In Naruto, Building the Strongest Hidden Mist Village

Chapter 141 Jiraiya’s arrival, the gradually surging storm

"Don't rush to answer me yet."

Kaguya Naoki saw a few people looking embarrassed, so he opened the topic for the time being very considerately.

"Senior Shu."

Yahiko couldn't help but speak out, fearing that his hesitation and idiotic answer would leave a bad impression.

"Are you still willing to stay?"

After saying that, the three of them looked at Kaguya Naoki with some panic.

The conversation just now was enough for the three of them to have some admiration and trust in Master Shu in front of them.

Naturally, I was looking forward to hearing a satisfactory answer from this adult.

This is naturally in line with Kaguya Naoki's thoughts.

"Although your thoughts are not very mature, you do have thoughts and dreams. I like it very much."

A smile spread across Yahiko's face, but he soon became uneasy again because of the next words.

"But I can't make a decision yet..."

"I have to take a closer look at the situation of your Akatsuki organization and see your other strengths."

"If not, I will still pour cold water on you."


Yahiko eagerly agreed.

He's not afraid of throwing cold water on him.

I am afraid that due to current shortcomings, I will fall short in the future.

Yahiko still had a small thought in his mind that he couldn't express.

Akatsuki Organization is not that bad!

Almost immediately, he was about to get up and do it himself. Looking at the scroll on the table, he drooped again.

"Nagato, Konan, I'm sorry to bother you two."

The two of them showed a reassuring expression, and Nagato took the initiative to speak out.

"Let's go, Shu-senpai."

Kaguya Naoki said with a smile.

"Do you and I still need to address each other as senior?"

Nagato listened and looked at Kaguya Naoki's mask, only feeling that there would be a burning gaze behind the mask.

Is this a tribesman?

Have the feeling of being a tribesman.

Nagato felt warm in his heart.

"Master Shu."

"Well, let's go."

Kaguya Naoki nodded and pointed at Konan.

"Also, is this purple-haired girl Xiaonan?"

"Yes, Shu-senpai."

"Is it Paper Escape?"


Xiaonan answered word by word.

"Although he is considered excellent at this age, there are still some issues worth noting."

Xiaonan immediately listened carefully.

"Seals, combinations, and transformation of spells."

Kaguya Naoki uses his Byakugan to teach meticulously.

In the eyes of Nagato and Yahiko, this tree-senpai's vision is quite vicious, and he can always find flaws in Konan's techniques.

In addition, Xiaonan himself is considered a genius.

It was visible to the naked eye and had immediate effects. They could easily notice that Xiaonan's strength had improved slightly.

Just when the two of them looked at each other, their eyes became more intense.

Kaguya Naoki was still guiding calmly, pointing out everything one by one without hiding anything.

With just a little effort, you can get Xiaonan's favor, so why not do it.

What's more, after Yahiko's death, Konan will understand all these things at a terrifying speed.

These immature members of the Akatsuki organization are all potential stocks.

"Thank you, Senior Shu!"

Xiaonan sincerely thanks you.

Nagato also felt happy from the bottom of his heart, and even felt a little proud of it.

Kaguya Naoki didn't say much, just walked out of the tent and looked around.

"feel good."

Kaguya Naoki looked around and soon understood why Yahiko and the others had so much confidence in his observation this time.

The Akatsuki organization is indeed very energetic and vital.

The members are all working hard, and there seems to be no superior-subordinate relationship. They are in a state of equality and mutual support.

Kaguya Naoki knows this state best.

At this time, human work efficiency will be greatly improved.

If compared to the Kingdom of Rain outside the Akatsuki organization, these little guys are indeed proud enough.

"I never expected that in this country that only knows crying and ruins, such a paradise would be born."

Nagato and Konan both waved their fists in their hearts.

"But you still have to work hard."

"Compared to that one, you are still too immature."

"That one?"

Nagato was a little confused.

Unknowingly, he, who was originally the most timid, now replaced Xiao Nan and became the protagonist of the Q\u0026A.

"I'll say a name that won't please you."

"Kaguya Naoki."

"Kaguya Naoki?"

Nagato and Konan looked at each other and frowned at the same time.

