Feeling the temperature of the necklace getting hotter and hotter,

Heulia's heartbeat became more and more intense.

She was both excited and afraid at the moment.

She was excited because she might soon meet the person she had been looking for.

But she was also afraid, afraid that this time she would be disappointed again.

When she arrived at the door of the palace,

Heulia's heartbeat was almost uncontrollable.

Her hand was tightly grasping the necklace around her neck.

After a pause, her hand slowly stretched out and then touched the door.

With force, her hand was slowly pushed open.

Slowly, the interior of the palace appeared in front of her.

The smile on Heulia's face slowly disappeared.

Then it turned into calm.

After a long time, a sigh came from the dark space.

Heulia sat on a chair.

She looked outside.

The quietness in the palace seemed to be two worlds from the outside world.

One was bustling and prosperous, while the other seemed quiet and lonely.

Heulia then walked to the window.

But she was not looking at the people who were enjoying the festival.

Instead, she was looking at the stars that had filled the sky without knowing when.

This was the moment she enjoyed most.

Because only at this time, her mind will be empty, and the troubles that usually bother her will disappear.

Only at this time will she remember the night when her master gave her the necklace.

Everything seems to have not changed, but it seems to have changed.

A trace of confusion appeared on Heulia's face.

She was a little unsure about what to do next.

Should she continue to search for the next country.

Or stay in Liyue and pray that Jiang Xun will come back?

Once this question appeared, it has been lingering in her mind for a long time.

"Master, what should I do next?"

Heulia whispered to herself

" Perhaps, you can go and enjoy the festival with them"!

Who is it?

Heulia reacted quickly.

Is there someone hiding here?

Why haven't I found out yet?

Jiang Xun was trying to hold back a smile.

Just now he felt someone coming, so he left first to avoid being discovered for breaking into the Salt God's residence.

But what he didn't expect was that the person who came was actually Heulia, who had disappeared for many years.

After knowing that, Jiang Xun came around from behind.

Then he heard the other party's emo words.

Then he couldn't help but answer.

However, Heulia's reaction at this time seemed a little strange.

She was looking at him with a dull face.

Jiang Xun couldn't guess what the other party was thinking for a while.

Finally, he tentatively greeted her.

"Long time no see, Heulia"

In the dark space.

Jiang Xun did not deliberately use his strength to see through the darkness.

The next second.

He only felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing in front of him, and then the touch of soft fragrance appeared in his arms.

For Jiang Xun, who had experienced it once.

Naturally, he knew what was going on.

So he did not speak, but patted her back gently.

I hope this will allow her to vent her emotions better. This is indeed the case.

Perhaps she felt Jiang Xun's concern.

All the thoughts and grievances in Heulia's heart for so many years were released without reservation at this moment.

Jiang Xun saw all this.

He didn't know where Heulia had been all these years.

But he could vaguely guess something.

But what surprised Jiang Xun was that Heulia did not always rely on him.

After the emotions eased, she left Jiang Xun's arms.

It seems that she is indeed much stronger.

Seeing that the other party's personality did not change back to the original state, Jiang Xun was a little happy.

At least Heulia proved that she really has the talent to be a teacher.

"How about it, are you interested in going down to play for a while?"

Jiang Xun invited Heulia.

He didn't ask about the past few years.

Because he felt that it was not appropriate to talk about those not-so-good memories after finally meeting.

"Okay, let's go together, Master"

Heulia nodded happily.

This was the happiest moment for her in the past thousand years.

In the following time, the two went to participate in the harvest festival together.

The two who had no interest in the festival originally were inexplicably full of interest at this time.

Perhaps their dislike was just because they lacked people to participate with them.......

The moon was hanging on the branches.

Tonight's activities also came to an end.

Many people left the streets.

Only a few people were left on the streets enjoying the end of the festival.

After today, the next time you want to continue will have to wait until next year.

This includes Jiang Xun and Heulia.

" Harvest Festival, this festival is pretty good"

Jiang Xun felt the festive atmosphere on the street.

He said with a smile on his face

"Hey, thank you for the compliment, Master"

Heulia was a little embarrassed by Jiang Xun's praise.

In her impression, Jiang Xun rarely praised her before.

And now that they met again, Jiang Xun gave her a different feeling than before.

She felt that there was no longer that vague sense of alienation.

Instead, she felt more real and close.

Maybe.....This is the true face of the master.

Heulia looked at Jiang Xun with a smile in her eyes.

She did not ask where Jiang Xun had been all these years.

She only knew that now that the master was back, that was enough.

" Let's go back to the room"

Jiang Xun then said to Heulia.

However, this sentence also has another meaning.

Miss Heulia's face suddenly turned red.

" Division....Father, you....Where are you talking about?;

" Go back to the room, what's wrong?"

Jiang Xun asked back with some confusion.

" This...Will this...A little too fast,";

" However, if you really want, I can....."

Heulia seemed to be afraid that Jiang Xun might misunderstand something. She quickly added another sentence.

However, she spoke more and more quietly.

In the end, her voice was almost inaudible.

At this moment, she was just like a little girl. If she didn't say anything, no one would have thought that this was the salt god who could bring a good harvest.

" Well, don't you want to go and see the stars? Is there a good spot in the room?"

Jiang Xun explained with confusion.

Just now she was the one who said she wanted to see the stars with him again.

Why is she so shy now?

"Ah, so that's how it is"

Heulia whispered.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Jiang Xun actually heard a hint of disappointment in her tone.

Then he looked at her in confusion.

He was a little confused.

Did his apprentice encounter any problems in these years?

Why do I feel.....A little strange?

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