Jiang Xun sensed Du Lin's restlessness, touched his head, and signaled him not to be impulsive. This made Du Lin resist the urge to eat people.

"I wonder what Miss Yae wants to talk about?"......

"Who are you? Have we met before?"

Yajyou Shenzi was too lazy to say any more useless polite words at this time, and immediately expressed his doubts.

""Miss Shen Zi has the answer in her mind, right?"

Jiang Xun replied with a smile.

This riddle made Shen Zi fall into deep thought.

If you want to ask me if we have met, then I can only answer you: if we have met

"You don't have to be obsessed with whether we have met before. Even if we haven't, we have met now, right?"

Jiang Xun knew that the other party had no memory of him.

And it was unlikely that he would remember it just because they met once. It was better not to dwell on the past.

Hearing this, Yae Shenzi looked at Jiang Xun deeply.

Finally, he sighed silently in his heart and gave up the idea of continuing to get to the bottom of it.

"It sounds like something a Liyue person would say."

"Miss Yae's words and actions are also in line with her status."

Yae Shenzi rolled her eyes when she heard this, and for a moment she didn't know whether the other party was praising her or insulting her.......

"Mr. Jiang Xun came to Inazuma just to have fun, if that's the case, I know a few good places."

Yae Shenzi returned to her usual self, obviously she had given up thinking about this matter

"I have this intention, but I still want to explore and meet friends more."

"Maybe I know."

Yajyou Shenzi was a little curious about the friend Jiang Xun mentioned. She was sure that Jiang Xun was definitely not an ordinary person, so she thought that the other party must not be simple.

"I'm just not sure where she is now."

"What's your friend's name?"

Yae Shenzi's curiosity became stronger and stronger. It was obvious that Jiang Xun's words had aroused the interest of the fox lady.

Jiang Xun looked at the falling cherry trees beside the street and suddenly remembered the conversation with the other party under the tree. He felt a little nostalgic and asked after a while.

"I wonder if Miss Yae knows Lei Dian Zhen?"

After hearing this, Yae Shenzi's eyes suddenly widened, and her beautiful pupils stared at Jiang Xun, obviously unable to believe that this name would come out of the mouth of the person in front of her.

"you.....What is the relationship with Zhen?"

"Didn't I say I'm here to see a friend?"

Yaezhe Shenzi had a complicated look on her face. It was obvious that the three words"Raiden Zhen" made her unable to maintain her usual calmness.

After a long while, Yaezhe Shenzi adjusted her mood.

"It seems that you know more than I thought."

Yajyoshiko could only say this in the end.

When Jiang Xun said Zhen's name, Yajyoshiko knew that the other party was not simple. You have to know that the Thunder God is a twin demon god. Only people of their time knew about it.

Now those people either died in the Demon God War or died in the Kanreya invasion five hundred years ago. The number of people who know about this matter in the world can be said to be very few.

"That may disappoint you. Zhen is dead. The current General Lei Dian is her sister."

After saying this, Yae Shen Zi found that Jiang Xun was not sad at all, but became thoughtful.

It seems that even Shen Zi does not know the real news?

"you....Don't you have any feelings?"


Jiang Xun realized that his reaction was a bit too bland.

Uh, Jiang Xun sorted out his emotions and started to perform.

"Alas, I thought that Zhen and I hit it off right away. I didn't expect......I am so sad!"

Jiang Xun's expression at this moment was as if he had written his sadness on his face, as if he was afraid that others would not see it.

Seeing Jiang Xun suddenly become sad, Yae Shenzi felt something was wrong.

Just when she was about to continue asking.

Ying brought...Oh no, they came back with a bunch of people tied up.

They were tied together with a rope, and their families were beside the rope. They were led here like elementary school students on a spring outing.

""Goddess, we are back!"

Paimon shouted to the Eightfold Goddess.

Realizing that it was not appropriate to discuss these topics at this time, the Eightfold Goddess could only give up asking further questions.

""Master Yae, please help us."

After seeing Yae, the family members quickly told the other party about the troubles of their relatives. After all, they had come to the shrine many times, but they could not see the real person every time. This time they finally saw him and couldn't help it.

The noise of the people talking made Yae completely unable to hear what they were saying. Instead, she felt it was very noisy. The soft fox ears on her head were also closed at this time to prevent too much noise from entering her brain.

"Everyone, please be patient and don't be anxious!"

Seeing that the Eightfold God was a little impatient, Ying hurried out to maintain order.

It was not for anything else, but just for her own reward. She finally found everyone. If she angered this scumbag fox at this critical moment and ran away, she would have no place to cry.

After hearing Ying's words, the people who were originally talking in a hurry gradually quieted down. Obviously, Ying had more say among them.

Seeing that the shouting like a vegetable market finally stopped, the Eightfold God slowly put his ears up.

"You guys come one by one, you go first, Meichuan"

"Lord, our last name is Kato."

"Oh my, what did you say? No need for treatment. Okay, next one!"

"Wait, Lord Palace Master, I remembered it wrong, our surname is Umekawa."

Yae Shinko's words frightened the man named Kato so much that he changed his surname on the spot.

""Jiang Xun, did you make the Son of God angry?"

Paimon saw that the Son of God's bad taste had recurred, and asked Jiang Xun in a low voice.

It was obvious that he was upset and wanted to find some fun to relieve his mood.

Jiang Xun shook his head when he heard this. He remembered that he had not said anything to offend anyone.

"Maybe Miss Yae just wants to liven up the atmosphere."


Paimon looked at Yae, who was still smiling, but gave her a very scary feeling, as if she was hiding something in her heart and was eager to vent it.

Paimon didn't dare to look at Yae in this state, for fear of getting into trouble. He turned around decisively and pretended that nothing had happened.......

The exorcism ceremony lasted about an hour.

It seems that there are still many victims.

"I suddenly became curious about that light novel."

After the matter was over, Paimon said

"Me too, so many people are so keen on this light novel, I'm curious about what's in the book."

Ying also had this idea

"I happen to have a copy here, do you want it?"

Jiang Xun took out the book like a magic trick.

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