After parting with Jiang Xun once.

Heulia could not hide the sadness on her face.

Even after so many times, she still couldn't get used to it.

Facing someone who held a very high position in her heart, she couldn't ignore the other's attitude.

She tried to change herself, and she was always reflecting on what she had done wrong to make her master angry.

Why didn't he want to talk to her for so long?

Whenever she thought she had found her own problem and happily went to find her master, she was still met with silence.

Obviously, the other party often helped her solve problems, why did things turn out like this?

This question has been bothering her, but the person involved has never answered it.

" Lord Salt God, good evening, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

Heulia was immersed in her thoughts.

She didn't notice that she had walked into the crowd and was recognized by them.

" Well, hello, I am not unhappy"

Heulia quickly adjusted her state and put on a smile again.

She tried to cover up her disappointment.

However, it didn't seem to work.

" Lord Salt God, is there someone who has done something that has upset you? We will help you deal with him!"

One of the people stood up and said.

As soon as he said this, others immediately echoed him.

Since their god no longer gave in, their attitude towards the Salt God has also changed.

From dissatisfaction to respect.

In addition, Heulia did not have the contempt for humans that other demons had.

This is why they reacted so strongly at this time. They wanted to find out which of her people's behavior had made her sad.

" No, Master.....No, it's actually my problem. Don't worry about it."

Heulia heard the other party's words and subconsciously wanted to defend Jiang Xun, but in the end she didn't continue.......

" This....Since the Salt God has said so"

Seeing Heulia say this, they did not insist.

Because they respected this gentle god who brought them happiness.

Jiang Xun stood on a high place and saw the scene clearly.

But he was not angry about being scolded.

Instead, he felt happy.

Heulia has been respected by her people for her own efforts, which is a good thing.

And he only needs to wait until Heulia can really take control of the overall situation before he can leave with peace of mind.


Jiang Xun looked into the distance with a strange look on his face.......

" Dear fellow demons, thank you for coming here."

A demon god spoke first.

If Heulia was present, she would definitely recognize this demon god who fled without a fight.

"Stop talking nonsense. Our relationship is not that good. What do you want from me?"

One of the sharp-looking humanoid demon gods replied disdainfully.

As for the other demon gods, they said nothing.

They just stared at the demon gods around them with vigilance.

A day ago, they were still enemies, but now they can sit here peacefully.

It must be driven by interests.

" Hehe, don't worry"

The first demon who spoke was not angered by the other party's words. Instead, he smiled and said,"Everyone should know the Demon of Salt, right?";

" That's natural. She was originally weak, but I don't know where she got the demon god-level puppet from recently. Her strength has greatly increased. Now the area of her territory is larger than mine."

"Yes, those puppets are not only powerful, but also seem to have their own consciousness. I really don’t know where she got them."

As the demon god spoke, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

He obviously didn't want to provoke the other party, especially those giant puppets.

A punch from them would be enough to hurt him.

"Hehe, this is why I invited you all. According to my observation for so long, the number of those puppets is limited."

" And each of them is as strong as us"

" As long as a few of us can hold those puppets in check, then the Salt God and her territory will be in our pockets, right?"

The demon god said.

The other demon gods seemed to be persuaded.

Then one of them spoke up.

"Okay, but first distribute the benefits to save trouble later."

After hearing this, the demon gods all nodded in agreement.......

At night.

The sky of Teyvat never disappoints. The sky is full of stars, shining with different brilliance from time to time, beautiful beyond reality.

Jiang Xun holds a teacup in his hand, with wisps of hot steam coming out of it, looking at the starry sky.

Heulia sits next to him, but her mind is not on the night sky, but looking at Jiang Xun from time to time.

He wanted to speak several times, but gave up all the time.

"This is for you, remember to wear it well"

Jiang Xun took out a necklace that looked very delicate.

He handed it directly to Heulia.

Heulia was a little stunned when she saw it.

" Well, don't you like it?"

Jiang Xun looked at the stunned Heulia, then looked at the necklace in his hand, a little confused.

He thought his aesthetic taste should not be too bad.

If the other party was a man, he would also want to make a Gundam.

Is the aesthetic taste of this era different?

Jiang Xun was about to take it back.

Heulia suddenly reacted at this time and quickly grabbed Jiang Xun's hand.

" No, I like it very much

" Just surprised......Master finally agreed to talk to me"

Heulia looked a little excited

"Haha, are you angry?"

Jiang Xun asked with a smile

" No, I believe Master must have his own reasons"

Heulia replied.

Jiang Xun smiled and did not continue talking.

He thought that she should have been angry a long time ago if he had been treating her like this.

Sure enough, she was still too gentle.

However, gentleness has never been a derogatory word.

Although Jiang Xun did not continue speaking, Heulia was not sad this time.

Because she knew that the master was not angry with her, that was enough.

Moreover, she heard that among humans, only lovers would give each other necklaces.

Could it be that the master.........

Jiang Xun: Actually, I just think this thing is easier to draw.

Heulia tightly grasped the necklace Jiang Xun gave her.

Her face was a little ruddy.

The two of them just looked at the beautiful starry sky quietly.......

The next day

, in the palace,

Jiang Xun returned to his original attitude and did not sit there as a listener as usual.

Instead, he started talking to Heulia.

Everything seemed to have returned to the way it was at the beginning, but it also seemed different.

Suddenly, Jiang Xun felt the breath of the demon god.

This time, without his reminder, Heulia stood up on her own.

" Master, I'm sorry, I'll be back soon"

Heulia said angrily.

After all, it was not easy to talk to Jiang Xun, and these hateful guys came!

Jiang Xun smiled and nodded.

He stood up and looked in the direction of the demon god......

Heulia walked out with the puppet.

She thought it was the boring demon god again.

But this time, the opponent's battle array made her dare not underestimate it.

There were more than a dozen demon gods standing in front of her.

Each of them stared at this place with a covetous look.

It seemed that there was a big trouble this time.

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