Those bold actions instantly made Zhen feel ashamed. She touched her face subconsciously and found that it was a little hot. Why did she do those things last night?

"Good morning, how do you feel?"

Just as Miss Zhen was reflecting on herself, Jiang Xun's voice came from outside the door. He appeared at the door without knowing when.

"without....It's okay."

Zhen heard Jiang Xun's voice again at this time. She was like a frightened deer, and her words became hesitant. Obviously, after sobering up, she didn't know how to face him for a while.

And how would the other party view her?

"Do you need to rest for a while?"

Jiang Xun felt a little strange outside the door, and the other party's voice didn't sound like he was fine.

"No, no, I'm fine, just......What happened last night."

She was a little nervous. She was looking forward to Jiang Xun's thoughts, but she was also afraid that he would have a bad impression of her.

"Last night? I handed you over to the Son of God and left. I don't know what happened next."

"Is that so?"

Zhen gradually calmed down after hearing this.

Although she didn't know what Jiang Xun was thinking, fortunately, he didn't seem to hate her.

Jiang Xun was also a little relieved at this time. He originally thought that Zhen would pursue the matter of him hugging her last night, but fortunately, the other party didn't mention it. In his opinion, although Zhen was gentle and considerate, he was not a casual person.

Since the other party didn't mention it, Jiang Xun naturally wouldn't take the initiative to mention it, and the matter was left unresolved.

"Are you ready to meet Ying?"

Jiang Xun continued to ask. Since he had promised the other party, he had to complete it. Jiang Xun was waiting for a real answer.

".....Okay, wait for me for a moment, okay?"

Zhen's voice came from the room.


Jiang Xun nodded, and then sat at the door of the room, waiting quietly. After a while, Zhen came out, and she knelt gently beside Jiang Xun. Jiang Xun took a look and found that the other party's originally unpainted face was now wearing a little light makeup.

The makeup was not heavy, just a few strokes of random strokes, but it was these few strokes that showed her original charm to the greatest extent.

"How.....What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Jiang Xun looked at the other person without disguising his gaze, and Zhen naturally noticed it, and asked nervously at this time.

"It's nothing, I just thought she was beautiful, so I looked at her a few more times. It seems that you really want to see her and even made special preparations."

Jiang Xun told the truth. He was indeed amazed by her at the beginning.

Zhen was very pleased with Jiang Xun's compliments, but Jiang Xun said something wrong. Why did she wear makeup when she saw her sister?

"Let's go...."

It seemed that the other party was also ready, so the two prepared to set off.

With their abilities, they quickly arrived at Inazuma Castle from Narukami Taisha Shrine. Jiang Xun landed in Inazuma Castle, and Shin followed closely behind. As for why they didn't go directly to the castle tower.

Shin meant that since they were going to meet, they naturally shouldn't hide. At this time, he appeared in the crowd with his true form because he wanted to see Inazuma now with his own eyes as Raiden Shin.

After Jiang Xun knew about it, he didn't have any objections, but he had a mask on his face.

And it turned out that it was necessary for him to wear this mask.

""General, it's General."

Shinichi appeared in the crowd, immediately attracting everyone's attention and cheers.

Shinichi greeted people, just as she often did before.

"Wow, is it my illusion? Why does it feel like the general has become gentler today?"

"Don't tell me, I think so too"

"The general looks so beautiful in a kimono!"

The crowd burst into laughter, and everyone's eyes turned to the two of them.

"Wait, who is that person next to the general?"

"Yes, why is the general still holding his arm? Damn it, how could this happen!"

Jiang Xun secretly thanked himself for being prepared in advance. He wanted to watch from the dark, but Zhen seemed to have guessed his thoughts and took his arm first, making it impossible for him to get away.

"So, this is also your idea?"

Jiang Xun asked in a low voice

""Ah? What's the idea?"

Zhen pretended to be stupid and asked, as if he really didn't know what Jiang Xun was talking about. He just held Jiang Xun with a little more strength.

Jiang Xun now felt that there were countless eyes behind him. The impact of this incident was too great. Now, from ordinary people to the three officials, everyone was paying attention to them.

After this incident, his identity would inevitably appear on some people's tables.

It is estimated that at that time, there would be endless fawning and showing of goodwill.

Jiang Xun himself was not interested in such things, but he was not worried about his identity being exposed. His mask had a confusing effect. People who did not have certain abilities would forget it after taking a look. They would only remember the appearance of the mask in their minds, but forget the face behind the mask.

And those who were capable probably would not dare to come to him.

However, if used well, this identity could solve a lot of troubles in Inazuma.

For people around General Lei Dian, this identity is still very popular in this country blessed by the God of Thunder, but it feels like being a gigolo.......

Under the gaze of a group of people, the two slowly walked to the castle tower. The guard at the door was obviously very surprised by the appearance of Raiden Zhen at this time. As the guard responsible for the safety of the castle tower, he was definitely one of the people who had the most audiences with General Raiden. However, the general in front of him was completely different from his impression.

There was no fierce momentum at all, but instead he gave people a very kind and gentle feeling.

"General.....What are you doing?"

Although he knew that no one would dare to pretend to be General Lei Dian, the feeling given by the general in front of him really made him feel strange.

"I suddenly feel like dressing up like this, is it not okay?"

"when.....Of course you can!"

Although there was no blame in his tone, it sounded different to the guard.

He quickly opened the door of the castle tower. As for Jiang Xun, even if he was surprised, he didn't dare to say anything.

The two of them entered the castle tower. As the door closed, the noise from the outside world disappeared, and they were completely isolated outside the castle tower.

"I didn't expect that after not coming back for five hundred years, this place is still the same as before."

Zhen let go of Jiang Xun's arm and walked slowly inside.

Jiang Xun was also observing everything around him.

There was indeed not much change compared to five hundred years ago.

As he walked, Jiang Xun frowned and appeared beside Zhen in a flash.

Zhen also noticed a violent sound like thunder on her left. She looked up and saw a naginata surrounded by endless thunder coming towards her. Jiang Xun raised her hand and blocked the swift attack like thunder.

The power of thunder and lightning leaked out, and countless thunders intersected in the castle tower. No matter how hard the thunder tried, it still couldn't break through Jiang Xun's defense.

Then, he exerted force.

The naginata flew out and fell into the hands of a figure.

"Impersonating the General of Thunder is the first crime, and trespassing into the castle tower is the second crime. So far, I will use my name to bestow upon you the thunderbolt!"

The attack was blocked, and the figure of Ying slowly walked out of the shadows.

The lightning of the naginata in his hand was bright, containing violent thunder.

"Ying, I am Zhen, don't you remember me?"

As soon as Zhen finished speaking, Ying came again and didn't listen at all.

"Zhen, please step back. This is not Ying. She is a puppet made by Ying."


This is the first time I've heard of this thing, and I'm a little curious.

"That's right, she is a tool created by the film to maintain the eternity of Inazuma. She only follows the original program. Now we are regarded as enemies by her. No matter what you say, it will be useless."

"What should I do then?"

Zhen's tone was somewhat urgent at this time. She didn't expect that what she said at that time was actually right. Her sister actually wanted to hit her when she saw her........

"What should I do? If I destroy the puppet, the shadow will know.

Jiang Xun relaxed his muscles.

"Phew, I can finally be a little more serious......"

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