“Little ones, hurry up and fill your stomach, our competitors have appeared!”

Kaido looked at the newspaper while drinking, “That old woman also did it, bastard who took advantage of the fire and robbed!” ”

“Are you qualified to say someone else?”

Antune is also convinced, aren’t we doing the same thing?

“Big Mom Pirates?”

Ember’s eyes fluctuated, “The four emperors have not moved, and they only have red hair at present.” ”

“That guy is like a monk, he has no desires or wants, and he doesn’t pay attention to the territory or anything.”

Quinn added, with a cigar in his mouth.

“It’s only for now, maybe it’s going to be in a while.”

Antune said quietly.

He clearly remembered that after the Whitebeard Pirates went to war against the Navy headquarters, the Hundred Beast Pirates took advantage of the void, and it was the red-haired Pirates who stopped them.

“Hmph, no matter who it is, as long as you dare to stop Lao Tzu’s footsteps, there is no amnesty for killing!”

Kaido shredded the newspaper, carried the mace, and the invincible breath soared to the sky.

Sky… Crack again.

Two hours later, the Hundred Beast Pirates began to act.

They attacked one island after another, and everywhere they went, they were in ruins, and their gold and silver treasures were looted.

An island in the New World.


The door of the treasure house was blasted open by Kaido and his group, and the mountains of treasures came into view.

“Hahaha… Get rich, how much is this! ”

“That’s enough for you to marry ten wives!”

“Idiot, when a man gets married, it is equivalent to the end of the happy time of this life!”

The pirates frantically scavenged for treasure, and only the little shrimp was interested in gold.

Kaido and the others walked to a stone tablet on which some kind of ancient writing was written.

Unfortunately, no one could understand it.

“I can’t imagine that there is still a historical text in this broken place.”

Antune glanced at Kaido, and the fire in this guy’s eyes was clearly visible.

There are not many things that can move Kaido, and the historical text is one of them.

Speaking of which, when he invaded the country of Wa, in addition to the fact that the country of Wano is a treasure land of fast wind and water, the ability of the Guangyue clan to interpret the text of history is also what he cares about.

In all the main texts of history, there are four “red stones” that contain the coordinates of Ralph Drew, and only if they are all obtained and interpreted can go to Ralph Drew.

Kaido’s hand is currently holding a piece of Red Stone, and Auntie also has a piece there.

“What a pity.”

Kaido lowered his head, his rough voice showing a hint of helplessness, “The clansmen of the Guangyue clan are almost extinct, and their inheritance of interpreting the text of history has also been broken. ”

“There are two mistakes.”

Antun said leisurely: “First of all, the first point is that the light moon is not extinct, and there are descendants living in the world; Second, even if they do become extinct, there are still people who can interpret the text of history. ”

“That [Devil’s Son] Nicole Robin?” Ember’s eyebrows raised slightly.

She currently joins the Straw Hat Pirates, Captain Monchi M. D. Luffy is the grandson of [Hero] Karp, and his father is Monch· D. Long. ”

Antune confided all the information he knew.

“Monchi S. D. Dragon? ”

Quinn’s eyes widened again, “Does that guy still have a son?” ”

“Why, listening to what you mean, do you think he is sexually impotent and can’t have a son?” Antune asked rhetorically.

“No, no, no… I didn’t mean that. ”

Quinn shook his head to deny it, and said in surprise: “Everything about that guy is shrouded in fog, little is known about him, and it is really surprising that a son suddenly pops out now.” ”

“I don’t care if he has a son!!”

Kaido said domineeringly and savagely: “Find an opportunity to capture Nicole Robin, her ability to read the text of history… It’s what Lao Tzu needs! ”

“I’ll do that.”

Antune grinned, his face full of evil amusement.

Boom… Boom… Boom….

Click… Click… Click…

A sudden shelling shattered the treasure house where several people were, and Kaido and the others, who were caught off guard, were all buried alive.


Bang Bang!!

Kaido transformed into a blue-blue divine dragon and was the first to rush out of the ruins.

Ember transforms into a toothless pterosaur and follows suit.

On the ground, Jack turned into a mammoth and rushed out of the ruins.

Quinn turned into a tinker brachiosaurus and slammed into the ruins.

At last… Bang!!

With a thunderous bang, all the ruins exploded into powder.

Enter apostle mode and Antun, who turns into a large turtle, flicks his tail and crushes everything.

Since then, the Hundred Beasts Zoo has all… Oh no, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is all beastized!

On the sea, a red battleship was floating, the barrel was still smoking, and it was obviously they who did it.

This ship is not large, that is, an ordinary pirate ship, the overall appearance is red, and the pirate flag fluttering in the wind is also relatively strange.

The skeleton is mounted on a crossed Western knife, and there are three scars on the left eye.

The faces of everyone in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group sank, including Kaido, who rarely showed jealousy.

Red-haired pirates… Here it comes!


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