"Thousand Changes" is the ability that the system rewarded Jiang Xun when he traveled through time.

He always thought that he should not be able to use this ability, but now it happens to be useful.

This is also his plan: he will go to Kanreya in her place.

This change has a prerequisite, that is, you must first understand the target. The more you understand, the more similar you become.

Fortunately, after so long together, Jiang Xun has already understood Zhen very thoroughly.

Except for the physical aspect, Zhen no longer has any secrets for him.

This also makes the"Zhen" he transformed into seem extremely natural.

Even the temperament, movements and usual habits are exactly the same.

Jiang Xun is confident that even if the shadow is at the scene, it is absolutely impossible to tell the real from the fake without some effort.

" You....How could it become me?"

Zhen's eyes were full of shock. It's not that she had never seen the art of transformation before, but she had never seen such a real transformation like Jiang Xun's.

For a moment, even she doubted whether she was fake.

It was indeed the Teyvat version of the real and fake Monkey King.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Jiang Xun felt relieved. After all, even he was shocked by this.

The other six gods must not see any problem......

" Could it be that you....."

She was really thoughtful. From Jiang Xun's words just now and his current changes, she also understood what he wanted to do.

Jiang Xun didn't say anything about this. He knew that he probably guessed his thoughts, so he just nodded.

"Absolutely not, you can't go, you don't know how dangerous that place is!"

Really became a little emotional, she didn't know where the other party got the news.

But she still felt that Jiang Xun definitely didn't know how dangerous the place he was going to this time was.

A country that could make Tianli send out the seven gods to descend must be quite dangerous.

Even though she knew Jiang Xun was very powerful, she still didn't want him to take risks.

" I really don't know how dangerous it is, and I don't know if I will get into trouble, but I know that if you go, you won't be able to come back."

Jiang Xun said, but his voice was very soft, this was his real voice.

His tone was calm, but full of affirmation.

At this time, the conversation between the two was like a person talking to another self in his heart.

The two personalities expressed their own opinions, but there was always one side that would take the lead, but this time it was Jiang Xun, but....Only this time


I was really speechless, because she knew.....

" Having been someone else's patron saint for so long, why not give yourself a break?";

" I know this is your responsibility, but some things are better spoken out."

Looking at the anxious girl in front of him.

Jiang Xun's gentle tone, coupled with Zhen's originally gentle voice, quickly calmed the other party's originally anxious mood.

Not only that, Jiang Xun's voice seemed to have magic, making Zhen in the barrier feel sleepy.

The power of the Word of Truth began to act on her.

By the time she found out something was wrong, it was too late.

Even if Zhen wanted to wake up.

Jiang Xun's words just now lingered in her ears uncontrollably, making her sleepier.

Gradually, her body began to soften, her mind began to become dull, and then she slowly fell down.

Jiang Xun had already entered the barrier first, and helped her lie slowly on the bed made by alchemy.

" This time, let me carry it for you, but in the future, I hope you won’t be so tired."

Jiang Xun looked at the quiet Zhen and said something in a low voice.

This sentence was both a suggestion and a farewell. Jiang Xun went to Kanreya this time, and no matter what the result was, he would not come back.

Because the historical trajectory has shifted, what happens next is no longer under his control.

The best way is to leave this time point that does not belong to him.

Looking at Zhen who was already asleep.

Then he took away the Heart of God that represented the authority of thunder and lightning from the other party.

Then he left the barrier directly.

The barrier looks like a white cloud from the outside and will not attract attention.

As long as he leaves this time point, the barrier will automatically lift and Zhen can come out.

The reason for taking away the Heart of God is to further disguise.

The seven gods rely on the unique aura of the Heart of God to distinguish each other.

At that time, even if he pretends to be like this, if he does not have the Heart of God, it is inevitable that there will be some trouble.......

Jiang Xun was very fast. He soon landed near Kanreya in the endless lightning.

When he arrived, he found that the other six gods had already arrived, and their eyes were all looking at him.

Then he nodded.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun breathed a sigh of relief, and the knot in his heart was finally put down.

He was really afraid that Morax and Barbatos would see something.

But fortunately, the skills given by the system were powerful and he had made insurance in advance.

Even they didn't see the problem.

The power emanating from the seven gods naturally couldn't be hidden from Kanreya's detection.

In Jiang Xun's eyes, countless ordinary residents of Kanreya looked up at the sky with confusion and fear.

But there were also people who dared to look directly, and the weapons in their hands had already been tightly grasped.

Jiang Xun's mood was a little complicated.

He didn't understand why Tianli wanted to summon the seven gods to destroy Kanreya.

Is it really just afraid of the opponent's development speed?

He thought this might be one of them, and there should be other reasons.

But the current situation did not give him a chance to think too much.

Because, the battle of destruction has begun!......

" Poems come from the land of poetry and wine, praising the unknown secrets.

Does the mysterious country hide some deliberately buried truth?

Should the homeland burned by the fire be rebuilt?

Stay tuned for the next chapter."

"What, the next performance?";

" If you don't want to be beaten, just say so, and we brothers will beat you up."

The storyteller's words made the audience curse.

The reason was simple, just because this guy always ended here.

Next time, he would either not continue or talk about something else.

It was really uncomfortable.

However, in response to the protests from the audience, the storyteller only apologized on the surface, but did not change.

It was not that he really needed to be punished. It was just that he didn't know how to tell it. He spent a lot of effort to find out such a small amount of information. No matter how hard he tried, there was no news about what happened next.

It was as if this part of history had been erased.

Although he wanted to say it, he didn't know how to say it. He couldn't make up stories to deceive the audience, right?

The storyteller always talked about some supernatural stories that didn't know where they originated.

These things exist, but if he was asked to make them up, he said he didn't have time.

Moreover, keeping it to himself could attract a group of regular listeners. Although it was a bit shameless, it was not a big problem.

If he was beaten, he would still smile and celebrate his new house.

Jiang Xun ignored the noise and turned away. He could have continued to talk to attract attention.

But he didn't want to, and couldn't.

It's just that this history is not yet public........

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