Most of the time, ninja wars are still based on cold weapons, supplemented by ninjutsu.

Even the jonin rarely release ninjutsu right away. On a battlefield with thousands of people, once too many ninjutsu are used and the chakra is insufficient, the end will be extremely miserable. Under siege, even the masters of the shadow level will have to die on the spot, because most of the ninjas are very fragile.

The fancy ninjutsu in the original work are mostly battles between the protagonists.

Whether it is the twelve little strong men, or those who participated in the Chunin assessment, or those trained by Orochimaru, they are basically elites and geniuses with excellent talents. They are cultivated by a village and a force.

Naturally different.

For ordinary ninjas, it is already very difficult to know one or two ninjutsu.

Especially those small ninja villages, they don’t even have a B-level ninjutsu, so they have developed many strange and weird secrets.

This is the tragedy of these small ninja villages.

The ninja village in the Grass Country is pretty good. It has become the top fighter of Konoha by relying on Konoha’s thigh.

Basically, there was no shortage of weapons and equipment such as detonating talismans.

Standing in the distance and looking at it, you can see countless kunai flying through the air, falling on the ground like rain, and the Kaguya clan activated their bloodline limit"corpse bone veins" one by one, with pale white bone spurs protruding, protecting their bodies, and with bloodthirsty killing intent in their eyes, they rushed towards the defense line of the Kusagakure Village like wild beasts.

The detonating talismans formed a defense line and exploded instantly, with balls of flames blooming and smoke rising.

Scorpion and Bai stood on the cliff in the distance and watched this scene.

He calculated in his mind how long it would take to raze this battlefield to the ground and end the war if he opened fire at full power.

But after a moment, he stopped thinking about this.

Because there was no point in thinking about this, his real opponents had never been these"ordinary people".

The war in the ninja world was never decided by the difference in numbers.

What can decide the outcome is always the personal strength.

Similar to the Golden Flash, AB combination, Konoha White Fang, etc., their role on the battlefield is equivalent to nuclear weapons, with amazing destructive power.

It is difficult for ordinary ninjas to cause trouble to elites like them, unless they really send out an army of tens of thousands of people to surround and attack them, and the opponent fights to the death and is exhausted to death.

But the combat power has risen to the level of Senju Hashirama~

It really doesn't make sense to consider these~

Scorpion muttered in his heart, and then looked at Bai who looked a little moved. After all, he is still a child, such a tragic battlefield scene.

It is the first time for Bai to see it, and it is normal to be shocked and afraid

"Let's go~"

Scorpion reached out and patted Bai's head gently, reminding him.

After that, he walked towards the direction of the Land of Grass. He was very concerned about the physique of the Uzumaki clan.

Because the physique of this clan is quite special, it can be regarded as a special immortal body.

Scorpion thinks that the immortal body of Hashirama Senju is not due to blood, but because of Asura's chakra, plus Hashirama Senju's own practice and the intensification of immortal arts~

The specific reason cannot be studied in detail.

However, the physique of the Uzumaki clan is inherited from generation to generation. They have unparalleled chakra and huge vitality comparable to the tailed beasts.

Even the Samsara Eye can be transplanted and controlled. Even if the burden is extremely heavy, they can still survive and develop it to a very high level.

This point.

Nagato, the big brother of the Akatsuki organization, is very convincing.

So Sasori has a lot of ideas about the body of this clan. Maybe his research on the living cells of Hashirama Senju and the Sharingan, the last key will fall into the hands of the Uzumaki clan.

There is no way to do it with big brother Nagato.

As for Uzumaki Naruto, his body is no longer the pure Uzumaki clan bloodline, and it has been transformed by the powerful genes of the Fourth Hokage.

After all, that little yellow hair is too dazzling.

His chakra is so strong.

Sasori guessed that it was brought by Ashura Chakra, and the physique of the Uzumaki clan was just added.

After all, Uzumaki Naruto does not have several abilities that are unique to the Uzumaki clan. Except for the huge chakra, there is no similarity in other things.

"Sir, are we going to the Land of Grass?

Bai quickly caught up with Scorpion, blinked his clear black eyes, looked at Scorpion through the same glasses as a girl, and asked

"Well, go find a few people, I hope we can get some results~"

Scorpion nodded slightly and said softly

"Are you also a person with a bloodline limit like me?"

Bai asked curiously.

"Well, the orphans of the Uzumaki clan, their characteristic is red hair, and their own chakra is extremely large. Even if they are the same age as you, their chakra is dozens of times more than yours, so they are easy to recognize."

Scorpion nodded and said

"Dozens of times?!"

Bai was a little confused. Is it so exaggerated?

Scorpion naturally knew what was in Bai's mind, and he was also moved.

Maybe the Uzumaki clan is the real successor of the immortal body, not the reincarnation of Hashirama Senju.

Think about this clan. It's also a tragedy.

The once powerful Uzumaki clan and the country, because of the alliance with Konoha, ended up with a broken family and a few kittens. The tragedy is beyond description.

In terms of turning against people, Konoha Village can be said to be the strongest in the world.

Uchiha clan, Uzumaki clan, Hyuga clan

Among them, the Hyuga clan is better.

This may be related to the system of the Hyuga clan itself. The system of the main family and the branch family makes the Hyuga clan not united, and there is a distinction between superiors and subordinates. If there is no such system, like the Uchiha clan, it is estimated that the final ending of the Hyuga clan will be similar to that of the Uchiha clan.

Of course, this requires a premise: the third generation Hokage and Danzo are still alive.

These two guys who inherited the iron-blooded thinking of the second generation Hokage, one is the good guy and the other is the bad guy.

It is really a perfect match.

If the second generation Hokage had the strength of Senju Hashirama, perhaps the whole ninja world would be peaceful~

In the end.

This matter can only be blamed on Senju Hashirama for being a fool.

His mind is full of love and peace, why not join the Rocket Team? He has been fighting in the Warring States for so many years, but his mind is still as naive as a child, and his mind is full of strange ideas about falling in love with Madara and starting a family.

The tailed beasts became the most tragic victims.

They were sleeping well at home, but they were captured and sent to various ninja villages as nuclear threats.


Scorpion was too lazy to complain, so he nodded slightly, responded to Bai's shock, and continued to walk forward, hoping to gain something this time.~~~~

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