
At this time, the castle tower was calm again.

The two sisters were doing their own things as usual, and everything seemed normal.

However, something destined to happen would break the peace that they cherished each other.

What was decided by heaven was fate in Teyvat, and even with the addition of Jiang Xun, the variable, it still couldn't change the general trend.

Buzz Buzz.....

A mysterious power descended on Inazuma, or more precisely, on the castle tower.

Jiang Xun, who was hiding in the dark, had sensed it long ago. He sensed the arrival of a powerful force.

As a top demon god, Jiang Xun felt a sense of danger from this mysterious power.

Almost instinctively, he concealed his breath.

The two sisters who were doing their own things naturally felt this breath.

But they were not surprised at all.

This was the law of nature reminding her that she should go to Kanreya.

"Really, can't you give me a little more time?"

Miss Zhen grumbled in dissatisfaction, looking at the unfinished work on hand, a look of dissatisfaction appeared on her pretty face.

But this was just a complaint, she understood that the other party's arrival was a notification rather than a discussion

" Ying, I'm leaving first, remember our agreement!"

Shin dealt with the things at hand, and then slowly stood up. He said to Ying beside him with a smile.

Then he walked out of the castle tower without looking at each other again.

Ying just watched her sister leave quietly, and the reluctance and unwillingness that had been suppressed in her heart resurfaced.

For the first time, she felt her own incompetence. The sudden arrival of the mysterious power made her instinctively feel fear.

This is not only about strength, but more about the suppression of status.

Maybe the Thunder General five hundred years later can suppress this instinctive fear, but Ying has not reached this level now.

The martial arts that she used to be confident in did not work at all at this moment, but instead intensified the unstoppable fear in her heart.

The stronger she is, the more desperate she feels about the power of the Supreme Heaven.

It's not that she lacks the courage to fight to the death, but she doesn't want to break her agreement with Shin.

She needs to protect Inazuma until the day she comes back......

The door of the castle tower was gently closed.

The power of heaven also left.

Only Ying was left in the huge tower, sitting alone on the futon.

Looking at the steaming tea on the table, she felt a sense of loss.

The demon also has feelings. She has seen the birth, aging, illness and death of mortals, and seen their sad faces when they parted.

She didn't understand what this feeling was before, but now, she seems to understand.

" I will keep my promise, and I hope you will keep my promise too!"

Ying's face regained its calmness, and it was hard to tell what her mood was at the moment.

She didn't say much, but just drank the steaming tea in her hand.

Then she left the castle tower.

However, Ying, who was only thinking about Zhen, didn't notice that when she turned around, the tea that originally belonged to Zhen disappeared.......

Jiang Xun smacked his lips, savoring the taste of the tea he had just made.

In one word, it is better to grow it yourself.

At this time, his figure appeared in the sea outside Inazuma, looking in the direction of Inazuma, as if waiting for something.

The next moment, a purple figure appeared in his sight.

It was flying very slowly.

It seemed a little listless.

Jiang Xun could clearly see the expression on its face.

Uneasy, reluctant, at a loss, all kinds of emotions were vividly presented.

She was not as gentle as before, only the normal reaction when a person faced the unknown.

Perhaps only when there was no one around, this gentle god would show the most real state.

One day, going to a dangerous country with unknown roots would undoubtedly be a life-and-death struggle for a god who was not good at fighting.

It would be false to say that she was not afraid, but the gentleness in her bones made it impossible for her to express these emotions.

She could only digest her emotions alone, and she could hardly confide even to her closest sister.

Jiang Xun watched silently, and this god gave all his best to others.

But in the end, he could only end up falling alone.

Jiang Xun felt very unhappy. Perhaps this was the reason why the system made him travel back.

Now, it's almost time.

In a daze, Miss Zhen unknowingly stepped into an area.

Zhen, who was a little confused, didn't find anything wrong.

Start the formation!

Jiang Xun put his five fingers together and made a gesture.

In an instant, the elemental forces between heaven and earth were rioting.

Water columns rushed to the sky, lightning surged, and various elemental forces emerged with their own brilliance.

Such a big movement naturally couldn't be hidden from Zhen, who was a demon god.

She adjusted her mood very quickly, and the next moment she went directly into combat.

The accompanying artifact appeared in her hand, and the blade was surging with lightning. Although it was not sharpened, the artifact was not an ordinary thing.

Even the dissipated power caused huge waves in the sea.

Zhen looked at the suddenly changing scene in front of her with a serious look.

At this time, the environment around her had become a space composed of elemental forces.

There was a clearly visible transparent cover separating it from the outside world.

Although she didn't know what it was, she was still ready to raise her hand to smash it.

With one strike of the sword, violent lightning raged and struck the barrier mercilessly.

But it only caused a slight ripple, and then it returned to calm.

Seeing this, Zhen frowned even deeper.

She had almost used all her strength in the previous attack, but she couldn't shake the barrier at all.

This surprised her.

Although she was not good at martial arts, she was still the ruler who held the power of thunder. Ordinary demons would not survive the sword just now.

Could it be that Inazuma had other powerful demons that she didn't know about?

Zhen thought for a moment, and then a figure suddenly emerged in her mind.

" Sometimes being too smart is cute!"

Jiang Xun knew at a glance that the other party had obviously guessed his identity.

Then he showed up.

Zhen's eyes showed joy when she saw the person coming, but she quickly suppressed it.

Instead, she was serious.

" Jiang Xun, please stop messing around, I have something important to deal with now!";

"Is it about going to Kanreya?"

Jiang Xun was not affected by his serious tone and answered with a smile.

Because he knew that this was just a disguise........

" You....How do you know?"

Zhen's words just fell, and then her mouth got bigger and bigger.

It seemed that she saw something incredible.

Jiang Xun's figure slowly changed in front of her, and his handsome face gradually became feminine.

And the person who finally appeared in front of her was herself?!

" because...The idiot I want to save is you!"

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