Of course they knew the Fourth Mizukage, Kaguya Naoki.

That was a man who almost single-handedly forced Konoha back.

He was also regarded as a militaristic urban man by the three of them.

"Yes, that's him."

"He is much more mature than you, and his achievements are greater than yours."

Without waiting for the two little ones to reply, Naoki Kaguya continued to brag.

"What I want to say is that in Kirigakure, most ninjas are in the current state of life of the Akatsuki organization."

"Enlightened, motivated, and full of hope."

"However, they really changed Kirigakure's life."

"Let that village that used to be nothing but blood and fog truly have a future that we can look forward to."

"Is that so?"

Nagato couldn't help but become curious about the village he had wandered thousands of miles away from.

Xiaonan, the same thing.

At this moment, a sound exploded.

"Lord Konan, Lord Nagato."

Looking back, a ninja hurried over.

"There is a guy outside who claims to be your teacher."

"Our teacher?"


Nagato and Konan looked at each other, both feeling extremely surprised.

Since we were separated from Jiraiya-sama when we were young, we have never been able to see each other again. I never thought that we would have the chance to meet today!


Today, Nagato's elders just came to help them build the Akatsuki organization. If they can still have the help of teachers, they may be able to progress even faster!

"Go ahead."

Kaguya Naoki said this, feeling a slight headache as she followed the two people who were obviously happy.

Originally I just wanted to go through the motions so that I could leave an identity here that can change Nagato's thinking in the future. How come I happened to meet you.

In this case, the plan will change.

There is no doubt that the sudden appearance of a Uzumaki tribesman next to the son of prophecy will definitely arouse Jiraiya's vigilance.

If you don't want to arouse suspicion, then you can only make me a Uzumaki clan member in the true sense, so that Jiraiya can dispel his suspicion.

If you want to arrange the drama reasonably according to the plot, it is really not too difficult.

Kaguya Naoki smiled and shook his head.

Jiraiya, I hope you, as a novelist, will not notice the loopholes in my story.


Outside the Akatsuki organization's camp, Jiraiya looked at everything here.

Simple tents, weak ninjas, and scarce supplies.

None of this is very good.

In the past, Jiraiya would have been more negative towards the Akatsuki organization.

However, when he went to Kirigakure and returned to Konoha, and saw the contrast, he knew he was wrong.

You shouldn't just look at those.

It also depends on the person’s spirit.

Jiraiya's eyes rarely showed some satisfaction.

In the Akatsuki organization, most people are full of energy, vitality, and youth.

Except for some people.

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes, suspecting that there were quite a few spies among them.

Still have to go in and take a look.

If you want to play tricks on the Son of Prophecy, you should ask me first.

It still violates the original intention of letting the son of prophecy walk the world alone, Jiraiya.

It's all his fault, Kaguya Naoki.

Thinking of this name, he couldn't help but feel bad.

If it weren't for the imminent threat from Kaguya Naoki, he would not have chosen to come here and interfere with the growth of the child of destiny.

Nagato has the Eye of Reincarnation, is the child predicted by the Great Toad Sage, and is my disciple.

He is the only one who should change the world.

As for Kaguya Naoki, although he has made many changes, he is not a child of Konoha or my disciple after all.

It is very likely to cause some disruption to order.

Jiraiya silently suppressed this thought and smiled.

"Nagato, Konan."


As soon as the familiar white hair came into view, the two of them couldn't wait to wave their palms.

The teacher who taught them ninjutsu when they were young and gave them hope to change the world is the person they respect the most in their lives!

Likewise, he will also be the person they want to protect the most in their lives!

Jiraiya looked at the disciple who had reunited after a long separation with a smile, and was only moved. .

However, when he saw the masked man behind Nagato and Konan, there was an imperceptible coldness in his eyes.

He asked straight to the point.

"Konan, Nagato, this is you."

Following Jiraiya's hand, Nagato immediately explained.

"Jiraiya-sensei, this is Uzumaki-sama, my clansman, the Uzumaki clan."


Jiraiya looked at his hair thoughtfully.

Is he a liar?

"It turns out to be the famous Sannin of Konoha."

