"This is my territory. Please retreat immediately, or I will take action!"

Heulia said coldly.

The giant puppet behind him also moved upon hearing the sound. The huge body took a step forward, and instantly exuded an astonishing aura.

However, this time, Heulia was not facing one demon god, but all the demon gods in this area.

After feeling the oppression of the puppet, more than a dozen demon gods released their auras together.

The terrifying auras gathered together and pressed towards Heulia.

The sky was originally clear, but I don't know when it had been windy.

The contest between demon gods is rare, but at this time, more than a dozen demon gods gathered together.

For a moment, a scene like the destruction of the world appeared before his eyes.

Endless howling winds and thunder roaring in the dark clouds.

Everything that happened hinted that a war was about to come.

In the face of such a great power to change the world, human power seems particularly small.

Just watching made the soldiers behind him tremble uncontrollably.

"You guys go back first"

Heulia turned to her people and spoke gently.

Her smile seemed to have a magical power, offsetting their fear.

"But you......"

" The war between demons is not something you can bear"

Heulia interrupted.

Hearing this, the people fell silent.

They knew in their hearts that even if they risked their lives, they would not be able to cause any harm to these invading demons.

Instead, it would limit Heulia's ability to perform.

"Yes, but please survive"

They pleaded.....

"Well, I promise you"

After Heulia finished speaking, she turned around and faced the demons.

The other party's attitude was very clear.

In this case, the only way was to start a war.

The giant puppets were not only endowed with emotions by Jiang Xun, but also very strong in the perception of emotions.

They could feel Heulia's emotions.

Without hesitation, the huge figure stepped on the ground and killed the hostile demons.

Even though the other side had more people than them, they still did not hesitate at all.

The war began.

" Follow the plan"

The demons on the opposite side saw the puppets coming towards them.

As if they had discussed it beforehand, several of them immediately came out and attacked the giant puppet.

Although the puppets were brave, each of the opponents was also a demon.

Even if the opponent was defeated in a one-on-one situation, he would not be easily killed.

Seeing the puppet being dragged, the remaining few cast their eyes on Heulia, who was isolated and helpless. The girl's small body seemed particularly helpless in front of them.

But she did not retreat, but held the salt ruler and salt cup tightly.

"Salt Demon, give up resistance. I admit that your puppets are powerful, but now, without them, what can you do?"

One of the demons sneered.

He did not take the human-like Heulia seriously.

In his opinion, the other party was able to do whatever she wanted because of those puppets that came from nowhere.

But now, without the protection of the puppets, what can she do?

"You just want to occupy my territory, why waste your breath?"

Heulia ignored the other party's sarcasm and responded

" Humph, you don't know what's good for you!"

The demon god was directly enraged by Heulia.

He rushed straight towards her.

His huge body stirred up a strong wind, which hit Heulia.

However, the strong wind that was enough to destroy the parking lot could not make this seemingly weak and petite girl retreat half a step. She had some thoughts in her heart.

If she hadn't met Jiang Xun, she should have surrendered long ago!

Maybe now she doesn't even have the courage to take up arms to defend her people and territory.

But fortunately, if that doesn't happen again.

Heulia waved the salt cup in her hand.

For a moment, a huge amount of salt emerged and turned into layers of rock salt walls in the air.

Successfully blocked the opponent.

The demon god was about to get away, but found that the salt blocks stuck to his body became extremely heavy at this time.

The weight like a mountain made him unable to move.

Seeing this, he hurriedly urged his divine power to continuously destroy the salt blocks attached to his body.

However, he was shocked to find that the salt blocks attached to himself were getting more and more.

" Collect!"

As Heulia's clear voice sounded, the salt around the demon god rioted.

Under the unstoppable trend, it directly wrapped up the opponent, forming a huge salt pupa.

After about a few seconds, the salt block fell off.

In full view of the crowd, the demon god who had just disdained to mock had now turned into a salt sculpture. It had completely lost its breath.

This scene directly shocked all the demon gods present except Heulia.

This was completely different from what they imagined.

" Don't underestimate the enemy, she is very evil"

Seeing this, the remaining demons took it seriously.

They no longer looked down on the young demon in front of them.

Heulia had solved a demon at this time, but she was not happy.

Although she regained the faith of her people and her own strength was constantly growing.

But the time was too short.

Her real strength now was on par with the demon who had just been killed.

If the other party had not underestimated her, she would not have been able to solve it so easily.

Looking at the remaining demons.

Heulia's mood suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley.

" Let's go together and take them down directly!"

The remaining demons nodded after hearing this, and then all rushed towards Heulia.

Facing attacks from different directions,

Heulia could only passively defend at this time.

The salt cup kept waving, and endless salt kept appearing for her to mix.

The only way now was to hold on until the puppets defeated those demons and then came to support her.

Heulia gritted her teeth and resisted the attacks from the demons.

Although the divine power in her body was rapidly consumed.

At this time, she suddenly thought of Jiang Xun.

If it was the master, the battle should have ended, right?

But she didn't plan to let Jiang Xun come to save her.

Maybe it was because she wanted to prove herself to the other party, or maybe she didn't want to change back to her previous self.

From beginning to end, she didn't ask for help.

But in the next second, something strange happened.

Heulia couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

She knelt on the ground helplessly.

The divine power in her body was almost dried up.

The besieging demons were delighted to see this.

Without any hesitation, they urged their divine power and each used their strongest attack.

Then they killed Heulia.

Looking at the powerful attacks composed of divine power around her.

A sense of crisis of death continued to spread in her heart.

But she was already exhausted after running out of divine power, and it was too late to save the situation.

At this moment.

Many things appeared in her mind.

There were the people she was worried about, the life she longed for, and the master who had always helped her.

She reached out and touched the necklace on her neck, and her thoughts returned to the night under the starry sky yesterday.

" I really want to stay at that time....."

After saying this, Heulia closed her eyes, but she still held the necklace tightly in her hand.......

" Finally, I will teach you one thing. If you encounter something that you really cannot solve, you can ask others for help......"

Jiang Xun's light voice reached Heulia's ears.

She suddenly opened her eyes.


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