"I was wondering why there was a familiar aura. It turned out to be you, girl."

Youlezai said helplessly. She had a bad feeling before accepting the summons of the spirit. She didn't expect it to come true. Just now, her memory was almost killed instantly. That aura, wow, it was really terrifying!

"Hey, Son of God.....Do you know him?"

Paimon finally realized that the summoning was not a failure, and the person summoned seemed to be an old acquaintance of Yae Shinko.

"Of course, we often sat together and talked about Hyakumonogatari back then!"

Yurakusai replied with a smile, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes

"But, I really didn't expect that it would be you who was summoned. Could it be that the little guy's wish was?"

"Yes, the wish this little girl just made is to write a novel that can prove that"The True Ghost Notes" is fake. I think it's interesting, so I came here."

"Then may I ask, is the traveler okay?"

Kamisato Ayaka asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I was also a powerful fox demon in my time. My possession will not be like those little guys. I will not bring burden to the person who made the wish. This little girl will only feel that she just slept for a while."

"However, this body is quite interesting, hiding a very powerful force."

Youlezhai continued

"Let me interrupt you. Do you know why the veins of Inazuma are disordered?"

Jiang Xun asked.......

"Hey, you look familiar, I feel like I've seen you before......"

You Lezhai looked at Jiang Xun's face and felt that it was somewhat familiar, but she found that she could not remember it. In the end, she could only blame it on the ground veins that affected her memory and made her forget many things.

"The disorder of the earth veins was caused by the beast hounds gnawing at the tree roots some time ago, but it has almost recovered now."

Yajyoshiko explained while standing, but this answer made Jiang Xun feel a little annoyed.

So it was really bitten by a dog, and, so you knew it, then I worked in vain, I thought it was the devil's resentment......

Ignoring Jiang's changing expression, Yae Shinko continued chatting with Youlezai. Now, the only things that could keep her interested, besides occasionally teasing the little guy, were these old friends who had passed away.

"Youlezhai, how long do you have left?"

Youlezhai shook his head when he heard this.

"Not much left, no one is left. Although everyone says they are satisfied, they all want to have another Night Parade of One Hundred Demons."

"Don't worry, I'm ready. When my bell rings, it will be a moonless night."

Yajyou Shenzi said preparedly, and I think he had considered this in advance.

"Haha, that's good. By the way, this time, it's not just us who will be in the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons. There's also an old friend who will show up. You'll never guess who it is!"

Youlezhai deliberately kept Yae Shinko's appetite hanging and left the words half-said.

Sure enough, these foxes are all black-bellied.

"Oh, really? Then I'd like to see who it is."

Yajyou Shenzi snorted, but she didn't take it to heart. These old friends have passed away, and she may not have the chance to see them again in the future. No matter who it is, she will not be too surprised.

"Okay, I still have some strength left, so I won't say any more. I'll leave this little girl's wish to you. Anyway, after we leave, the spells in the novel will be useless."

After saying that, Youlezhai left Ying's body.

"Really, everyone left and left a mess for me."

Yae Shenzi watched Youlezai return to the underground. Although she said it with blame, the smile on her face betrayed her true thoughts at the moment.

""Ying, Ying, are you okay?"

As Paimeng called out, Ying slowly opened her eyes, looking confused. It was obvious that she had no memory of what had just happened.

After seeing that Ying seemed to be fine, Paimeng and Linghua breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, little guys, tonight's business is over, everyone go back. Of course, if you are interested, come to the shrine tomorrow night."

After saying this, Yae Shinko left on her own, leaving the three of them confused.

"Hey, Jiang Xun, what do you think?"

"I stand and watch"......

"I'm asking you, will you go to the shrine tomorrow?"

Paimon asked angrily, holding his chest.

"Maybe, maybe not, it depends on my mood.

Jiang Xun said, then waved his hand and prepared to leave.

"Wait, don't leave yet."

Jiang Xun was suddenly stopped by Paimeng. He didn't know what this emergency food was about.

"What's wrong?"

"That, you......Can you bear to let the three of us girls go back alone?"

Paimon looked at the road behind and felt more and more scared. The moon was now covered by dark clouds and the brightness was much lower than when she first came.

She always felt that something would suddenly jump out of the darkness and eat her.

"How can you be so cruel!"

Jiang Xun was a little speechless. Among the three of you, one is a traveler who has fought against the devil (although he has never done it), and the other is the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family who has the eyes of God. Who would dare to do something bad to you?

"Wait, you're not scared, are you?"

"who......Who said I was scared?"

Faced with Jiang Xun's questioning, Paimeng said firmly

"That's good, I wish you a happy holiday!"

Jiang Xun turned around and prepared to leave

"Okay, I admit that I am a little bit scared."When

Paimeng saw that Jiang Xun was really going to leave, she didn't care about being stubborn and admitted it immediately.

If it was under normal circumstances, she would not have to do this, but at this time Ying had just woken up and her body had not fully recovered. Linghua was alone and could not handle it. If she encountered a difficult monster, it would be bad.

""Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I just happen to have nothing to do right now, so I'll give you a ride."

Jiang Xun saw this and knew when to stop. A joke would no longer be a joke if it was overdone.


On the way back, Paimeng took the lead and explored the way ahead, which was rare. The reason was naturally the sense of security from Jiang Xun.

She saw clearly the process of Jiang Xun performing the magic just now, and the scene was almost the same as the scene when Ba Che attacked Liyue Harbor.

With such a person following behind her, Paimeng felt that she had regained her confidence. Even now, if a few demons appeared in front of her, she would probably dare to kick them......Then run back.

The way back to Mulou Teahouse was very smooth. There were no monster attacks or sneak attacks by the treasure-stealing group. The security of Inazuma City was not that bad. If they found these, they would be cleared as soon as possible.

After sending them to Mulou Teahouse and saying goodbye to Linghua and others, Jiang Xun took Du Lin away. For some reason, he suddenly wanted to watch the Hundred Demons Night Parade tomorrow.

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