After watching the three people enter the teahouse, Jiang Xun left on his own.

If it were in the past, he should have been asleep in bed at this time, not because he was tired, but because he enjoyed the process of sleeping, but tonight, he didn't have this idea.

Why not take this time to visit Inazuma!

If you want to do it, do it. Jiang Xun turned around and walked out of the city. Compared with the quietness in Inazuma City, the night outside the city and the city can be said to be two extremes.

Both the treasure-stealing group and the hillocks are particularly active in the suburbs at night.

Jiang Xun saw many hillocks on the road who were moving in the dark, holding sticks, waving the sticks in their hands, and hammering at the air.

This is in.....Exercise?

Jiang Xun didn't do much research on monsters like the Hill Chow people. Now seeing them constantly swinging their sticks at the air in front of them, he thought that this should be their way of exercise.

Jiang Xun didn't take the initiative to provoke them. He didn't want to take action tonight. Of course, if he met someone who attacked him on the road, that would be another matter.

Jiang Xun killed a lot of monsters along the way, including some Hill Chow Kings, which provided a little help to the Inazuma people living in the wild.

He didn't know which direction he was going, but wherever he went was the way to go.

He kept walking forward until a miniature of a village appeared in the distance. It was already dawn at this time, and the sky in the east was gradually stained with a layer of golden halo.

Jiang Xun continued to walk towards the direction of the village until he found a man standing at the entrance of the village.

When he got closer, he found that the man was dressed in a witch costume and stood quietly in front of a fox statue. Jiang Xun could see from the side that the other person was wearing a mask on his face.

Jiang Xun took a look and looked away

""Sir, please stay."

However, just as Jiang Xun was about to leave, the witch who was looking at the fox statue suddenly spoke.

Jiang Xun paused and turned around. The two looked at each other face to face. Jiang Xun also saw clearly that the other person was wearing a fox mask.

Could it be the little fan of Yae Shinko?

"Is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Xun asked

""Excuse me, are you the one who purifies filth?"

The witch asked with a hint of expectation.

Jiang Xun shook his head upon hearing this.

After receiving Jiang Xun's negative answer, the witch just nodded slightly, but did not show disappointment. It was obvious that she had asked this question to others many times, and the answers she got were roughly the same as Jiang Xun's.

If it were an ordinary person, they might consciously stay away from her at this time, but Jiang Xun became interested because he felt the breath emanating from the other party.

She is the filth, or to be more precise, the resentment of a powerful being!......

""I'm very curious why you want to find someone to purify your filth. Is it to harm others, or to kill someone with a borrowed knife?"

After a moment of silence, Jiang Xun suddenly asked.

He never hesitated to speculate the worst of others. The witch in front of him was filthy herself, but she wanted to find someone to purify her filth. This strange phenomenon made it difficult for people not to associate the relationship between them.

If it were usual, Jiang Xun would not even have the time to talk nonsense with the other party. However, the incarnation of filth in front of him was different from what he thought he saw. She seemed to have no aggressiveness, nor did she have the usual resentment and crazy and obvious murderous intent.

"Did you figure it out?"

The witch was a little surprised. She didn't expect that her identity would be known. You know, she is different.

"I see. It seems that you are more powerful than I thought."

The witch did not show any anxiety or fear of being exposed. Her tone was still calm and gentle.

"My name is Hua Sanli.......The filth created by the memory of Master Kitsai-gū, but please believe me, I have never harmed anyone, I just want to find someone to help......"

Hua Sanli also confessed her identity. She knew that the man in front of her was definitely not an ordinary person. Instead of continuing to hide it, she might as well tell the other person the truth.

"Fox Palace......I know her."

Jiang Xun touched his chin, and a white-haired fox appeared in his mind.

"Do you know Lord Saigū? Then could you please help me? You can do whatever you want with me afterwards."

Jiang Xun was a little embarrassed.

What he said made me sound like a pervert.

Jiang Xun did not reply to the other party immediately. He was thinking about the matter of Kitsuzai Gū.

At this moment, a long-lost voice sounded in his mind.

Mission: Under the Black Disaster

The black tide of Kanreya affected Inazuma. It happened that Lei Dianying rushed to the battlefield of Kanreya. Kitsuzai Gū died in order to protect Ming Shen Island. Please return to the time of the black tide attack and change the ending.

Reward: Unknown

Punishment: None

Yes/No Accept

The voice of the system made Jiang Xun miss it very much. The system's task is here, so how far can the reward be?

Jiang Xun chose to accept it without hesitation. The rewards given by the system are basically the same. Jiang Xun also wants to improve himself at this moment, and doing tasks to get rewards is undoubtedly the fastest way to improve his strength.


Seeing that Jiang Xun had not spoken, Hua Sanli mustered up the courage to ask. She only heard Jiang Xun talking to himself, but she did not dare to interrupt him.

""I'm sorry, Miss Hanasari, I can't help you with your request, but I think someone will take care of it in the future."

Hanasari was confused by Jiang Xun's inexplicable words.

Jiang Xun didn't intend to explain.

Because the system's task countdown has begun.




It was another frame-stripping teleportation. Although it has been a long time since I experienced it, Jiang Xun still remembers this feeling.

Friendly reminder: Due to the particularity of this mission, please do not leave Inazuma's homeland, and do not choose to go directly to Kanreya.

Jiang Xun just reacted when the system's prompt sounded.���The first time it appeared in Jiang Xun's ears, it directly rejected his plan to solve the problem from the root.

"System, explain"

"The Black Tide and the Kanreya War were in the same period."

The system simply said one sentence without much explanation, leaving Jiang Xun alone to think.

"The same period....."

Jiang Xun pondered the system's words.

Suddenly, he thought of something. At this time, the country of Kanreya was in the midst of a war with the Seven Gods. That meant.....There are two of me in this world now?!

Jiang Xun suddenly understood why the system didn't let him go to Kanreya.

After all, according to the changed history, the current me is killing people in Kanreya in my real form. If the two of me meet, there will be a mistake in the rules, which will definitely attract the attention of the law of nature.

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