Kaguya Naoki said, holding out a chain in his hand.

"My bloodline is a bit special, but with this technique, the Sannin of Konoha will not admit it."

"of course not."

Jiraiya immediately gave up any intention of continuing to explore the bloodline.

There is no doubt that it is the Uzumaki bloodline.

Another thought came to mind.

So, what is the purpose of his appearance here?

Jiraiya felt that he needed to find out. After all, his three disciples still looked like they were inexperienced in the world. If they were abducted by others, it would be very bad.

"I am Uzumaki."

Jiraiya extended his hand in a friendly manner.

"A handshake is not necessary."

Kaguya Naoki shook his head, fully following the script he had set, and his voice seemed a little sad.

"We Uzumaki clan members are isolated and helpless, waiting for your reinforcements from Konoha. Where are you?"

"Why, after the destruction of our whirlpool, it was you, Konoha, who obtained most of the sealing techniques?"

"I don't want to delve into all this, but I have to bear the blood feud of my people."

Jiraiya was rarely silent.

He had also heard a little about the truth about the Uzumaki clan's destruction at that time.

The Uzumaki tree was probably the one who witnessed the destruction of the Uzumaki clan back then.

"Feel sorry."

The Uzumaki tree suddenly stopped its sad voice.

"Nagato, I'm sorry, you shouldn't know this."

"Furthermore, none of this has anything to do with your teacher. It's just that the Sandaime of Konoha made the most correct decision at that time."

"As for why, of course it's also profit."

After Kaguya Naoki said that, he turned around and was about to leave, but was hurriedly stopped by Konan and Nagato.

Jiraiya looked at everything in front of him, and the image of a character formed in his mind.

Desperately escaping from the disaster that destroyed Uzushio Village, he hated Konoha and anyone who participated in the original attack.

Later, he wandered in the ninja world, learned the ninjutsu to protect himself, and gradually became mature, knowing that he was not the savior who could change everything.

Until one day, he discovered Nagato and found a new Uzumaki clan member.

So he began to learn to be an elder.

Jiraiya somewhat admired himself.

A person's possible identity can be pieced together from just a few words.

That should be right.

Uzumaki Tree is undoubtedly a member of the Uzumaki clan, and he is very likely one of the witnesses to the destruction of Uzushio Village that year.

The purpose may be for Nagato.

Still need to observe for some more time.

"Konan, Nagato, you go first, your teacher and I have something to say."

Konan and Nagato looked at each other with reluctance, fearing that there would be some conflict between the two of them. How will they deal with it then?

But looking at Senior Shu's serious look and Master Jiraiya's slight nod, the two of them finally sighed and left.


Uzumaki Tree took the initiative to speak.

"There are some things I am not comfortable saying, so I can only say them for you."

"What words?"

Jiraiya was a little wary.

"You have also seen how many spies are quietly stealing information in the camp of the Akatsuki organization."

Jiraiya frowned and looked around.

While the Akatsuki organization was casually drinking tea and chatting, you didn't need to listen carefully to hear all kinds of information being leaked out indiscriminately.

In fact, the sight of these spies silently communicating and then silently avoiding them also told Jiraiya how many villages and forces there were spies in this camp.

"I see."

Jiraiya looked at the Uzumaki tree.

"Do you value children's things so much? If it's convenient, can you tell me why?"


Kaguya Naoki sneered.

"Except for Yukina Uzumaki from your village, I can only find one clan member, Nagato."

"As members of the tribe, we naturally have to help each other."


"And since he has those eyes, he is destined to be used by many people. There is not much I, the Uzumaki Tree, can do, I just need to help him eliminate more suffering."

"is that so."

Jiraiya smiled awkwardly. At this point, even though he still had a trace of doubt in his heart, he would never show it openly again.

"I'll tell them."

Jiraiya was very serious.

"In that case, I think it's time to say goodbye, so that you won't have to doubt my motives, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya stood frozen on the spot.

As soon as he arrived, he forced Shu-sama away, who obviously had a profound influence on Nagato Konan and the others. What would the child think?

After thinking about it again, I felt something was wrong.

I obviously want to find out his details, but why am I being led around completely now.

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