Jiang Xun's magic trick did not attract much attention. Paimeng and Ying's eyes were focused on the book in Jiang Xun's hand.

"Hey, where did you get this book?"

"Just now, I kept hearing you guys talking about how supernatural this book is, so I bought one."

Jiang Xun said, shaking the book in his hand.

The title of the book,"True Psychic Notes", was printed on the cover, and it was the light novel that was popular in Inazuma these days.

Paimon couldn't wait to take the book from Jiang Xun, and then opened the catalog to find the chapter with the mysterious spell.

"Found it, here it is!"

Paimon pointed to a line of words in the book with his little finger and tried to read it. He found it very difficult to pronounce. It was obviously not a modern spell. There was also a line of small words on it: As long as you stand barefoot on the ground at midnight and bow your head to recite a special spell, you can realize your wish!

"This feels like it's made up......"

Paimon was a little skeptical about the authenticity of this spell. Who would do this in the middle of the night? It always felt like a lie. However, the cases of people who had successfully fulfilled their wishes were in front of him, so he had to believe it.

"This spell is quite interesting.

Jiang Xun carefully read the spell written on it and touched his chin.

"Hey, Jiang Xun, do you know anything about this?"

Paimeng looked at Jiang Xun expectantly, as if he was expecting his answer.

"Of course I.....

I do n’t know......

Ying was somewhat speechless. She had thought she would hear some rumors she had never heard of before, but in the end she just gasped.

"This is obviously Inazuma's technique. I have never come into contact with it, so how can I know it?"

Feeling the strange looks of the two, Jiang Xun explained confidently.

He learns things faster than anyone else, but at least he has to learn something. He has never come into contact with anything like this before.

"But I believe Miss Yae should know."

Jiang Xun spoke again.

He successfully threw the question to Yae Shenzi who was standing aside.

Seeing that the ball was already at his feet, Yae Shenzi did not hide it.

"I do know these spells, and I have also read this book. In addition to the spells, the story recorded in it is also very sophisticated."

"Then, Son of God, why don't you ban this book? You should be able to do it, right?"

Paimon's brain suddenly brightened up for once.

"Little Paimeng is really smart. I didn't expect you to guess it right away......Wrong."

Yae Shenzi then explained

"This book has become popular among Inazuma. If it is banned now, wouldn't it tell people that everything in the book is true?"

After the explanation of Yae Shinko, Paimeng also reacted. If it is banned at this time, it must be a cover-up. People will do it secretly, and the consequences will inevitably be more serious.

"So what should we do?"

Ying asked

"Originally I wanted to wait until the popularity of this book died down, and then secretly use means to reduce the popularity, but now.....I have a more interesting idea!"

Yae Shenzi said as he looked at Ying.

This look made Ying know that he was being targeted again.

"Since this novel is so popular right now, just create a new one to replace it."

"But who should I ask to write it?"

Yae Shenzi looked straight at Ying, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Ah? Write a novel, but I don't know how to do that......"

Ying said somewhat unconfidently

"That's easy, I'll help you!"

Before the Eightfold God Son could continue to talk about his plan, Jiang Xun spoke first.

"Since the purpose is to prevent people from using the spells recorded above, we just need to let them know that these spells are fake."

Jiang Xun then expressed his thoughts

"But how can we prove it?"

"Since we are going to write a novel, let's write a novel about finding the truth, using this incident as an example. We only need to add some illustrations afterwards to create a sense of reality so that people will believe it."

Ying thought it made sense.

"How do we write the details?"

Paimeng asked, but Jiang Xun looked at him like an idiot.

"Why do we need to write it? Since we want to pursue realism, then it must be experienced in person to be real."


The two were confused at first, but after thinking carefully, it seemed feasible.

Ying immediately finalized the plan and decided to experiment tonight.

Yae Shenzi looked at Jiang Xun with some dissatisfaction. What the other party said was completely different from what she thought. She could never have imagined that this guy would actually instigate Ying to experience it in person.

But suddenly, she thought of a possibility, that is, Jiang Xun also noticed something wrong with this matter and wanted to take this opportunity to investigate. When she thought that the other party's identity was a mysterious demon god from the same era as Zhen, this possibility became greater.

"In that case, I'll join too."

Yae Shenzi also proposed to join. If it were usual, she would definitely go back to read light novels and eat fried tofu, but this time it was a bit unusual. This matter was likely to involve her old friends who had passed away.

She couldn't let it go.

Thinking that her rare rest (slacking off) time was ruined by Jiang Xun, Yae Shenzi glared at Jiang Xun and her mood became worse.

Jiang Xun also felt the white eyes from the pink fox, which made him a little confused.

But Yae Shenzi's guess was right. He really wanted to investigate.

Jiang Xun stepped on the ground and felt the disordered ground veins.

Since he came to the island, he found that Inazuma's ground veins were a bit unstable at this time, as if it had experienced a destruction not long ago, and now it was just"recovering from a serious illness."

This gave Jiang Xun an idea. The disorder of the ground veins meant that there must be something at work. It was very likely caused by the resentment of the demon god, and he could just eradicate these demon god resentments. After all, it couldn't be bitten by a dog, right?......

"In that case, let's meet at the outskirts of Inazuma City at midnight!" After agreeing on a meeting time, everyone left.

Yaezamiko returned to Yaezuma Hall, while Ying and Paimeng took the opportunity to take on more commissions.

Jiang Xun, who had nothing to do, wandered around the huge Inazuma City.

It was already dusk, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on Inazuma City. The sunlight shone through the gaps in the cherry trees and onto some buildings, adding a touch of ancient and sacred atmosphere.

Jiang Xun liked this feeling very much, so he casually found a corner, sat and watched the hustle and bustle of Inazuma, and waited for the night to fall.

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