The reward of the red-haired pirate group is relatively balanced, not as big as the gap between other pirate groups, let’s say that Beckman, and the redhead who offered a reward of 4,048.9 million Bailey is not much different.

Most of the other four royal regiments are captains and a main C, and people like Ember and Marko are at most deputy C.

But the red-haired pirate group is different, Beckman and Redhead are both main C, which is also the fundamental reason why redhead can become the youngest four emperors, and the double C configuration destroys the decay.

“Yay It’s spectacular. ”

Red hair on deck, slightly messy hair dancing in the wind.

Looking at the all-beast beast pirate group, my heart was still quite touched.

Especially staring at Antun’s huge body, it was very shocking, and his limbs were submerged into the sea, which was larger than an island.

Not to mention, Antun currently weighs more than 100,000 tons.

During this time when he joined the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, he ate too much of the Sea Lou stone mine and made up for it badly.

“Redhead, are you nosy again!?”

Kaido, the hundred beasts in the sky, was the first to roar.

Obviously, this is not the first time that the redhead has done this.

“The world is already chaotic enough, let’s not come out to add chaos, is it okay to wait and see?” The redhead smiled and said, “Too many people have died, let’s stop here, Kaido, the world needs stability.” ”

This statement filled the heart of the Virgin.

The world needs stability, does this have anything to do with pirates, aren’t pirates specifically to add chaos to the world?

“I think it’s better for you to be in the navy.”

Antune also spoke, feeling it.

What does this red-haired guy say.

When a pirate should do the pirate’s business, burn, kill and loot, do all evil.

When you are in the Navy, you do the Navy’s business and uphold justice.

If you are a Draco, do what a Draco should do, eat, drink and have fun, and be the biggest garbage of mankind.

Red-haired people, in the eyes of pure pirates, are typical of the three views.

Everyone is a pirate, they are all scum, why do you, the fur, always put on the appearance of a savior?

“Today… Lao Tzu will give you some color and see! ”

Kaido’s angry teeth itched, his mouth opened, and a scorching flame attack fell from the sky, “Hot breath! ”

The pillar of flame light fell mightily, and the entire sky was burned red.

Under normal circumstances, only the Four Emperors can block the attacks of the Four Emperors.


Beckman’s feet seemed to be equipped with springs, and he jumped in the air, tens of meters high.

He holds the barrel of the gun and uses the butt as a weapon, and the armed color is domineering around the entire body of the gun.

Looking at the incoming firelight, Beckman’s eyes froze, “Give me back!” ”


Sparks flew in the sky, and a powerful blow forced the flames to stop falling.

Beckman continued to exert force, and the bruises on his face bulged, and he used his whole body strength to throw the pillar of fire back.

“Bastard Beckman!!”

Qinglong Kaido scolded, but he was envious and jealous of the redhead in his heart.

Myself… How come there are no such tough teammates.

“No, I have it too.”

Kaido looked sharply at Antun, his eyes blinking.

That’s simple, big brother… It’s time for you to stand up and show your majesty, after all, Beckman is also the deputy captain.

“Kaido, look at what I’m doing, he’s provoking you, hurry up and him.”

Antun looked at Kaido who was staring at him, was this silly?

Kaido: “…”

In desperation, Kaido opened his mouth again, and as soon as a hot breath erupted, the sky exploded with a bang, and the forces were mutually inefficient.

“Are you the new deputy captain of the Hundred Beast Pirates?”

The redhead cast a look at Antun and invited with great interest: “Are you interested in joining us, you are…”

“I’m the captain here?”

Antune snatched the words, “If yes, I can consider it.” ”

“Of course, if I become a captain, the first thing I will do is to fire you Virgin.”

Seriously, no matter how popular the redhead was, Antune didn’t like him.

The simple and rude group of hundred beasts pirates, more suitable for him, pirates, our obligation is to kill and set fire, maintain the stability and justice of the world, that is what the navy should do.

But then again, this red-haired guy does have a leg with the world government, and with his identity as a pirate, he can even rush to Mary Joa to meet the five old stars.

It is completely an alien existence among pirates.

“Brothers, stop talking nonsense, it’s time for war!”

“Kill them!”

Hundred Beast Kaido roared and took the lead in attacking the red-haired pirate group on the sea.

The toothless pterosaur ember followed.


The two emperors go to war, pretend to be domineering first!!

The redhead released his domineering spirit for the first time, Kaido was not afraid, and the monstrous overlord color domineering scare with it.

The clear sky is shrouded in dark clouds, and the dense black thunder atmosphere is rushing.

If you are unfortunate enough to be hit, you will be unlucky and hiccup.


A gunshot fell, and Beckman shot Kaido.

Antun was a little upset when he saw this, the same deputy captain, the same main C, how can you ignore Lao Tzu?!


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