Kusagakure Village.

At the door of a small house some distance from the center of the village.

A little red-haired girl, about two or three years younger than Bai, was timidly grabbing the door. Her red pupils were as clear as red agate. She was wearing simple clothes and barefoot. She seemed to have no money to buy shoes. Except for her clean face, she was dirty like a beggar.

The other party looked at the big brother who suddenly appeared at the door, and her voice was involuntarily filled with fear and fear, and she whispered:"Mom has passed away."

The little girl was very shy and afraid of strangers. After she finished speaking, she took the initiative to close the door.


But the door was not so easy to close, because the stern-looking black-haired young man in front of him had already stretched out his hand to block the door.

With the strength of the little loli in front of him, it was impossible for her to resist.

"Your name is Karin?"

The black-haired young man asked the little girl who was only as tall as his thigh.

The person who came was naturally Scorpion who came to look for the orphan of the Uzumaki clan. After asking around (catching ninjas to ask), he entered the Kusagakure Village and observed for a while before easily finding the mother and daughter of the Uzumaki clan living in the corner.

The mother and daughter had been kept captive by the Kusagakure Village and imprisoned in this area.

There were also several ninjas guarding them.

Usually, the Kusagakure Village used the special physique of the Uzumaki clan to heal injuries, speed up the recovery of injuries, and maintain the durability of the village's combat power.

This mother and daughter Although they have a huge amount of chakra and strong vitality, it's a pity that they don't know how to use it.

They can only become special medical consumables.

After confirming the identities of the mother and daughter,

Scorpion remembered the plot of the original work.

Uzumaki Karin did have a mother, and she did die in the end, and her death was extremely tragic. Her chakra and vitality were directly sucked dry by the ninjas of Kusagakure.

The huge chakra and vitality that were enough to support the Samsara Eye were sucked dry just like that.

It can be seen how much Kusagakure doesn't regard the mother and daughter as human beings.

And the most ridiculous thing is that

Kusagakure is an allied village of Konoha and is considered a younger brother.~

"You... What are you going to do?"

The little girl Uzumaki Karin was obviously frightened by the stern-looking Scorpion in front of her. She instinctively took a step back and looked at the Scorpion timidly. She seemed to think of the bite marks on her mother's arm. She hugged her arm in fear and trembled.

"I'll take you and your mother away from here."

Scorpion walked into the house, closed the door, looked at the little loli who was afraid of him, and said softly.

After that, he looked around the furnishings in the house.

A small house.

It was similar to Uzumaki Naruto's situation in Konoha, both of them were treated as tools.


The little girl was slightly stunned when she heard this, and then she blinked her beautiful red agate eyes, and stood aside timidly, as if she did not believe what Scorpion said, but at the same time, there was a bit of hope in her eyes, as if she wanted to leave here.

Although Uzumaki Karin was still young, she understood that her mother's life of going out early and returning late every day was very tiring.

And the bite marks on her arm left an indelible shadow in her heart.

"I'm the same as those people. I'm not interested in biting people."

Scorpion looked at the little Lolita and said softly.

He has always been patient and kind to children.

In the whole Naruto world, only children have relatively pure hearts.

Of course, when they grow up, it's different.

Just like Uchiha Itachi, he has the thinking of adults at the age of eleven or twelve, and being too precocious will only give birth to a distorted worldview.

In fact, these have nothing to do with Uchiha Itachi himself.

The world, village and educational experience he lives in determine that his worldview cannot be the same as that of normal people.

Using Kaneki's words: It's not me who is wrong, but this world.

Unless this world is changed and made into a world ruled by law like the modern world.

Without the checks and balances of the law and the powerful suppression and deterrence of force.

Nothing will change.

Because human nature will always be the most complicated and darkest thing in the world~

Maybe in the future Scorpion will try to change the world, but it is definitely not now

"bigIs Big Brother from outside the village?"

Little Loli Karin hesitated for a moment, pursed her rosy lips, and asked in a low voice.

""Hmm~ How long have you and your mother been here? How did you get here?"

Scorpion withdrew his gaze from the small shabby house and looked back at Karin, asking softly.

"I've been here for a long time. Because there was no food, my mother took me to the Kusagakure Village."

Karin seemed to feel that Scorpion had no ill intentions, but she was still a little wary and fearful. She explained in a low voice while keeping a distance from Scorpion.

Although this distance seemed useless,

Scorpion also maintained a safe distance between the two sides and did not get close, allowing Karin to maintain the sense of security she thought

"However, my mother has to take care of their illnesses. She said this is the price of food and shelter."

Karin seemed to have thought of something, her eyes dimmed, and she spoke softly, clenching her fists tightly.

"Why don't you go to Konoha Village?"

Scorpion asked the question in his mind.


Little Karin shook her head. It was obvious that she didn't know much about this. After all, she was still a little loli who hadn't grown up.

"Are you hungry?"

Scorpion took out a piece of barbecue from the space scroll, and dangled it in front of little Karin, tempting her.

Little Karin looked at the barbecue in Scorpion's hand and swallowed her saliva unwillingly. She couldn't remember when she had eaten meat. She was already satisfied with a piece of sesame seed cake every day.

As for whether she was starving to death, it all depended on the physique of the Whirlpool Clan.

Little Karin seemed to want to reach out and take it, but thinking of her mother's teachings, she shook her head violently and retracted her hand.

Her mother said that you can't take other people's things casually, because the other party will not be nice to you for no reason.

"Eat it, it's not poisonous. If I really want to bully you, do you think you can beat me?"

Scorpion shook his head and threw the barbecue in his hand over, saying at the same time.

Xiao Xianglin smelled the strong meaty aroma, and his body caught it unwillingly, then stared at the barbecue in his hand in a daze. After a moment, he took a careful bite, and then, like crazy, he stuffed the barbecue into his mouth, like a starving ghost reincarnated.


Scorpion looked at this scene and shook his head.

The misery of the Uzumaki clan can only be blamed on the fact that they trusted the wrong people.

There is no integrity in the covenant between forces. Without sufficient power to deter, the Uzumaki clan will only become a thorn in the eyes of others and a meal.

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