"Is it Jiraiya?"

Obito Uchiha clenched the fluttering dogtail grass in his hand, his scarlet Sharingan stared at Byakugan, his voice was fierce and cold.

"It must be, white hair, wretched, and Konoha forehead protector."

Bai Jue's clone lowered his head due to the low air pressure and explained in a hazy voice.

"There is another Uzumaki clan member."

"A Uzumaki tribesman who can use diamond chains."

"Whirlpool? Diamond chains?"

Uchiha Obito frowned, murderous intent filling his heart.

Even the homeless dogs dare to mix in this.

"Don't worry about it."

"It's just a remnant of the ruined village. What kind of climate can it have?"

What really made him care was Jiraiya!

In the empty cave, Obito murmured unconsciously.

"Although that guy Jiraiya is nothing, he can still be regarded as the former Sannin of Konoha. If he notices something he shouldn't notice, will it have some impact on the plans of those idiots?"

With the help of Bai Zetsu, he learned about Shimura Danzo and Hanzo's plan very early. It's a good plan to lay a trap and destroy the Akatsuki organization.

But the premise is that the idiots organized by Akatsuki will fall into the trap as agreed.

The problem is, Jiraiya shouldn't be considered a fool.

"Continue to investigate. If Jiraiya has any plans to intervene, tell me immediately."

"Yes, Obito!"

Bai Jue wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and retreated.

Obito is starting to look more and more like Madara!

Looking at Bai Zetsu's figure, with Obito alone in the cave again, loneliness and sadness swept through his heart again.

He yelled loudly to hide the vulnerability in his heart.

"You idiots of Konoha, there's nothing you can do to stop this."

"It was the same then, and it's the same today."

"Nagato, you will definitely become my subordinate, Uchiha Madara!"


"So, all our actions are under the surveillance of others?"

Listening to Jiraiya's statement, Yahiko raised his head in surprise.

"We in the Akatsuki organization are partners who love peace and share the same philosophy."

In the end, Yahiko, who trusted the judgment of his teacher and Shu-senpai more than his companions, couldn't help but sigh in frustration.

Unexpectedly, he was betrayed so quickly.

He was not in a good mood, and with the support of his elders, Yahiko couldn't help but ask questions.

"Then Jiraiya-sensei, Shu-senpai, what should we do?"

"Of course, let the famous Sannin of Konoha help you find the traitors of the Akatsuki organization."

Kaguya Naoki was the first to say it.

"I'm just a wandering ninja without so many skills."


Jiraiya clenched his fist silently.

He despises trouble.

However, Yahiko had already raised his head, his face full of prayer.

"Jiraiya-sensei, can you help us!"

Jiraiya's veins throbbed, and he saw Nagato's figure in his peripheral vision.


There's nothing I can do in Konoha, so let's work harder here!

After all, Nagato is the child of prophecy!


Jiraiya responded with a smile, looking very bold.

"Thank you Jiraiya-sensei!"

Yahiko bowed excitedly, but Jiraiya didn't care but turned to look at Kaguya Naoki and straightened his back.

"Then this tree-senpai, as the elder of Nagato, what are you going to do?"


Kaguya Naoki is confident.

He is too lazy to do these menial and tiring tasks.

Listening to his confident voice, Jiraiya was a little angry.

Just as he was about to say something, Naoki Kaguya had already opened the curtain and walked towards the resting tent.

This guy!

Jiraiya rubbed his forehead to calm down.

As soon as possible.

I haven’t enjoyed the flower street tour in the Land of Rain yet.

Presumably Nagato and the others wouldn't care about this.

Jiraiya smiled lewdly.

When the curtain was lifted, the spies, who were gradually uncovered due to Nagato and Yahiko's indulgence, could not escape Jiraiya's gaze.

When you are looking at other people.

Others are watching you too.

Bai Jue's figure disappeared into the camp without attracting anyone's attention.



Obito punched the stone.

"These guys in Konoha always think that they are the protagonists of the world and want to get involved in everything."

"In that case, I will give you a big gift!"

Obito raised his head, his eyes full of blood.

"Tell Danzo and Hanzo about this, and I believe they will make a choice that satisfies me."

"Yes, Obito!"

Bai Jue turned to leave.

"Call me Madara Uchiha!"

Obito roared.

"Yes, Uchiha Madara!"

