"Why are you back? And the real....."

Yae Shenzi was originally complaining about Jiang Xun disturbing her in the middle of the night. In the past, if someone dared to disturb her sleep, she would definitely teach him a lesson. Even if it was Jiang Xun, she would never let him go.

However, she suddenly found that this guy was holding someone in his arms. Who was this person?......Really?!

After seeing clearly, Yae Shinko's eyes became somewhat dangerous.

"Oh my, Mr. Jiang Xun actually likes to use this kind of trick. I wonder what he is going to do with Zhen?"

Yajyou Shenzi said as his eyes gradually became alert.

Sure enough, his intuition, which he has always been proud of, was not wrong. Jiang Xun, this guy, looked like a decent person, but he liked to do this kind of trick secretly. Fortunately, he discovered it early, otherwise he would have been.........

Jiang Xun didn't know what this pink fox thought of him in his heart, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care. The Eightfold Son of God was just a defeated opponent of mine. How could he care about the opinion of a little fox that had been ravaged?

"I didn't get her drunk, she drank it herself....."

Jiang Xun explained casually.

But it was obvious that his one-sided statement alone was still not enough to convince Yae Shinto, and the vigilance in his eyes was still there.

Seeing that the other party was so wary of him, Jiang Xun was too lazy to explain.

He walked towards Yae Shinto.

This move made the originally fearless fox panic. She had been living in comfort with Inazuma for so long that she forgot to consider the difference in strength at the first moment. It was not until Jiang Xun slowly walked towards her that she remembered that the guy in front of her was not an ordinary person. He was a guy who participated in the Kanreya War of Extermination and survived.

This alone was enough to prove that the other party's strength was far above hers.

"Mr. Jiang Xun......Are you angry and want to attack me?"

Yaezhe Shenzi tried to maintain her composure on the surface, and her words were still very sharp, but her momentum was obviously much weaker than before.

In just a few seconds, Jiang Xun had already walked in front of her. Just when she was considering whether to call Ying to save the situation, she saw the other party directly put the thing in his arms in front of her.

Although Yaezhe Shenzi was a little stunned, she still subconsciously took it.

"Why would I attack you?"

Jiang Xun folded his arms, looked at the pink fox in front of him with a strange expression, and asked

"Zhen is drunk tonight, you take care of her, I'm leaving first."

Jiang Xun said, without paying attention to the reaction of the Eightfold God, and left directly, leaving the fox standing there blankly.

After a few seconds, the Eightfold God felt a movement in his arms. Zhen, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes without knowing when. Seeing that Jiang Xun had left, a look of loss appeared on his face.

"Really, what's going on?"

Yae Shenzi asked curiously.

Why does it feel like everything is different from what she imagined?

"It's nothing, I just can't drink much and I'm drunk."

Zhen replied with a red face, not sure if it was because of the wine or because of the memory of lying in Jiang Xun's arms just now.

"Oh, Shenzi, please don't tell Ying about this!"

Zhen begged, as if he would not give up until she agreed.


"Oh, please!"

After being pestered for a long time, Yae Shenzi finally gave in.

"Okay, okay, I won’t say anything. Do you need me to help you get rid of the smell of alcohol?"

"Need not......I'll just take a nap!"

Finally, Yae Shenzi took Shin into the room with a lot of questions in her head.

She couldn't fall asleep until the other person fell asleep. She felt that there must be some secret between the two of them.............

The next morning, the shrine that was originally empty was filled with people again. The shrine maidens who were sent down the mountain last night returned.

""Master, what's wrong with you?"

A miko originally wanted to report something to Yae Shinko, but her current condition seemed a little bad.

"Nothing, just thinking about something."

Yae Shenzi waved her hand. She couldn't sleep all night because of what happened last night. Fortunately, she was a monster, so not sleeping all night had no effect on her.

After dealing with today's affairs, it was Yae Shenzi's rest time. Yes, as long as there was no special situation, she would have a long rest every day.

In the past, she would use this time to read light novels or wander around.

But today, she planned to make up for the sleep she lost last night.

"Good morning, Son of God. Are you free now?"

Paimon and Ying arrived at the shrine early in the morning. It seems that they came straight to Son of God.

"It's the little guy and Paimon, good morning, but I'm sorry, I'm busy right now."

Yae Shenzi answered very naturally.

She was just about to go to bed, so she must be busy!

"Hey, Shenzi, isn't your work finished yet?"

Paimon asked

"Who told you that?"

"Of course it's Miss Miko."

Paimon then answered

"Oh, actually, I am ready to deal with things now."

"That.....Why are you going to the bedroom?"

Paimon crossed her arms. Even she realized something was wrong.......

"Humph, Shenzi, when will we get our royalties?!"

The smile on Yae Shenzi's face became a little forced. It was obvious that she didn't have any money for royalties.

"Have you gone to Yaedo to ask?"

"I asked, and they said they would come to you to deal with it." After hearing this, Yae Shenzi began to regret her decision.

However, looking at the appearance of the two people in front of her, she thought that if she didn't solve this matter today, they probably wouldn't leave.

"Then I will take you to have a look."

In the end, the Eightfold God Son could only���The compromise

"Great, let's go!"

Paimeng and Ying smiled when they heard that the royalties were coming soon.

However, a certain scumbag was plotting something bad.

As she always insisted, she would teach anyone who disturbed her sleep a lesson. Last night it was Jiang Xun, and today it was you two.......Little guy and little Paimon, are you ready?

The two people walking in front suddenly felt a chill on their backs, especially Ying. She felt inexplicably familiar, as if she had had this feeling at some point.

Inside the shrine, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, without any chaos caused by the departure of Yae Shinko.

Zhen opened her eyes in a daze.

At this time, she was completely awake. As a demon god, although she was drunk last night, she would not have memory loss like mortals, which meant that all the fragments of what happened last night appeared in her mind one by one.

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