After returning to the palace, the two of them went to the window together.

From here, they could clearly see the scenery outside.

Heulia came back again, but this time she was not sad and confused.......

They stayed awake all night until the first rays of sunlight appeared in the east in the early morning.

After talking all night, the two slowly stood up.

Jiang Xun stood up and stretched.

After a night of conversation, Jiang Xun basically understood that his apprentice had only done one thing in these years.

That was to keep looking for him, from Liyue all the way to Xumi.

This moved him very much.

The demon god also has feelings.

Jiang Xun found it hard to imagine the loneliness of searching alone and the despair of repeated failures.

However, these things were basically glossed over by Heulia.

She didn't seem to want to dwell too much on this topic.

"Thank you for your hard work"

After hearing all this, Jiang Xun was silent for a long time.

He was not a heartless person. He knew that someone was constantly running around to find him.

It would be a lie to say that he was not touched.

" No, Master, your return proves that my efforts over the years have not been in vain." Heulia waved her hands hastily.

"What if I really don't come back?"

Jiang Xun asked half-jokingly

" Then I will keep looking!"

Heulia's answer without any hesitation was beyond Jiang Xun's expectation.

It seems that her obsession with this matter is far beyond his imagination.

"It seems your journey has to come to an end."

Jiang Xun smiled

"Yes, I also want to have a good rest"

Heulia replied with a smile.....

In the following days, in order to make it up to her,

Jiang Xun accompanied Heulia to do many things she wanted to do.

It was during these days that Jiang Xun realized that Heulia had so many ideas.

Every time he thought he had finished something, he would always say something else he wanted to do.

According to her, all these were ideas she came up with to give herself motivation during the search.

Jiang's face changed for a moment after hearing this.

You know,

Heulia didn't spend one or two days looking for him, but ten years.

If you think about it, even if she has one idea a month, then she has generated a lot of ideas over the years.

However, the trip with Miss Heulia was not as long as Jiang Xun imagined.

Instead, it was shorter than he imagined.

"Thank you for your company these days, Master. I am very happy. However, Master, please go and do your own things first."

One night, the girl smiled and said to Jiang Xun

" Since I am compensating you, you don't need to care about me"

Jiang Xun said after hearing this.

He felt that the other party might be embarrassed to continue to take up his time

" Well, although I want to continue, Master, I still have my own responsibilities."

Heulia explained to Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun just realized what she said.

Heulia is still the God of Salt.

Although it is now the time when immortals and gods are not very prominent, the human beings nowadays have not yet fully grown to the point where they do not need immortals and gods.

"Yes, I have been away from my people for too long. Just from observing them for the past few days, I can see many problems, but they are not yet big enough to affect their lives."

Heulia then explained.

Jiang Xun was a little embarrassed.

He didn't expect that the other party would not forget to observe these things while playing.

It was really tiring.

However, whether it was Yasha or Heulia.

They are still silently guarding people now.

Perhaps only when people can truly face everything, they can truly relax.

" Well, now that you have made your decision, let's stop here for now."

Jiang Xun nodded.

This was the other party's choice, and he should respect it.

The next day, Heulia started working early.

It seemed that it had been a long time since she had taken over related work.

So Heulia was inevitably a little confused.

Jiang Xun wanted to help, but the embarrassing thing was that these things seemed difficult for him to do.

After all, he didn't understand the situation here.

Naturally, he couldn't make corresponding countermeasures.

Finally, knowing that he couldn't help, Jiang stopped disturbing the other party's work.

After saying goodbye to him, he got up and returned to Liyue Harbor......

After another period of leisure,

Jiang Xun felt that he should go to Inazuma.

Paimon and Ying should have arrived there.

Calculating the time, he should be discussing the Eye Hunting Order with Miss Kamisato.

It happened that Qiqi was in seclusion again at this time.

Jiang Xun did not have to worry about her problems.

After informing Diekarapian, he set out for Inazuma.

Liyue and Inazuma looked at each other across the sea.

Even before the country was closed, it took a long time to take a boat to go to Inazuma.

Not to mention after the country was closed.

If it were not for a powerful fleet, rashly approaching Inazuma would only end up being struck by the thunder domain surrounding it, and both the people and the boat would be lost.

However, these did not pose a threat to Jiang Xun.

Not to mention the thunder and lightning.

Even if the Thunder God came in person, he would not be afraid at all.

As the saying goes, the more skilled you are, the more courageous you are.

This refers to Jiang Xun's mentality at this time.

However, even so, he did not intend to force his way in.

Because this would cause him a lot of trouble.

And it might also affect others.

After all, the war between the two top demon gods is not an ordinary small fight.

If you are not careful, it is not impossible to sink Inazuma.

As far as he knows, the puppet who can only read commands is in charge of Inazuma now.

The real Thunder God seems to be still meditating in the Pure Land called One Heart.

That puppet will not reason with him.

If he breaks in by force, he will be greeted by the Wuxiang Sword that spans across space.

Therefore, Jiang Xun plans to sneak in.

He has many ways to prevent the thunder from finding him.

After spending some time to determine the next sneak method.

Jiang Xun began to fly in the direction of Inazuma.

At first, the sea was still calm.

Fishing boats could be seen wandering around on the sea everywhere.

However, as Jiang Xun went deeper, he found that the number of fishing boats was visibly decreasing. After a while, there were only one or two fleets left on the sea that was originally full of ships.

As if they were worried about something, they could only wander around.

But they did not dare to approach Inazuma again.


Purple lightning cut through the space.

The sea in front of Jiang Xun was struck.

As they got closer, the originally blue sky suddenly became overcast.

Thunder snakes jumped from time to time.

It seemed that something was brewing.

Jiang Xun could feel the power of thunder in the sky.

This power would attack any life that tried to approach or leave Inazuma.

Including Jiang Xun, no exception.

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