Bai Jue's clone trembled.

Obito, it's getting darker.

Really not a good leader.


"Lord Hanzo, according to intelligence, Jiraiya, the Sannin of Konoha, has appeared at the base of the Akatsuki organization!"

In the conference room that was heavily guarded, a ninja wearing a forehead protector from the Hidden Rain Village respectfully presented the information scroll.

After hearing the news, Hanzo first stretched out his hand from the shadows, took the scroll, and then asked.

"Friends from Konoha, is this what Konoha wants to do to help me eradicate the Akatsuki organization?"


In the shadows, there was a voice that was different from Hanzo's. The cool coldness made the Rain Country ninja's head lower.

"Jiraiya, that idiot never refused to obey Danzo Hokage's orders. What he did has nothing to do with us."

"No matter what, he is considered a Konoha ninja. I need to get an explanation from you Hokage later."

Hanzo said seriously, not waiting for the root ninja to reply.

"We will discuss things in the future later, so do we still have to proceed according to the original plan now? Root Ninja."


At this moment, the closed door was suddenly pushed open, and bright light squeezed in, revealing the two people in the shadows.


The ninja from the Land of Rain drew his blade and rushed out of the door, and the ninjas outside the door also rushed over.

When they looked at each other, they saw the information scroll on the ground and swallowed nervously.

"Idiots, are you so incompetent? You can let other ninjas touch this place."

"I'm sorry, Hanzo-sama!"

The Rain Country ninjas apologized very decisively.

Hanzo did not pursue it further. Instead, he took a few steps forward and grabbed the scroll that had been wiped clean by the Rain Country ninja.

After opening it and flipping through it carefully, he returned to his seat and pushed the scroll to the root ninja.

"Konoha's ninjas can break through the siege, and those who get here will definitely not be incompetent."

"Now, it's time to consider a change of plans."



The Konoha ninja closed the scroll.


The rare sound of cracking wooden products on the scroll resounded in the already empty room. What followed was the sound of heavy and cold breathing!

"I originally thought that Jiraiya would only come over occasionally to see his disciples, but I didn't expect that he would actually start helping them handle their affairs!"

"That bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen still hasn't given up his position as Hokage!"

"Don't worry, Hanzo-dono, since Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hiruzen have stretched their hands so far, our roots will definitely do our best to make the Akatsuki organization disappear from this world."

"I also ask you, the demigod of the ninja world, not to be stingy with your own strength."

"of course not."

Hanzo looked solemn.

"This is an internal matter within our Country of Rain, and we will definitely do our best."


Hanzo almost roared.

"Any force that shouldn't appear in the Land of Rain, I will do my best to crush and erase them all!"

The root ninja's eyes flickered, but he did not continue to speak.


"These, these, are spies."

Looking at the camp that was almost emptied out by more than half, Yahiko felt his heart tremble.

Fortunately, most of them are new members, which proves that the old comrades should be fairly reliable.

"Judging from the information I have discovered, even some guys who have never rebelled often leak some information unintentionally or intentionally."

Jiraiya rubbed his forehead to relieve his physical fatigue.

Looking at Yahiko who has a head as big as an ox.

My heart is also very tired.

I originally thought that the disciples had gone very far on the right path, but now I see that they are too immature.

"Then Jiraiya-sensei, what should we do."

Yahiko already doubted his own level and asked for advice.

"Kill them all!"

Jiraiya showed a murderous look.

"But, so are they."

Yahiko couldn't bear it.

"Yahiko, don't be merciful to these people. If they leak more information, you and other people who really work hard for your dreams will be the ones who die!"

Yahiko gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

"not bad."

Jiraiya nodded slowly.

"If that's the case, then let's call that senior tree to clear it out with me."

"If it weren't for his King Kong blockade, there might still be some trouble."

Jiraiya murmured quietly.

"Of course, Senior Shu will definitely help us!"

Yahiko raised his fist excitedly when he thought of Kaguya Naoki.

Although I feel sorry for so many companions who have gone astray, the addition of Jiraiya and Uzumaki will definitely bring the Akatsuki organization to a more cutting-edge path soon!


Jiraiya looked at Yahiko and nodded with satisfaction.

Although this disciple has the most mediocre talent, he does possess the talent of a leader.

"Yahiko, I need to relax and have a rest before cleaning them up."

