Scorpion did not leave the materials of the"corpse vein" in the hands of puppet number four. He put them into a flying puppet and mailed them to the main body of the Snow Country.

Puppet number four only needs to collect materials and does not need to transform or create combat puppets.

The main body will send these things.

In addition, it is responsible for observing the body structure of living bloodline limits like Bai and the circulation of chakra.

Record these data and transmit them to the main body


When the scorpion fell from the sky, Bai, who was guarding the cave entrance, stood up immediately. Seeing the scorpion returning intact, he breathed a sigh of relief and shouted respectfully:

"Next time you don't have to wait for me, you can rest first~"

Scorpion glanced at Bai and said calmly

"The master hasn't come back yet, I'm a little worried and can't sleep~"

Bai secretly glanced at Xie's expressionless face and explained in a low voice

""Go to sleep~"

Scorpion nodded slightly and said softly.

After that, he walked into the cave and sat cross-legged by himself.

He adjusted the puppet to dormant state.

As long as the monitoring puppet in the air did not find the enemy, the body would not move.

Bai glanced at the resting Scorpion, carefully took out a thin blanket from his bag and covered Scorpion, then returned to his corner and began to rest.

Scorpion slowly opened his eyes and looked at Bai who was resting. There was no spirit in the dark and calm eyes of the puppet, and it closed again after a moment.

The cave was quiet again.

A speechless night

Late at night, the Kirigakure ninja stationed in the west also received news that one of the Hyuga clan

's bases had been destroyed. Upon hearing the news, the Hyuga clan leader violently beat a Kirigakure ninja to death with a hammer. The protruding white bone spurs were still stained with the ninja's blood, and he retracted them into his body without restraint. His face was full of bloodthirsty murderous intent, and he stared at the other two ninjas who came to deliver the message.

"If the two of you are also saying this nonsense, then you can also go on your way!"

The head of the Kaguya clan tilted his head slightly, and his tall figure looked down at the two Anbu ninjas who were reporting the news. While speaking, he licked the blood on his hands with his tongue, and ignored the blood that was gradually spreading from the corpses on the ground.

This weird picture was full of an invisible sense of oppression.

The most important thing is that there are these tall guys sitting around, each of them has a very aggressive look, like a wild beast, staring at the two of them.

It seems that the Anbu of the Hidden Mist Village and their Kaguya clan are not the same group of people.

This group of lunatics is getting more and more presumptuous!!!

In the past, when the Mist Shadow Village was normal, the Kaguya clan did not dare to do this.

But since the Fourth Mizukage began to use this After the group of lunatics, the whole village began to change and move towards extremes. Everything was based on strength, and no longer cared about any feelings.

The massacre of teammates became commonplace and a tradition of the Hidden Mist Village.

It was crazy!

Not to mention the massacre of families with bloodline limits, which just fits the worldview of the Kaguya clan that the strong survive.

The Anbu ninja of the Hidden Mist Village suppressed the grief and anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice:"My lord, in addition to the attack on the base, all your clansmen have disappeared. It is suspected that they were captured by the other party or their bodies were collected. The other party used poisoning. The ground of the entire base is full of extremely terrible poisons. The medical team is analyzing it, and it will take some time to get the results!"

"This is all nonsense again. If you are not still useful, I will kill you all. Get out of here~"

The head of the Kaguya clan sneered, and seemed to be extremely disdainful of these Anbu, and said in a cold voice


The remaining two Anbu cleaned up the bodies of their teammates and walked out of the tent.

When these Anbu walked away, the sneer and disdain on the face of the head of the Kaguya clan slowly subsided, his eyes were a little gloomy, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

He suspected that this matter was related to the Fourth Mizukage.

He knew about the massacre of the bloodline limit in the Mist Shadow Village, and he even personally took action to kill those old guys who he didn't like in the past.

But the head of the Kaguya clan was not really a tough guy, he still had some intelligence.

He had clearly felt that the villagers had ideas about their clan, but they were afraid of their strength and had not taken action.

This time, such an accident happened suddenly, which was too coincidental.

He had to doubt it.

"It seems that we should make plans early."

The head of the Kaguya clan looked at the little guy in a cage not far away and narrowed his eyes. With this excellent offspring with perfect corpse veins, it is possible for him to kill the Fourth Mizukage and those conservative old guys and seize the Hidden Mist Village.

Others can be Mizukage, why can't he?!

"After all, the world still speaks with fists!"

The head of the Kaguya clan clenched his fists, snorted coldly, and said in a low voice.

Then he put aside these little thoughts.

At least for now, the cooperation with the Fourth Mizukage is still very pleasant. It is not appropriate to turn against him.

We have to wait until those conservative old guys in the Mist Shadow Village are dealt with, and it will be more appropriate to turn against him!

"Drink, and tomorrow we will use the blood of our enemies to avenge our people!"

The head of the Hyuga clan raised the wine jug beside him and laughed wildly at the people present.


The other members of the Hyuga clan were really tough guys. They also raised their wine jugs high. They did not feel any sadness after their clan members were killed. Instead, they roared with excitement.

Among this group of people, the only exception was the boy who was huddled in a cage. Judging from his height, he should be less than ten years old, and he might even be seven or eight years old. He was different from this group of guys who were not very smart and had bloodthirsty minds.

His eyes were relatively peaceful, and his hair was not black, but pure white. He hugged his legs slightly and looked at this group of crazy and bloodthirsty clan members calmly. He seemed a little out of place.

His name was Hyuga Kimimaro. He was the only one in the Hyuga clan who had a perfect"corpse vein" bloodline limit, and his white hair proved this.

From his birth, all the members of the Hyuga clan understood.

The strongest weapon and shield in their clan was born!

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