in surprise and found that Jiang Xun was holding her hand and walking towards the harbor, saying as he walked.

"It's really funny. Let's go. I hope the sky lanterns tonight won't disappoint you."

Qi Qi heard the expression on her face slowly changed from worry to joy, and a sweet smile bloomed on her face.

It turned out that her brother was just joking!

Qi Qi felt sweet in her heart. She was happy that Jiang Xun had not forgotten the promise that he would take her to watch the sky lanterns during the next year's Sea Lantern Festival. Even though this promise was delayed for a long time, for her, as long as it could be fulfilled, it would be fine no matter when......

Jiang Xun glanced at Qiqi and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other's delicate and beautiful face was full of smiles again. Fortunately, the system gave him a good brain, otherwise he really wouldn't have reacted.......

At night, the sky lanterns slowly rose into the sky as if they had been discussed in advance. The sky lanterns dotted the dark sky like stars. Qiqi was once again attracted by the scene in front of her.

How long has it been since she last saw this scene?

Thinking carefully, this is the first time she has seen a sky lantern since her parents left, right?

Qiqi's eyes followed the progress of the sky lanterns rising slowly until she saw the dark starry sky dotted by countless sky lanterns. Among the countless sky lanterns, she easily found the sky lantern that belonged to her.

It is said that the Rock King will choose one of the sky lanterns and fulfill the wish of the owner of that sky lantern......

She has heard this rumor since she was a child. Although she no longer believes it since she was old enough to understand, she still hopes that it is true.

I hope that the spirit of the emperor in heaven can bless my wish to come true.....

A young man watching a play somewhere: Huh?.....

Qiqi at this moment had completely lost her former aloof look as an immortal. She closed her eyes and placed one hand on her chest, like a believer with strong faith making a wish to her god.

Jiang Xun was somewhat curious about what wish Qiqi, who had now become an immortal, could make, but he was not the kind of person who liked to pry into secrets. He only glanced at Qiqi's"pious" action and stopped paying attention. He turned around and continued to admire the sky full of lanterns.

However, he did not notice that the force she was holding onto his clothes was getting stronger and stronger, like a person who had finally grasped the wish she had always dreamed of and was unwilling to let go.......

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