"By the way, I will discuss with your senior Uzumaki tree about the specific cleanup matters."

"Of course teacher!"

Yahiko immediately agreed.

"I, Nagato, and Konan are going with you too!"


Jiraiya sternly refused.

"This is not something you kids can get involved in, and it would be outrageous to call Xiaonan!"

"Teacher, we have all grown up!"

Yahiko is very serious.


"In some ways, you haven't grown up yet."

Jiraiya laughed lewdly a few times.

Seeing Jiraiya's resolute attitude, Yahiko had no choice but to give up, but secretly made up his mind.

You must let your teacher see your growth!

You can't be looked down upon like this.

Determined, Yahiko turned around and went to prove himself.

Jiraiya quickly reached out and pulled Yahiko's sleeves, his face turned red, and he touched the back of his head.

"Yahiko, teacher's entertainment activities need some funds."

"Yahiko, see if you can."

Yahiko understood and took out his shriveled wallet, very proud.

"Teacher, these are all yours."

Jiraiya looked happy, took it and fumbled around casually, then his face darkened.

"It's not enough..."

"Is that all?"

Yahiko touched his head in embarrassment, when Konan handed over his wallet from one side.

"Teacher, are these enough?"

"Enough is enough!"

Jiraiya quickly grabbed it, and after a little exploration, he knew it was a large amount of money.

Feeling good again.


Why is Yahiko's wallet on Konan's body?

Jiraiya's mood immediately deteriorated, but fortunately he didn't forget about the business.

We still need to continue to test that guy from Uzumaki Tree to see if he can stay here with confidence.

"Whirlpool tree!"

Jiraiya shouted.

"follow me."

Under the mask, Kaguya Naoki's face was dark.

He is not that kind of person. He is not willing to waste time wandering around the streets, let alone be contaminated by vulgarity.

"My treat."

Of course he was still unmoved.

Jiraiya walked to Kaguya Naoki's side and lowered his voice.

"I will take you to a good place, and by the way, we can talk about other things."

Kaguya Naoki could only agree.

It's so uncomfortable.

For this status, it is really chilling to accompany Jiraiya to that kind of place.

Kaguya Naoki shook his head helplessly.

"Let's go, Jiraiya."

The two of them flew along the road and soon reached the dark alleys of the town.

As the sound of warblers and swallows rang out, seeing Jiraiya completely immersed in a certain world, Naoki Kaguya could only patiently deal with the young lady beside him.

He didn't take off his mask, but he still had a cool temperament.

The neglected Jiraiya.jpg

Kaguya Naoki in Gentle Country.jpg


Instead of sinking into the land of gentleness, Kaguya Naoki's whirlpool physique is still sensing the hills of the Akatsuki organization.

Chakra is gathering!

As soon as one hand found the key part, Naoki Kaguya stood up immediately.


"problem occurs."

"What can happen?"

Jiraiya's face darkened.

"You can not?"

"I mean, Nagato."

"I can feel chakra in my body."

Jiraiya looked solemn and stood up immediately.



"Lord Yahiko, thank you!"

Yahiko put the box down, smiled and waved his hand, not taking credit.

Just when he turned around, he saw a figure, his face darkened.

This is the spy who was observed by Jiraiya-sensei.

This guy is still here searching for information!

When Yahiko thought of this, he finally stopped because Teacher Jiraiya did not allow him to alert others.

It's just that there seems to be some, right?


Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, a thin thread appeared from the ninja's hand, and countless detonating symbols flew into the camp in an instant.

"Back off, back off!"

Splashing mud, flying corpses, and thick black smoke exploded in front of Yahiko in an instant.

There is no time to be sad or have other emotions.

He just yelled subconsciously!


Nagato rushed out of the tent, and just as he was about to rise to Yahiko's side, he heard the sound of wind tearing through the air again.

Swish swish swish!

Nagato turned his head and followed the sound.

The overwhelming kunai rushed over like a densely woven dark cloud.


The black raindrops symbolizing the breath of death are about to fall over the tent.


There are also spies who suddenly burst out in the camp, also delivering a message called death.

Nagato was almost desperate.

"Don't be stupid!"

The rising golden chains soared into the sky, bringing with them a rain of blood.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nagato, who somehow regained hope, roared and rushed towards the black iron rain.

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